This tutorial will give you an overview of how to analyze neuron morphology. See the API reference for a complete list of available functions/methods.

Disclaimer: As you might imagine some properties can be gathered for all/most neuron types while others will only work on specific types. For example, topological properties such as cable length, branch points, etc. are easy to get for a skeleton (i.e. a TreeNeuron) but not for an image (i.e. a VoxelNeuron). Make sure to check the respective function’s docstring for details!

Basic Properties

navis provides some basic morphometrics as neuron properties. Others need to be computed using a specific function (e.g. tortuosity()) - mostly because they require/allow some parameters to be set.

With that in mind, let’s dive right in:

import navis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

Accessing attributes for a single neuron:

# Load a single skeleton (i.e. a TreeNeuron)
n = navis.example_neurons(n=1, kind='skeleton')

If your neuron has its units properties set, you can also combine those:

print((n.cable_length * n.units).to('microns'))
2131.815 micron

Accessing the same properties via a NeuronList will return an array:

# Load a couple skeletons
nl = navis.example_neurons(kind='skeleton')
[266476.88 304332.66 274703.38 286522.47 291265.3 ]
[599 735 633 696 626]

navis.NeuronList.summary() is a useful way to collect some of the basic parameters:

df = nl.summary()
type name id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 navis.TreeNeuron 1734350788 1734350788 4465 2705 599 618 266476.87500 [4177] 8 nanometer
1 navis.TreeNeuron 1734350908 1734350908 4847 3042 735 761 304332.65625 [6] 8 nanometer
2 navis.TreeNeuron 722817260 722817260 4332 3136 633 656 274703.37500 None 8 nanometer
3 navis.TreeNeuron 754534424 754534424 4696 3010 696 726 286522.46875 [4] 8 nanometer
4 navis.TreeNeuron 754538881 754538881 4881 2943 626 642 291265.31250 [701] 8 nanometer

For MeshNeurons the available properties look different. For example, you can get its volume:

# Load a single MeshNeuron
m = navis.example_neurons(n=1, kind='mesh')

For topological properties, we need to convert to skeleton. The fastest way is to simply access the MeshNeuron’s .skeleton property:


The above .skeleton property is simply an automatically generated TreeNeuron representation of the mesh. It uses sensible defaults but as said initially: it’s good practice to create and check the skeleton yourself via navis.skeletonize().

Importantly, some navis functions (e.g. navis.segment_analysis(), see below) that accept MeshNeurons as input, really use this skeleton representation under-the-hood.

The skeleton representation of the mesh lets us access many toplogical properties:


You may have already noticed here and in other examples the use of n_{property} (e.g. n.n_leafs). These are in fact generic: you can use any n_... and - assuming that property exists - navis will return a count:

# Illustrate with a random property
m.my_counts = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Segment Analysis

navis.segment_analysis() is a great entry point for collecting a bunch of morphometrics for your neuron(s) of interest. It returns Strahler index, cable length, distance to root, radius and tortuosity for each linear segment:

sa = navis.segment_analysis(m)
length tortuosity root_dist strahler_index radius_mean radius_min radius_max volume
0 84.610286 1.320717 7083.656132 1 61.481414 11.867318 148.842288 1.420165e+06
1 276.524917 2.589908 41381.328436 1 58.348518 3.699802 165.413996 6.111648e+06
2 141.448954 1.079153 12560.860744 1 86.103133 24.133240 156.117439 4.873987e+06
3 59.935134 1.122367 11144.594281 1 32.241229 3.699802 85.624280 4.333826e+05
4 141.513383 1.362527 38527.170130 1 44.703457 9.421692 139.731548 1.472218e+06
# See if segment length correlates with radius
ax = sns.scatterplot(data=sa, x='length', y='radius_mean', size='strahler_index', alpha=.7)

Sholl Analysis

For an example of a Sholl analyses, check out the MICrONS tutorial.

Geodesic Distances

Working with Euclidean distances is straight forward and we won’t cover this extensively but here is an example where we are measuring the average distances between a node and its parent (= the sampling rate):

import numpy as np

# Get nodes but remove the root (has no parent)
nodes = nl[0].nodes[nl[0].nodes.parent_id > 0]

# Get the x/y/z coordinates of all nodes (except root)
node_locs = nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values

# For each node, get its parent's location
parent_locs = nl[0].nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[nodes.parent_id.values, ['x', 'y', 'z']].values

# Calculate Euclidian distances
distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((node_locs - parent_locs)**2, axis=1))

# Use the neuron's units to convert into nm
distances = distances * nl[0].units

print(f'Mean distance between nodes: {np.mean(distances):.2f} (+/- {np.std(distances):.2f})')
Mean distance between nodes: 477.56 nanometer (+/- 361.10 nanometer)

What if you wanted to know the distance between the soma and all terminal nodes? In that case Euclidean distance would be insufficient as the neuron is not a straight line. Instead, you need the geodesic, the “along-the-arbor” distance.

navis comes with a couple functions that help you get geodesic distances. For single node-to-node queries, dist_between() should be sufficient:

n = nl[0]

end = n.nodes[n.nodes.type == 'end'].node_id.values[0]

d_geo = navis.dist_between(n, n.soma, end) * n.units

print(f'Euclidean distance between soma and terminal node {end}: {d_geo:.2f}')
Euclidean distance between soma and terminal node 465: 444096.17 nanometer

Let’s visualise this:

import networkx as nx

# First we need to find the path between the soma and the terminal node
path = nx.shortest_path(n.graph.to_undirected(), n.soma[0], end)

# Get coordinates for the path
path_co = n.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[path, ['x', 'y', 'z']].copy()

# Add a small offset
path_co.x += 500
path_co.y -= 500

# Plot neuron
fig, ax = navis.plot2d(n, c='blue', method='2d', view=('x', '-z'))

# Add geodesic path
ax.plot(path_co.x, -path_co.z, c='r', ls='--')

# Add Euclidian path
end_loc = n.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[end, ['x', 'y', 'z']]
soma_loc = n.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[n.soma[0], ['x', 'y', 'z']]
ax.plot([soma_loc.x, end_loc.x], [-soma_loc.z, -end_loc.z], c='g', ls='--')

d_eucl = np.sqrt(np.sum((end_loc - soma_loc)**2)) * n.units

# Annotate distances
_ = ax.text(x=0.1, y=.3, s=f'Euclidean distance:\n{d_eucl.to_compact():.0f}', transform=ax.transAxes, c='g')
_ = ax.text(x=.85, y=.5, s=f'Geodesic distance:\n{d_geo.to_compact():.0f}', transform=ax.transAxes, c='r', ha='right')

If you want to look at geodesic distances across many nodes, you should consider using geodesic_matrix(). To demonstrate, let’s generate a geodesic distance matrix between all terminal nodes:

# Calculate distances from all end nodes to all other nodes
ends = n.nodes[n.nodes.type=='end'].node_id.values
m = navis.geodesic_matrix(n, from_=ends)

# Subset to only end-nodes-to-end_nodes
m = m.loc[ends, ends]

465 548 618 683 745 789 832 872 911 949 ... 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465
465 0.000000 54395.706752 53556.405732 54489.728022 53685.768456 52679.982779 53139.882271 20944.502247 53065.272557 53873.631365 ... 50402.960991 50363.976517 49936.090104 49895.070897 55185.275744 54742.764466 55158.505486 55950.521492 56111.790505 55266.165581
548 54395.706752 0.000000 8980.969668 10787.026090 6228.693973 6866.540223 8564.446208 37619.898765 8489.836493 6416.556882 ... 4589.518435 5788.540454 5360.654040 5319.634833 12127.772206 11685.260928 12101.001948 12893.017955 13054.286967 12208.662044
618 53556.405732 8980.969668 0.000000 9947.725069 8271.031372 7265.245695 4698.465309 36780.597744 3951.850620 8458.894281 ... 4988.223907 4060.795593 3828.188293 3866.356197 11288.471186 10845.959908 11261.700928 12053.716934 12214.985947 11369.361023
683 54489.728022 10787.026090 9947.725069 0.000000 10077.087793 9071.302116 9531.201609 37713.920034 9456.591894 10264.950703 ... 6794.280329 6755.295855 6327.409441 6286.390234 12221.793476 11779.282198 12195.023218 12987.039225 13148.308237 12302.683313
745 53685.768456 6228.693973 8271.031372 10077.087793 0.000000 6156.601927 7854.507912 36909.960468 7779.898197 4485.482889 ... 3879.580139 5078.602158 4650.715744 4609.696537 11417.833910 10975.322632 11391.063652 12183.079659 12344.348671 11498.723747

5 rows × 618 columns

Let’s see if we can visualize any clusters using a seaborn clustermap:

import seaborn as sns

from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform

# Generate a linkage from the distances
Z = linkage(squareform(m, checks=False), method='ward')

# Plot
cm = sns.clustermap(m, cmap='Greys', col_linkage=Z, row_linkage=Z)


As you can see in the heatmap, the dendrites and the axon nicely separate.

That’s it for now! Please see the NBLAST tutorial for morphological comparisons using NBLAST and the API for a full list of morphology-related functions.