Source code for navis.interfaces.blender

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

""" Interface with Blender. Unlike other moduls of navis, this module is
not automatically imported as it only works from within Blender.

# Important bit of advice:
# Avoid operators ("bpy.ops.") as much as possible:
# They cause scene updates which will exponentially slow down processing

import colorsys
import json
import math
import os
import time
import uuid

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import trimesh as tm

from .. import core, utils, config
from ..plotting.colors import eval_color

logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

    import bpy
    import bmesh
    import mathutils
except ImportError:
    logger.error('Unable to load Blender API - this module only works from '
                 'within Blender!')
except BaseException:

[docs] class Handler: """Class that interfaces with scene in Blender. Parameters ---------- scaling : float, optional scaling factor between navis and Blender coordinates. Notes ----- (1) The handler adds neurons and keeps track of them in the scene. (2) If you request a list of objects via its attributes (e.g. ``Handler.neurons``) or via :func:``, a :class:`~navis.interfaces.blender.ObjectList` is returned. This class lets you change basic parameters of your selected neurons. Attributes ---------- neurons : returns list containing all neurons connectors : returns list containing all connectors soma : returns list containing all somata selected : returns list containing selected objects presynapses : returns list containing all presynapses postsynapses : returns list containing all postsynapses gapjunctions : returns list containing all gap junctions abutting : returns list containing all abutting connectors all : returns list containing all objects Examples -------- >>> # This example assumes you have alread imported and set up navis >>> # b3d module has to be imported explicitly >>> from navis import b3d >>> # Get some neurons (you have already set up a remote instance?) >>> nl = navis.example_neurons() >>> # Initialize handler >>> h = b3d.Handler() >>> # Add neurons >>> h.add(nl) >>> # Assign colors to all neurons >>> h.colorize() >>> # Select all somas and change color to black >>> h.soma.color(0, 0, 0) >>> # Clear scene >>> h.clear() >>> # Add only soma >>> h.add(nl, neurites=False, connectors=False) """ cn_dict = { 0: dict(name='presynapses', color=(1, 0, 0)), 1: dict(name='postsynapses', color=(0, 0, 1)), 2: dict(name='gapjunction', color=(0, 1, 0)), 3: dict(name='abutting', color=(1, 0, 1)) } # : defines default colours/names for different connector types # Some synonyms cn_dict['pre'] = cn_dict[0] cn_dict['post'] = cn_dict[1] cn_dict['gap'] = cn_dict['gapjunction'] = cn_dict[2] cn_dict['abutting'] = cn_dict[3] # Some other parameters cn_dict['display'] = 'lines' # "lines" or "spheres", overriden if MeshNeuron cn_dict['size'] = 0.01 # sets size of spheres only defaults = dict(bevel_depth=0.007, bevel_resolution=5, resolution_u=10)
[docs] def __init__(self, scaling=1 / 10000, axes_order=[0, 1, 2], ax_translate=[1, 1, 1]): self.scaling = scaling self.cn_dict = Handler.cn_dict self.axes_order = axes_order self.ax_translate = ax_translate
def _selection_helper(self, type): return [ for ob in if 'type' in ob and ob['type'] == type] def _cn_selection_helper(self, cn_type): return [ for ob in if 'type' in ob and ob['type'] == 'CONNECTORS' and ob['cn_type'] == cn_type] def __getattr__(self, key): if key == 'neurons' or key == 'neuron' or key == 'neurites': return ObjectList(self._selection_helper('NEURON')) elif key == 'connectors' or key == 'connector': return ObjectList(self._selection_helper('CONNECTORS')) elif key == 'soma' or key == 'somas': return ObjectList(self._selection_helper('SOMA')) elif key == 'selected': return ObjectList([ for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects if 'navis_object' in ob]) elif key == 'visible': objects = [o for o in self.neurons if not o.hide] return ObjectList(objects) elif key == 'presynapses': return ObjectList(self._cn_selection_helper(0)) elif key == 'postsynapses': return ObjectList(self._cn_selection_helper(1)) elif key == 'gapjunctions': return ObjectList(self._cn_selection_helper(2)) elif key == 'abutting': return ObjectList(self._cn_selection_helper(3)) elif key == 'all': return self.neurons + self.connectors + self.soma else: raise AttributeError('Unknown attribute ' + key)
[docs] def add(self, x, neurites=True, soma=True, connectors=True, redraw=False, use_radii=False, skip_existing=False, downsample=False, collection=None, **kwargs): """Add neuron(s) to scene. Parameters ---------- x : TreeNeuron | MeshNeuron | NeuronList | core.Volume Objects to import into Blender. neurites : bool, optional Plot neurites. TreeNeurons only. soma : bool, optional Plot somas. TreeNeurons only. connectors : bool, optional Plot connectors. Uses a defaults dictionary to set color/type. See Examples on how to change. redraw : bool, optional If True, will redraw window after each neuron. This will slow down loading! use_radii : bool, optional If True, will use node radii. For TreeNeurons only. skip_existing : bool, optional If True, will skip neurons that are already loaded. downsample : False | int, optional If integer < 1, will downsample neurites upon import. Preserves branch point/roots. TreeNeurons only. collection : str, optional Only for Blender >2.8: add object(s) to given collection. If collection does not exist, will be created. Examples -------- Add one of the example neurons: >>> h = navis.interfaces.blender.Handler() >>> n = navis.example_neurons(1) >>> h.add(n, connectors=True) Change connector settings: >>> h.cn_dict['display'] = 'sphere' >>> h.cn_dict[0]['color'] = (1, 1, 0) """ start = time.time() if skip_existing: exists = [ob.get('id', None) for ob in] if isinstance(x, (core.BaseNeuron, core.NeuronList)): if redraw: print('Set "redraw=False" to vastly speed up import!') if isinstance(x, core.BaseNeuron): x = [x] wm = bpy.context.window_manager wm.progress_begin(0, len(x)) for i, n in enumerate(x): # Skip existing if applicable if skip_existing and in exists: continue self._create_neuron(n, neurites=neurites, soma=soma, connectors=connectors, collection=collection, downsample=downsample, use_radii=use_radii) if redraw: bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type='DRAW_WIN_SWAP', iterations=1) wm.progress_update(i) wm.progress_end() elif isinstance(x, tm.Trimesh): self._create_volume(x, collection=collection) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): self._create_scatter(x, collection=collection, **kwargs) elif isinstance(x, core.Dotprops): self._create_dotprops(x, collection=collection, **kwargs) else: raise AttributeError(f'Unable add data type of type {type(x)}') print(f'Import done in {time.time()-start:.2f}s') return
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all neurons """ self.all.delete()
def _create_scatter2(self, x, collection=None, **kwargs): """Create scatter by reusing mesh data. This generate an individual objects for each data point. This is slower! """ if x.ndim != 2 or x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Array must be of shape N,3') # Get & scale coordinates and invert y coords = x.astype(float)[:, self.axes_order] coords *= float(self.scaling) coords *= self.ax_translate verts, faces = calc_sphere(kwargs.get('size', 0.02), kwargs.get('sp_res', 7), kwargs.get('sp_res', 7)) mesh ='name', 'scatter')) mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces) mesh.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', [True] * len(mesh.polygons)) objects = [] for i, co in enumerate(coords): obj ='name', 'scatter') + str(i), mesh) obj.location = co obj.show_name = False objects.append(obj) # Link to scene and add to group group_name = kwargs.get('name', 'scatter') if group_name != 'scatter' and group_name in group =[group_name] else: group = if not collection: col = bpy.context.scene.collection elif collection in col =[collection] else: col = for obj in objects: return def _create_scatter(self, x, collection=None, **kwargs): """Create scatter.""" if x.ndim != 2 or x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Array must be of shape N,3') # Get & scale coordinates and invert y coords = x.astype(float)[:, self.axes_order] coords *= float(self.scaling) coords *= self.ax_translate # Generate a base sphere base_sphere = tm.creation.uv_sphere(radius=kwargs.get('size', 0.02), count=[kwargs.get('sp_res', 7), kwargs.get('sp_res', 7)]) base_verts, base_faces = base_sphere.vertices, base_sphere.faces # Repeat sphere vertices sp_verts = np.tile(base_verts.T, coords.shape[0]).T # Add coords offsets to each sphere offsets = np.repeat(coords, base_verts.shape[0], axis=0) sp_verts += offsets # Repeat sphere faces and offset vertex indices sp_faces = np.tile(base_faces.T, coords.shape[0]).T face_offsets = np.repeat(np.arange(coords.shape[0]), base_faces.shape[0], axis=0) face_offsets *= base_verts.shape[0] sp_faces += face_offsets.reshape((face_offsets.size, 1)) # Generate mesh mesh ='name', 'scatter')) mesh.from_pydata(sp_verts, [], sp_faces.tolist()) mesh.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', [True] * len(mesh.polygons)) obj ='name', 'scatter'), mesh) if not collection: col = bpy.context.scene.collection elif collection in col =[collection] else: col = obj.location = (0, 0, 0) obj.show_name = False return obj def _create_neuron(self, x, neurites=True, soma=True, connectors=True, use_radii=False, downsample=False, collection=None): """Create neuron object.""" mat_name = (f'M#{}')[:59] mat =, if isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): if neurites: self._create_skeleton(x, mat, use_radii=use_radii, downsample=downsample, collection=collection) if soma and not isinstance(x.soma, type(None)): self._create_soma(x, mat, collection=collection) elif isinstance(x, core.MeshNeuron): self._create_mesh(x, mat, collection=collection) else: raise TypeError(f'Expected Mesh/TreeNeuron, got "{type(x)}"') if connectors and x.has_connectors: self._create_connectors(x, collection=collection) return def _create_mesh(self, x, mat, collection=None): """Create mesh from MeshNeuron.""" name = getattr(x, 'name', '') # Make copy of vertices as we are potentially modifying them verts = x.vertices.copy() # Convert to Blender space verts = verts * self.scaling verts = verts[:, self.axes_order] verts *= self.ax_translate me ='{name} mesh') ob ="#{} - {name}", me) ob.location = (0, 0, 0) ob.show_name = True ob['type'] = 'NEURON' ob['navis_object'] = True ob['id'] = str( blender_verts = verts.tolist() me.from_pydata(list(blender_verts), [], list(x.faces)) me.update() me.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', [True] * len(me.polygons)) ob.active_material = mat if not collection: col = bpy.context.scene.collection elif collection in col =[collection] else: col = def _create_skeleton(self, x, mat, use_radii=False, downsample=False, collection=None): """Create neuron branches.""" name = getattr(x, 'name', '') cu ="{name} mesh", 'CURVE') ob ="#{} - {name}", cu) ob.location = (0, 0, 0) ob.show_name = True ob['type'] = 'NEURON' ob['navis_object'] = True ob['id'] = str( cu.dimensions = '3D' cu.fill_mode = 'FULL' cu.bevel_resolution = self.defaults.get('bevel_resolution', 5) cu.resolution_u = self.defaults.get('resolution_u', 10) if use_radii: cu.bevel_depth = 1 else: cu.bevel_depth = self.defaults.get('bevel_depth', 0.007) # DO NOT touch this: lookup via dict is >10X faster! tn_coords = {r.node_id: (r.x * self.scaling, r.y * self.scaling, r.z * self.scaling) for r in x.nodes.itertuples()} if use_radii: tn_radii = {r.node_id: r.radius * self.scaling for r in x.nodes.itertuples()} for s in x.segments: if isinstance(downsample, int) and downsample > 1: mask = np.zeros(len(s), dtype=bool) mask[downsample::downsample] = True keep = np.isin(s, x.nodes[x.nodes['type'] != 'slab'].node_id.values) s = np.array(s)[mask | keep] sp ='POLY') coords = np.array([tn_coords[tn] for tn in s]) coords = coords[:, self.axes_order] coords *= self.ax_translate # Add points sp.points.add(len(coords) - 1) # Add this weird fourth coordinate coords = np.c_[coords, [0] * coords.shape[0]] # Set point coordinates sp.points.foreach_set('co', coords.ravel()) sp.points.foreach_set('weight', s) if use_radii: r = [tn_radii[tn] for tn in s] sp.points.foreach_set('radius', r) ob.active_material = mat if not collection: col = bpy.context.scene.collection elif collection in col =[collection] else: col = return def _create_dotprops(self, x, scale_vect=1, collection=None): """Create neuron branches.""" # Generate uuid object_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) mat_name = (f'M#{object_id}')[:59] mat =, cu ="{getattr(x, 'dotprop', '')} mesh", 'CURVE') ob ="#{object_id} - {getattr(x, 'neuron_name', '')}", cu) ob.location = (0, 0, 0) ob.show_name = True ob['type'] = 'DOTPROP' ob['navis_object'] = True ob['id'] = object_id cu.dimensions = '3D' cu.fill_mode = 'FULL' cu.bevel_resolution = 5 cu.bevel_depth = 0.007 # Prepare lines - this is based on nat:::plot3d.dotprops halfvect = (np.vstack(x.vector) / 2 * scale_vect) starts = (np.vstack(x.point) - halfvect) ends = (np.vstack(x.point) + halfvect) halfvect *= self.scaling starts *= self.scaling ends *= self.scaling halfvect = halfvect[:, self.axes_order] * self.ax_translate starts = starts[:, self.axes_order] * self.ax_translate ends = ends[:, self.axes_order] * self.ax_translate segments = list(zip(starts, ends)) for s in segments: sp ='POLY') # Add points sp.points.add(1) # Add this weird fourth coordinate coords = np.c_[s, [0, 0]] # Set point coordinates sp.points.foreach_set('co', coords.ravel()) ob.active_material = mat if not collection: col = bpy.context.scene.collection elif collection in col =[collection] else: col = return def _create_soma(self, x, mat, collection=None): """Create soma.""" if not collection: col = bpy.context.scene.collection elif collection in col =[collection] else: col = for s in utils.make_iterable(x.soma): s = x.nodes[x.nodes.node_id == s] loc = s[['x', 'y', 'z']].values loc = loc[:, self.axes_order] loc *= self.scaling loc *= self.ax_translate rad = s.radius * self.scaling mesh ='Soma of #{} - mesh') soma_ob ='Soma of #{}', mesh) soma_ob.location = loc[0] # Construct the bmesh cube and assign it to the blender mesh. bm = # Blender 3.0 uses `radius` instead of `diameter` try: bmesh.ops.create_uvsphere(bm, u_segments=16, v_segments=8, radius=rad * 2) except: bmesh.ops.create_uvsphere(bm, u_segments=16, v_segments=8, diameter=rad) bm.to_mesh(mesh) mesh.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', [True] * len(mesh.polygons)) = f'Soma of #{}' soma_ob['type'] = 'SOMA' soma_ob['navis_object'] = True soma_ob['id'] = str( soma_ob.active_material = mat # Add the object into the scene. return def _create_connectors(self, x, collection=None): """Create connectors.""" if not x.has_connectors: return if not collection: col = bpy.context.scene.collection elif collection in col =[collection] else: col = for t in x.connectors['type'].unique(): con = x.connectors[x.connectors.type == t] # See if we have pre-defined names/colors for this settings = self.cn_dict.get(t, {'name': t, 'color': (0, 0, 0)}) if con.empty: continue # Get & scale coordinates and invert y cn_coords = con[['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float) ob_name = f'{settings["name"]} of {}' # Only plot as lines if this is a TreeNeuron if self.cn_dict.get('display', 'lines') == 'lines' and isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): cn_coords = cn_coords[:, self.axes_order] cn_coords *= float(self.scaling) cn_coords *= self.ax_translate tn_coords = x.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[con.node_id.values, ['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float) tn_coords = tn_coords[:, self.axes_order] tn_coords *= float(self.scaling) tn_coords *= self.ax_translate # Add 4th coordinate for blender cn_coords = np.c_[cn_coords, [0] * con.shape[0]] tn_coords = np.c_[tn_coords, [0] * con.shape[0]] # Combine cn and tn coords in pairs # This will have to be transposed to get pairs of cn and tn # (see below) coords = np.dstack([cn_coords, tn_coords]) cu = + ' mesh', 'CURVE') ob =, cu) cu.dimensions = '3D' cu.fill_mode = 'FULL' cu.bevel_resolution = 0 cu.bevel_depth = 0.007 cu.resolution_u = 0 for cn in coords: sp ='POLY') # Add a second point sp.points.add(1) # Move points sp.points.foreach_set('co', cn.T.ravel()) else: ob = self._create_scatter(cn_coords, collection=collection, size=self.cn_dict.get('size', 0.01)) = ob_name ob['type'] = 'CONNECTORS' ob['navis_object'] = True ob['cn_type'] = t ob['id'] = str( ob.location = (0, 0, 0) ob.show_name = False mat_name = f'{settings["name"]} of #{str(}' mat =, mat.diffuse_color = eval_color(settings['color'], color_range=1, force_alpha=True) ob.active_material = mat return def _create_volume(self, volume, collection=None): """Create mesh from volume. Parameters ---------- volume : core.Volume | dict Must contain 'faces', 'vertices' """ mesh_name = str(getattr(volume, 'name', 'mesh')) verts = volume.vertices.copy() # Convert to Blender space verts = verts * self.scaling verts = verts[:, self.axes_order] verts *= self.ax_translate blender_verts = verts.tolist() me = + '_mesh') ob =, me) scn = bpy.context.scene me.from_pydata(list(blender_verts), [], list(volume.faces)) me.update() me.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', [True] * len(me.polygons))
[docs] def select(self, x, *args): """Select given neurons. Parameters ---------- x : list of neuron IDs | Neuron/List | pd Dataframe Returns ------- :class:`navis.b3d.ObjectList` : containing requested neurons Examples -------- >>> selection =[123456, 7890]) >>> # Get only connectors >>> cn = selection.connectors >>> # Hide everything else >>> cn.hide_others() >>> # Change color of presynapses >>> selection.presynapses.color(0, 1, 0) """ ids = utils.eval_id(x) if not ids: logger.error('No ids found.') names = [] for ob in ob.select_set(False) if 'id' in ob: if ob['id'] in ids: ob.select_set(True) names.append( return ObjectList(names, handler=self)
[docs] def color(self, r, g, b): """Assign color to all neurons. Parameters ---------- r : float Red value, range 0-1 g : float Green value, range 0-1 b : float Blue value, range 0-1 Notes ----- This will only change color of neurons, if you want to change color of e.g. connectors, use: >>> handler.connectors.color(r, g, b) """ self.neurons.color(r, g, b)
[docs] def colorize(self): """Randomly colorize ALL neurons. Notes ----- This will only change color of neurons, if you want to change color of e.g. connectors, use: >>> handler.connectors.colorize() """ self.neurons.colorize()
[docs] def emit(self, v): """Change emit value.""" self.neurons.emit(v)
[docs] def use_transparency(self, v): """Change transparency (True/False).""" self.neurons.use_transparency(v)
[docs] def alpha(self, v): """Change alpha (0-1).""" self.neurons.alpha(v)
[docs] def bevel(self, r): """Change bevel of ALL neurons. Parameters ---------- r : float New bevel radius Notes ----- This will only change bevel of neurons, if you want to change bevel of e.g. connectors, use: >>> handler.connectors.bevel(.02) """ self.neurons.bevel_depth(r)
[docs] def hide(self): """Hide all neuron-related objects.""" self.all.hide()
[docs] def unhide(self): """Unide all neuron-related objects.""" self.all.unhide()
class ObjectList: """Collection of Blender objects. Notes ----- 1. ObjectLists should normally be constructed via the handler (see :class:`navis.b3d.Handler`)! 2. List works with object NAMES to prevent Blender from crashing when trying to access neurons that do not exist anymore. This also means that changing names manually will compromise a object list. 3. Accessing a neuron list's attributes (see below) return another ``ObjectList`` class which you can use to manipulate the new subselection. Attributes ---------- neurons : returns list containing just neurons connectors : returns list containing all connectors soma : returns list containing all somata presynapses : returns list containing all presynapses postsynapses : returns list containing all postsynapses gapjunctions : returns list containing all gap junctions abutting : returns list containing all abutting connectors id : returns list of IDs Examples -------- >>> # b3d module has to be import explicitly >>> from navis import b3d >>> nl = navis.example_neurons() >>> handler = b3d.Handler() >>> handler.add(nl) >>> # Select only neurons on the right >>> right ='annotation:uPN right') >>> # This can be nested to change e.g. color of all right presynases >>>'annotation:uPN right').presynapses.color(0, 1, 0) """ def __init__(self, object_names, handler=None): if not isinstance(object_names, list): object_names = [object_names] self.object_names = object_names self.handler = handler def __getattr__(self, key): if key in ['neurons', 'neuron', 'neurites']: return ObjectList([n for n in self.object_names if n in and[n]['type'] == 'NEURON']) elif key in ['connectors', 'connector']: return ObjectList([n for n in self.object_names if n in and[n]['type'] == 'CONNECTORS']) elif key in ['soma', 'somas']: return ObjectList([n for n in self.object_names if n in and[n]['type'] == 'SOMA']) elif key == 'presynapses': return ObjectList([n for n in self.object_names if n in and[n]['type'] == 'CONNECTORS' and[n]['cn_type'] == 0]) elif key == 'postsynapses': return ObjectList([n for n in self.object_names if n in and[n]['type'] == 'CONNECTORS' and[n]['cn_type'] == 1]) elif key == 'gapjunctions': return ObjectList([n for n in self.object_names if n in and[n]['type'] == 'CONNECTORS' and[n]['cn_type'] == 2]) elif key == 'abutting': return ObjectList([n for n in self.object_names if n in and[n]['type'] == 'CONNECTORS' and[n]['cn_type'] == 3]) elif key.lower() in ['id', 'ids']: return [[n]['id'] for n in self.object_names if n in] else: raise AttributeError('Unknown attribute ' + key) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int) or isinstance(key, slice): return ObjectList(self.object_names[key], handler=self.handler) else: raise Exception('Unable to index non-integers.') def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): self._repr = pd.DataFrame([[n, n in] for n in self.object_names], columns=['name', 'still_exists'] ) return str(self._repr) def __len__(self): return len(self.object_names) def __add__(self, to_add): if not isinstance(to_add, ObjectList): raise AttributeError('Can only merge other object lists') print(to_add.object_names) return ObjectList(list(set(self.object_names + to_add.object_names)), handler=self.handler) @property def objects(self): """Objects in this list.""" objects = [] for n in self.object_names: if n in objects.append([n]) return objects def add_to_collection(self, collection, unlink_from_other=False): if not collection: col = bpy.context.scene.collection elif collection in col =[collection] else: col = for ob in self.objects: if not in col.objects: if unlink_from_other: if in bpy.context.scene.collection.objects: bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.unlink(ob) for col2 in if col2 == col: continue if in col2.objects: col2.objects.unlink(ob)
[docs] def select(self, unselect_others=True): """Select objects in 3D viewer Parameters ---------- unselect_others : bool, optional If False, will not unselect other objects. """ for ob in if in self.object_names: ob.select_set(True) elif unselect_others: ob.select_set(False)
[docs] def color(self, r, g, b, a=1): """Assign color to all objects in the list. Parameters ---------- r : float Red value, range 0-1 g : float Green value, range 0-1 b : float Blue value, range 0-1 a : float Alpha value, range 0-1 """ for ob in self.objects: ob.active_material.diffuse_color = eval_color((r, g, b, a), color_range=1, force_alpha=True)
[docs] def colorize(self, groups=None, palette='hls'): """Assign colors across the color spectrum. Parameters ---------- groups : dict, optional A dictionary mapping either neuron ID (always str!) or object name to a group (str). Neurons of the same group will receive the same color. palette : str Name of a seaborn color palette. """ objects = self.objects if isinstance(groups, type(None)): colors = sns.color_palette(palette, len(objects)) cmap = dict(zip(objects, colors)) elif isinstance(groups, dict): # Make sure keys are strings groups = {str(k): v for k, v in groups.items()} # Get unique groups & create a color map groups_uni = list(set(list(groups.values()))) colors = sns.color_palette(palette, len(groups_uni)) groups_cmap = dict(zip(groups_uni, colors)) # Make the actual color map cmap = {} for ob in objects: # Get the group either by name or ID g = groups.get(, groups.get(ob.get('id'), None)) cmap[ob] = groups_cmap.get(g, (.1, .1, .1)) else: raise TypeError(f'`groups` must be either None or dict, got {type(groups)}') for ob in objects: try: ob.active_material.diffuse_color = eval_color(cmap[ob], color_range=1, force_alpha=True) except BaseException: logger.warning(f'Error changing color of object "{ob}"')
[docs] def emit(self, e): """Change emit value.""" for ob in self.objects: ob.active_material.emit = e
[docs] def use_transparency(self, t): """Change transparency (True/False).""" for ob in self.objects: ob.active_material.use_transparency = t
[docs] def alpha(self, a): """Change alpha (0-1).""" for ob in self.objects: ob.active_material.alpha = a
[docs] def bevel(self, r): """Change bevel radius of objects. Parameters ---------- r : float New bevel radius. """ for ob in self.objects: if ob.type == 'CURVE': = r
[docs] def hide(self, viewport=True, render=False): """Hide objects.""" for ob in self.objects: if viewport: ob.hide_set(True) if render: ob.hide_render = True
[docs] def unhide(self, viewport=True, render=False): """Unhide objects.""" for ob in self.objects: if viewport: ob.hide_set(False) if render: ob.hide_render = False
[docs] def hide_others(self): """Hide everything BUT these objects.""" for ob in if in self.object_names: ob.hide = False else: ob.hide = True
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete neurons in the selection.""" bpy.ops.object.delete()
def calc_sphere(radius, nrPolar, nrAzimuthal): """Calculate vertices and faces for a sphere.""" dPolar = math.pi / (nrPolar - 1) dAzimuthal = 2.0 * math.pi / (nrAzimuthal) # 1/2: vertices verts = [] currV = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, radius)) # top vertex verts.append(currV) for iPolar in range(1, nrPolar - 1): # regular vertices currPolar = dPolar * float(iPolar) currCosP = math.cos(currPolar) currSinP = math.sin(currPolar) for iAzimuthal in range(nrAzimuthal): currAzimuthal = dAzimuthal * float(iAzimuthal) currCosA = math.cos(currAzimuthal) currSinA = math.sin(currAzimuthal) currV = mathutils.Vector((currSinP * currCosA, currSinP * currSinA, currCosP)) * radius verts.append(currV) currV = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, - radius)) # bottom vertex verts.append(currV) # 2/2: faces faces = [] for iAzimuthal in range(nrAzimuthal): # top faces iNextAzimuthal = iAzimuthal + 1 if iNextAzimuthal >= nrAzimuthal: iNextAzimuthal -= nrAzimuthal faces.append([0, iAzimuthal + 1, iNextAzimuthal + 1]) for iPolar in range(nrPolar - 3): # regular faces iAzimuthalStart = iPolar * nrAzimuthal + 1 for iAzimuthal in range(nrAzimuthal): iNextAzimuthal = iAzimuthal + 1 if iNextAzimuthal >= nrAzimuthal: iNextAzimuthal -= nrAzimuthal faces.append([iAzimuthalStart + iAzimuthal, iAzimuthalStart + iAzimuthal + nrAzimuthal, iAzimuthalStart + iNextAzimuthal + nrAzimuthal, iAzimuthalStart + iNextAzimuthal]) iLast = len(verts) - 1 iAzimuthalStart = iLast - nrAzimuthal for iAzimuthal in range(nrAzimuthal): # bottom faces iNextAzimuthal = iAzimuthal + 1 if iNextAzimuthal >= nrAzimuthal: iNextAzimuthal -= nrAzimuthal faces.append([iAzimuthalStart + iAzimuthal, iLast, iAzimuthalStart + iNextAzimuthal]) return np.vstack(verts), faces