Source code for navis.graph.converters

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import scipy.spatial
import scipy.sparse

from typing import Union, Optional, List, Iterable

    import igraph
except ImportError:
    igraph = None

from .. import config, core

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

__all__ = sorted(['network2nx', 'network2igraph', 'neuron2igraph', 'nx2neuron',
                  'neuron2nx', 'neuron2KDTree', 'neuron2tangents'])

def neuron2tangents(x: 'core.NeuronObject') -> 'core.Dotprops':
    """Turn TreeNeuron into an tangent vectors.

    This will drop zero-length vectors (i.e when node and parent occupy the
    exact same position).

    x :         TreeNeuron | NeuronList

    points :    (N, 3) array
                Midpoints for each child->parent node pair.
    vect :      (N, 3) array
                Normalized child-> parent vectors.
    length :    (N, ) array
                Distance between parent and child

    >>> import navis
    >>> n = navis.example_neurons(1)
    >>> t = navis.neuron2tangents(n)

    if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList):
        return [neuron2tangents(n) for n in x]
    elif not isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron):
        raise TypeError(f'Expected TreeNeuron/List, got "{type(x)}"')

    # Collect nodes
    nodes = x.nodes[x.nodes.parent_id >= 0]

    # Get child->parent vectors
    parent_locs = x.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[nodes.parent_id,
                                                   ['x', 'y', 'z']].values
    child_locs = nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values
    vect = child_locs - parent_locs

    # Get mid point
    points = child_locs + (parent_locs - child_locs) / 2

    # Get length
    length = np.sqrt(np.sum(vect ** 2, axis=1))

    # Drop zero length points
    points = points[length != 0]
    vect = vect[length != 0]
    length = length[length != 0]

    # Normalize vector
    vect = vect / np.linalg.norm(vect, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)

    return points, vect, length

[docs] def network2nx(x: Union[pd.DataFrame, Iterable], threshold: Optional[float] = None, group_by: Union[dict, None] = None) -> nx.DiGraph: """Generate NetworkX graph from edge list or adjacency. Parameters ---------- x : pandas.DataFrame Connectivity information: 1. List of edges (columns: 'source', 'target', 'weight') 2. Adjacency matrix (pd.DataFrame, rows=sources, columns=targets) threshold : float | int, optional Connections weaker than this will be excluded. group_by : None | dict, optional Provide a dictionary ``{group_name: [skid1, skid2, ...]}`` to collapse sets of nodes into groups. Returns ------- networkx.DiGraph NetworkX representation of the network. """ if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): present = [c in x.columns for c in ['source', 'target', 'weight']] if all(present): edges = x[['source', 'target', 'weight']].values else: # Assume it's an adjacency matrix ix_name = if else 'index' edges = x.reset_index(inplace=False, drop=False).melt(id_vars=ix_name).values elif isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)): edges = np.array(x) else: raise TypeError(f'Expected numpy array or pandas DataFrame, got "{type(x)}"') if edges.ndim != 2 or edges.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Edges must be (N, 3) array containing source, ' 'target, weight') if not isinstance(threshold, (type(None), bool)): edges = edges[edges[:, 2] >= threshold] # Generate graph and assign custom properties g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) # Group nodes if group_by: for n, skids in group_by.items(): # First collapse all nodes into the first of each group for s in skids[1:]: g = nx.contracted_nodes(g, str(skids[0]), str(s)) # Now relabel the first node g = nx.relabel_nodes(g, {str(skids[0]): str(n)}) g.nodes[str(n)]['neuron_name'] = str(n) return g
[docs] def network2igraph(x: Union[pd.DataFrame, Iterable], threshold: Optional[float] = None) -> 'igraph.Graph': """Generate iGraph graph from edge list or adjacency. Requires iGraph to be installed. Parameters ---------- x : pandas.DataFrame | np.array Connectivity information: 1. List of edges (columns: 'source', 'target', 'weight') 2. Adjacency matrix (pd.DataFrame, rows=sources, columns=targets) threshold : float | int, optional Connections weaker than this will be excluded. Returns ------- igraph.Graph(directed=True) iGraph representation of the network. """ if igraph is None: raise ImportError('igraph must be installed to use this function.') if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): present = [c in x.columns for c in ['source', 'target', 'weight']] if all(present): edges = x[['source', 'target', 'weight']].values else: edges = x.reset_index(inplace=False, drop=False).melt(id_vars='index', inplace=False).values elif isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)): edges = np.array(x) else: raise TypeError(f'Expected numpy array or pandas DataFrame, got "{type(x)}"') if edges.ndim != 2 or edges.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Edges must be (N, 3) array containing source, ' 'target, weight') if not isinstance(threshold, (type(None), bool)): edges = edges[edges[:, 2] >= threshold] names = list(set(np.array(edges)[:, 0]) | set(np.array(edges)[:, 1])) edges_by_index = [[names.index(e[0]), names.index(e[1])] for e in edges] # Generate igraph and assign custom properties g = igraph.Graph(directed=True) g.add_vertices(len(names)) g.add_edges(edges_by_index) g.vs['node_id'] = names # g.vs['neuron_name'] = g.vs['label'] = neuron_names['weight'] = edges[:, 2] return g
[docs] def neuron2nx(x: 'core.NeuronObject') -> nx.DiGraph: """Turn Tree-, Mesh- or VoxelNeuron into an NetworkX graph. Parameters ---------- x : TreeNeuron | MeshNeuron | VoxelNeuron | NeuronList Uses simple 6-connectedness for voxels. Returns ------- graph: networkx.Graph | networkx.DiGraph NetworkX representation of the neuron. Returns list of graphs if x is multiple neurons. Graph is directed for TreeNeurons and undirected for Mesh- and VoxelNeurons. Graph is weighted for Tree- and MeshNeurons. """ if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): return [neuron2nx(x.loc[i]) for i in range(x.shape[0])] if isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): # Collect nodes nodes = x.nodes.set_index('node_id', inplace=False) # Collect edges edges = x.nodes[x.nodes.parent_id >= 0][['node_id', 'parent_id']].values # Collect weight weights = np.sqrt(np.sum((nodes.loc[edges[:, 0], ['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float) - nodes.loc[edges[:, 1], ['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float)) ** 2, axis=1)) # Generate weight dictionary edge_dict = np.array([{'weight': w} for w in weights]) # Add weights to dictionary edges = np.append(edges, edge_dict.reshape(len(edges), 1), axis=1) # Create empty directed Graph G = nx.DiGraph() # Add nodes (in case we have disconnected nodes) G.add_nodes_from(x.nodes.node_id.values) # Add edges G.add_edges_from(edges) elif isinstance(x, core.MeshNeuron): G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(np.arange(x.n_vertices)) edges = [(e[0], e[1], l) for e, l in zip(x.trimesh.edges_unique, x.trimesh.edges_unique_length)] G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) elif isinstance(x, core.VoxelNeuron): # First we need to determine the 6-connecivity between voxels edges = [] # Go over each axis for i in range(3): # Generate an offset of 1 voxel along given axis offset = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) offset[i] = 1 # Combine real and offset voxels vox_off = x.voxels + offset # Find out which voxels overlap (i.e. count == 2 after offset) unique, cnt = np.unique(np.append(x.voxels, vox_off, axis=0), axis=0, return_counts=True) connected = unique[cnt > 1] for vox in connected: edges.append([tuple(vox), tuple(vox - offset)]) G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from([tuple(v) for v in x.voxels]) G.add_edges_from(edges) else: raise ValueError(f'Unable to convert data of type "{type(x)}" to networkx graph.') return G
def _voxels2edges(x, connectivity=18): """Turn VoxelNeuron into an edges. This is function requires scikit-learn to be available. Parameters ---------- x : VoxelNeuron connectivity : 6 | 18 | 26 Connectedness: - 6 = faces - 18 = faces + edges - 26 = faces + edges + vertices Returns ------- edges : (N, 2) numpy array """ # The distances and metric we will use depend on the connectedness METRICS = {6: 'manhattan', 18: 'euclidean', 26: 'chebyshev'} DISTANCES = {6: 1, 18: 1.5, 26: 1} try: from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree except ImportError: raise ImportError('This function requires scikit-learn to be installed.') assert connectivity in (6, 18, 26), f'`connectivity` must be 6, 18 or 26, not "{connectivity}"' assert isinstance(x, core.VoxelNeuron) voxels = x.voxels # Create tree with given distance metric tree = KDTree(voxels, leaf_size=40, metric=METRICS[connectivity]) # Query ball pairs indices = tree.query_radius(voxels, r=DISTANCES[connectivity]) # Collected edges edges = [] for i, hits in enumerate(indices): # Add edges edges += [(i, ix) for ix in hits] edges = np.array(edges) # Drop self-hits edges = edges[edges[:, 0] != edges[:, 1]] # Keep only A->B edges and drop B->A edges edges = np.unique(np.sort(edges, axis=1), axis=0) return edges
[docs] def neuron2igraph(x: 'core.NeuronObject', connectivity=18, raise_not_installed: bool = True) -> 'igraph.Graph': """Turn Tree-, Mesh- or VoxelNeuron(s) into an iGraph graph. Requires iGraph to be installed. Parameters ---------- x : TreeNeuron | MeshNeuron | VoxelNeuron | NeuronList Neuron(s) to convert. connectivity : 6 | 18 | 26 Connectedness for VoxelNeurons: - 6 = faces - 18 = faces + edges - 26 = faces + edges + vertices raise_not_installed : bool If False and igraph is not installed will silently return ``None``. Returns ------- igraph.Graph Representation of the neuron. Returns list of graphs if x is multiple neurons. Directed for TreeNeurons, undirected for MeshNeurons. None If igraph not installed. """ # If iGraph is not installed return nothing if igraph is None: if not raise_not_installed: return None else: raise ImportError('iGraph appears to not be installed (properly). ' 'Make sure "import igraph" works.') if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): return [neuron2igraph(x.loc[i], connectivity=connectivity) for i in range(x.shape[0])] if isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): # Make sure we have correctly numbered indices nodes = x.nodes.reset_index(inplace=False, drop=True) # Generate list of vertices -> this order is retained vlist = nodes.node_id.values # Get list of edges as indices (needs to exclude root node) tn_index_with_parent = nodes.index.values[nodes.parent_id >= 0] parent_ids = nodes.parent_id.values[nodes.parent_id >= 0] nodes['temp_index'] = nodes.index # add temporary index column try: parent_index = nodes.set_index('node_id', inplace=False).loc[parent_ids, 'temp_index'].values except KeyError: miss = nodes[~nodes.parent_id.isin(nodes.node_id)].node_id.unique() raise KeyError(f"{len(miss)} nodes (e.g. {miss[0]}) in TreeNeuron " f"{} connect to non-existent parent nodes.") except BaseException: raise # Generate list of edges based on index of vertices elist = np.vstack((tn_index_with_parent, parent_index)).T # iGraph < 0.8.0 does not like arrays as edge list if getattr(igraph, '__version_info__', (0, 0, 0))[1] < 8: elist = elist.tolist() # Generate graph and assign custom properties G = igraph.Graph(elist, n=len(vlist), directed=True) G.vs['node_id'] = G.vs['name'] = nodes.node_id.values G.vs['parent_id'] = nodes.parent_id.values # Generate weights by calculating edge lengths = distance between nodes tn_coords = nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values[tn_index_with_parent, :] parent_coords = nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values[parent_index.astype(int), :] w = np.sqrt(np.sum((tn_coords - parent_coords) ** 2, axis=1))['weight'] = w elif isinstance(x, core.MeshNeuron): elist = x.trimesh.edges_unique G = igraph.Graph(elist, n=x.n_vertices, directed=False)['weight'] = x.trimesh.edges_unique_length elif isinstance(x, core.VoxelNeuron): edges = _voxels2edges(x, connectivity=connectivity) G = igraph.Graph(edges, n=len(x.voxels), directed=False) else: raise ValueError(f'Unable to convert data of type "{type(x)}" to igraph.') return G
def nx2neuron(g: nx.Graph, root: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, break_cycles: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate node table from NetworkX Graph. This function will try to generate a neuron-like tree structure from the Graph. Therefore the graph must not contain loops! Node attributes (e.g. ``x``, ``y``, ``z``, ``radius``) need to be properties of the graph's nodes. All node property will be added to the neuron's ``.nodes`` table. Parameters ---------- g : networkx.Graph root : str | int | list, optional Node in graph to use as root for neuron. If not provided, will use first node in ``g.nodes``. Ignored if graph consists of several disconnected components. break_cycles : bool The input graph must not contain cycles. We can break them up at risk of disconnecting parts of the graph. **kwargs Keyword arguments are passed to the construction of :class:`~navis.TreeNeuron`. Returns ------- TreeNeuron """ # First some sanity checks if not isinstance(g, nx.Graph): raise TypeError(f'`g` must be NetworkX Graph, got "{type(g)}"') # We need an undirected Graph if isinstance(g, nx.DiGraph): g = g.to_undirected(as_view=True) if not nx.is_forest(g): if not break_cycles: raise TypeError("Graph must be tree-like. You can try setting " "the `cut_cycles` parameter to True.") else: if break_cycles: while True: try: # Find cycle cycle = nx.find_cycle(g) except nx.exception.NetworkXNoCycle: break except BaseException: raise # Sort by degree cycle = sorted(cycle, key=lambda x:[x[0]]) # Remove the edge with the lowest degree g.remove_edge(cycle[0][0], cycle[0][1]) # Ignore root if this is a forest if not nx.is_tree(g): root = None # This effectively makes sure that all edges point in the same direction lop = {} for c in nx.connected_components(g): sg = nx.subgraph(g, c) # Pick a random root if not explicitly provided if not root: r = list(sg.nodes)[0] elif root not in sg.nodes: raise ValueError(f'Node "{root}" not in graph.') else: r = root # Generate parent->child dictionary this_lop = nx.predecessor(sg, r) # Make sure no node has more than one parent if max([len(v) for v in this_lop.values()]) > 1: raise ValueError('Nodes with multiple parents found. Make sure graph ' 'is tree-like.') # Note that we assign -1 as root's parent lop.update({k: v[0] if v else -1 for k, v in this_lop.items()}) # Generate node table tn_table = pd.DataFrame(index=list(g.nodes)) tn_table.index = tn_table.index.set_names('node_id', inplace=False) # Add parents - use -1 for root's parent tn_table['parent_id'] = try: tn_table.index = tn_table.index.astype(int) tn_table['parent_id'] = tn_table.parent_id.astype(int) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError('Node IDs must be convertible to integers.') except BaseException: raise # Add additional generic attribute -> will skip node_id and parent_id # if they exist all_attr = set([k for n in g.nodes for k in g.nodes[n].keys()]) # Remove some that we don't need all_attr -= set(['parent_id', 'node_id']) # Add some that we want as columns even if they don't exist all_attr |= set(['x', 'y', 'z', 'radius']) # For some we want to have set default values defaults = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0, 'radius': -1} # Now map the attributes onto node table for at in all_attr: vals = nx.get_node_attributes(g, at) tn_table[at] = a: vals.get(a, defaults.get(at))) return core.TreeNeuron(tn_table.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=False), **kwargs) def _find_all_paths(g: nx.DiGraph, start, end, mode: str = 'OUT', maxlen: Optional[int] = None) -> list: """Find all paths between two vertices in an iGraph object. For some reason this function exists in R iGraph but not Python iGraph. This is rather slow and should not be used for large graphs. """ def find_all_paths_aux(adjlist: List[set], start: int, end: int, path: list, maxlen: Optional[int] = None) -> list: path = path + [start] if start == end: return [path] paths: list = [] if maxlen is None or len(path) <= maxlen: for node in adjlist[start] - set(path): paths.extend(find_all_paths_aux(adjlist, node, end, path, maxlen)) return paths adjlist = [set(g.neighbors(node, mode=mode)) for node in range(g.vcount())] all_paths: list = [] start = start if isinstance(start, list) else [start] end = end if isinstance(end, list) else [end] for s in start: for e in end: all_paths.extend(find_all_paths_aux(adjlist, s, e, [], maxlen)) return all_paths
[docs] def neuron2KDTree(x: 'core.NeuronObject', tree_type: str = 'c', data: str = 'auto', **kwargs) -> Union[scipy.spatial.cKDTree, scipy.spatial.KDTree]: """Turn neuron into scipy KDTree. Parameters ---------- x : TreeNeuron | MeshNeuron | VoxelNeuron | Dotprops A single neuron to turn into a KDTree. tree_type : 'c' | 'normal' Type of KDTree: 1. ``'c'`` = ``scipy.spatial.cKDTree`` (faster) 2. ``'normal'`` = ``scipy.spatial.KDTree`` (more functions) data : 'auto' | str Data used to generate tree. "auto" will pick the core data depending on neuron type: `nodes`, `vertices`, `voxels` and `points` for TreeNeuron, MeshNeuron, VoxelNeuron and Dotprops, respectively. Other values (e.g. "connectors" or "nodes") must map to a neuron property that is either (N, 3) array or DataFrame with x/y/z columns. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed at KDTree initialization. Returns ------- ``scipy.spatial.cKDTree`` or ``scipy.spatial.KDTree`` """ if tree_type not in ['c', 'normal']: raise ValueError('"tree_type" needs to be either "c" or "normal"') if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): if len(x) == 1: x = x[0] else: raise ValueError('Need a single TreeNeuron') elif not isinstance(x, core.BaseNeuron): raise TypeError(f'Need Neuron, got "{type(x)}"') if data == 'auto': if isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): data = 'nodes' if isinstance(x, core.MeshNeuron): data = 'vertices' if isinstance(x, core.VoxelNeuron): data = 'voxels' if isinstance(x, core.Dotprops): data = 'points' if not hasattr(x, data): raise ValueError(f'Neuron does not have a {data} property') data = getattr(x, data) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): if not all(np.isin(['x', 'y', 'z'], data.columns)): raise ValueError(f'"{data}" DataFrame must contain "x", "y" and ' '"z" columns.') data = data[['x', 'y', 'z']].values if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or data.ndim != 2 or data.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError(f'"{data}" must be DataFrame or (N, 3) array, got {type(data)}') if tree_type == 'c': return scipy.spatial.cKDTree(data=data, **kwargs) else: return scipy.spatial.KDTree(data=data, **kwargs)