Source code for navis.connectivity.adjacency

from typing import Iterable, Optional, NamedTuple
from ..core import TreeNeuron
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from ..config import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)


class Edge(NamedTuple):
    connector_id: int
    source_name: str
    target_name: str
    source_node: Optional[int]
    target_node: Optional[int]

[docs] class NeuronConnector: """Class which creates a connectivity graph from a set of neurons. Connectivity is determined by shared IDs in the ``connectors`` table. Add neurons with the `add_neuron` and `add_neurons` methods. Alternatively, supply an iterable of neurons in the constructor. Neurons must have unique names. See the `to_(multi)digraph` method for output. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nrns: Optional[Iterable[TreeNeuron]] = None) -> None: self.neurons = dict() self.connector_xyz = dict() # connectors and the treenodes presynaptic to them self.conn_inputs = dict() # connectors and the treenodes postsynaptic to them self.conn_outputs = dict() if nrns is not None: self.add_neurons(nrns)
def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.neurons) def add_neurons(self, nrns: Iterable[TreeNeuron]): """Add several neurons to the connector. All neurons must have unique names. Parameters ---------- nrns : Iterable[TreeNeuron] Returns ------- Modified connector. """ for nrn in nrns: self.add_neuron(nrn) return self def add_neuron(self, nrn: TreeNeuron): """Add a single neuron to the connector. All neurons must have unique names. Parameters ---------- nrn : TreeNeuron Returns ------- Modified connector. """ if in self.neurons: logger.warning( "Neuron with name %s has already been added to NeuronConnector. " "These will occupy the same node in the graph, " "but have connectors from both.", ) self.neurons[] = nrn if nrn.connectors is None: logger.warning("Neuron with name %s has no connector information", return self for row in nrn.connectors.itertuples(): # connector_id, node_id, x, y, z, is_input self.connector_xyz[row.connector_id] = (row.x, row.y, row.z) if row.type == 1: self.conn_outputs.setdefault(row.connector_id, []).append((, row.node_id)) elif row.type == 0: if row.connector_id in self.conn_inputs: logger.warning( "Connector with ID %s has multiple inputs: " "connector tables are probably inconsistent", row.connector_id ) self.conn_inputs[row.connector_id] = (, row.node_id) return self def edges(self, include_other=True) -> Iterable[Edge]: """Iterate through all synapse edges. Parameters ---------- include_other : bool, optional Include edges for which only one partner is known, by default True. If included, the name of the unknown partner will be ``"__OTHER__"``, and the treenode ID will be None. Yields ------ tuple[int, str, str, int, int] Connector ID, source name, target name, source treenode, target treenode. """ for conn_id in set(self.conn_inputs).union(self.conn_outputs): src, src_node = self.conn_inputs.get(conn_id, (OTHER, None)) if src_node is None and not include_other: continue for tgt, tgt_node in self.conn_outputs.get(conn_id, [(OTHER, None)]): if tgt_node is None and not include_other: continue yield Edge(conn_id, src, tgt, src_node, tgt_node) def to_adjacency(self, include_other=True) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create an adjacency matrix of neuron connectivity. Parameters ---------- include_other : bool, optional Whether to include a node called ``"__OTHER__"``, which represents all unknown partners. By default True. This can be helpful when calculating a neuron's input fraction, but cannot be used for output fractions if synapses are polyadic. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Row index is source neuron name, column index is target neuron name, cells are the number of synapses from source to target. """ index = list(self.neurons) if include_other: index.append(OTHER) data = np.zeros((len(index), len(index)), np.uint64) df = pd.DataFrame(data, index, index) for _, src, tgt, _, _ in self.edges(include_other): df[tgt][src] += 1 return df def to_digraph(self, include_other=True) -> nx.DiGraph: """Create a graph of neuron connectivity. Parameters ---------- include_other : bool, optional Whether to include a node called ``"__OTHER__"``, which represents all unknown partners. By default True. This can be helpful when calculating a neuron's input fraction, but cannot be used for output fractions if synapses are polyadic. Returns ------- nx.DiGraph The graph has data ``{"connector_xyz": {connector_id: (x, y, z), ...}}``. The nodes have data ``{"neuron": tree_neuron}``. The edges have data ``{"connectors": data_frame, "weight": n_connectors}``, where the connectors data frame has columns "connector_id", "pre_node", "post_node". """ g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from((k, {"neuron": v}) for k, v in self.neurons.items()) if include_other: g.add_node(OTHER, neuron=None) g.graph["connector_xyz"] = self.connector_xyz headers = { "connector_id": pd.UInt64Dtype(), "pre_node": pd.UInt64Dtype(), "post_node": pd.UInt64Dtype(), } edges = dict() for conn_id, src, tgt, src_node, tgt_node in self.edges(include_other): edges.setdefault((src, tgt), []).append([conn_id, src_node, tgt_node]) for (src, tgt), rows in edges.items(): df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=list(headers), dtype=object) df = df_tmp.astype(headers, copy=False) g.add_edge(src, tgt, connectors=df, weight=len(df)) return g def to_multidigraph(self, include_other=True) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: """Create a graph of neuron connectivity where each synapse is an edge. Parameters ---------- include_other : bool, optional Whether to include a node called ``"__OTHER__"``, which represents all unknown partners. By default True. This can be helpful when calculating a neuron's input fraction, but cannot be used for output fractions if synapses are polyadic. Returns ------- nx.MultiDiGraph The nodes have data ``{"neuron": tree_neuron}``. The edges have data ``{"pre_node": presyn_treenode_id, "post_node": postsyn_treenode_id, "xyz": connector_location, "connector_id": conn_id}``. """ g = nx.MultiDiGraph() g.add_nodes_from((k, {"neuron": v}) for k, v in self.neurons.items()) if include_other: g.add_node(OTHER, neuron=None) for conn_id, src, tgt, src_node, tgt_node in self.edges(include_other): g.add_edge( src, tgt, pre_node=src_node, post_node=tgt_node, xyz=self.connector_xyz[conn_id], connector_id=conn_id, ) return g