Source code for navis.interfaces.microns

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""Interface with MICrONS datasets:"""

from ..core import MeshNeuron, NeuronList
from .. import config, utils
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from functools import lru_cache
from textwrap import dedent

err_msg = dedent("""
      Failed to import `caveclient` library. Please install using pip:

            pip install caveclient -U


    from caveclient import CAVEclient
    import cloudvolume as cv
except ImportError:
    CAVEclient = None
    cv = None
except BaseException:

logger = config.get_logger(__name__)
dataset = None

    'cortex65': 'minnie65_public_v117',
    'cortex35': 'minnie35_public_v0',
    'layer 2/3': 'pinky100_public_flat_v185'

    'cortex65': 'precomputed://gs://iarpa_microns/minnie/minnie65/seg',
    'cortex35': 'precomputed://gs://iarpa_microns/minnie/minnie35/seg',
    'layer 2/3': 'precomputed://gs://microns_public_datasets/pinky100_v185/seg'

def get_cave_client(datastack='cortex65'):
    """Get caveclient for given datastack.

    datastack :     "cortex65" | "cortex35" | "layer 2/3"
                    Name of the dataset to use.

    if not CAVEclient:
        raise ImportError(err_msg)

    # Try mapping, else pass-through
    datastack = CAVE_DATASTACKS.get(datastack, datastack)
    return CAVEclient(datastack)

def get_cloudvol(url, cache=True):
    """Get (cached) CloudVolume for given segmentation.

    url :     str

    if not cv:
        raise ImportError(err_msg)

    return cv.CloudVolume(url, cache=cache, use_https=True,
                          progress=False, fill_missing=True)

[docs] def get_somas(root_ids, table='nucleus_neuron_svm', datastack='cortex65'): """Fetch somas based on nuclei segmentation for given neuron(s). Since this is a nucleus detection you will find that some neurons do not have an entry despite clearly having a soma. This is due to the "avocado problem" where the nucleus is separate from the rest of the soma. Important --------- This data currently only exists for the 'cortex65' datastack (i.e. "minnie65_public_v117"). Parameters ---------- root_ids : int | list of ints | None Root ID(s) for which to fetch soma infos. Use ``None`` to fetch complete list of annotated nuclei. table : str Which table to use for nucleus annotations. datastack : "cortex65" | "cortex35" | "layer 2/3" Which dataset to use. Internally these are mapped to the corresponding sources (e.g. "minnie65_public_v117" for "cortex65"). Returns ------- DataFrame Pandas DataFrame with nuclei (see Examples). Root IDs without a nucleus will simply not have an entry in the table. """ if datastack != 'cortex65': warnings.warn('To our knowledge there is no nucleus segmentation ' f'for "{datastack}". If that has changed please ' 'get in touch on navis Github.') # Get/Initialize the CAVE client client = get_cave_client(datastack) filter_in_dict = None if not isinstance(root_ids, type(None)): root_ids = utils.make_iterable(root_ids) filter_in_dict = {'pt_root_id': root_ids} return client.materialize.query_table(table, filter_in_dict=filter_in_dict)
[docs] def fetch_neurons(x, *, lod=2, with_synapses=True, datastack='cortex65', parallel=True, max_threads=4, **kwargs): """Fetch neuron meshes. Notes ----- Synapses will be attached to the closest vertex on the mesh. Parameters ---------- x : str | int | list-like Segment ID(s). Multiple Ids can be provided as list-like. lod : int Level of detail. Higher ``lod`` = coarser. This parameter is ignored if the data source does not support multi-level meshes. with_synapses : bool, optional If True will also attach synapses as ``.connectors``. datastack : "cortex65" | "cortex35" | "layer 2/3" Which dataset to use. Internally these are mapped to the corresponding sources (e.g. "minnie65_public_v117" for "cortex65"). parallel : bool If True, will use parallel threads to fetch data. max_threads : int Max number of parallel threads to use. **kwargs Keyword arguments are passed through to the initialization of the ``navis.MeshNeurons``. Returns ------- navis.Neuronlist Containing :class:`navis.MeshNeuron`. """ x = utils.make_iterable(x, force_type=int) client = get_cave_client(datastack) if datastack in SEG_URLS: url = SEG_URLS[datastack] else: url =['segmentation_source'] vol = get_cloudvol(url) if datastack == 'cortex65': try: somas = get_somas(x, datastack=datastack) soma_pos = somas.set_index('pt_root_id').pt_position.to_dict() except BaseException as e: logger.warning('Failed to fetch somas via nucleus segmentation' f'(){e})') soma_pos = {} else: soma_pos = {} nl = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1 if not parallel else max_threads) as executor: futures = {} for id in x: f = executor.submit(_fetch_single_neuron, id, vol=vol, lod=lod, client=client, with_synapses=with_synapses, source=datastack, **kwargs ) futures[f] = id with config.tqdm(desc='Fetching', total=len(x), leave=config.pbar_leave, disable=len(x) == 1 or config.pbar_hide) as pbar: for f in as_completed(futures): id = futures[f] pbar.update(1) try: nl.append(f.result()) except Exception as exc: print(f'{id} generated an exception:', exc) nl = NeuronList(nl) for n in nl: if in soma_pos: n.soma_pos = np.array(soma_pos[]) * [4, 4, 40] else: n.soma_pos = None return nl
def _fetch_single_neuron(id, lod, vol, client, with_synapses=False, **kwargs): """Fetch a single neuron.""" # Make sure we only use `lod` if that's actually supported by the source if 'MultiLevel' in str(type(vol.mesh)): mesh = vol.mesh.get(id, lod=lod, progress=False)[id] else: mesh = vol.mesh.get(id, progress=False)[id] n = MeshNeuron(mesh, id=id, units='nm', **kwargs) if with_synapses: pre = client.materialize.synapse_query(pre_ids=id) post = client.materialize.synapse_query(post_ids=id) syn_table = client.materialize.synapse_table syn_info = client.materialize.get_table_metadata(syn_table) vxl_size = np.array(syn_info['voxel_resolution']).astype(int) to_concat = [] if not pre.empty: pre['type'] = 'pre' locs = np.vstack(pre['pre_pt_position'].values) locs = locs * vxl_size pre['x'], pre['y'], pre['z'] = locs[:, 0], locs[:, 1], locs[:, 2] pre = pre[['id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'type', 'size']].copy() to_concat.append(pre) if not post.empty: post['type'] = 'post' locs = np.vstack(post['post_pt_position'].values) locs = locs * vxl_size post['x'], post['y'], post['z'] = locs[:, 0], locs[:, 1], locs[:, 2] post = post[['id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'type', 'size']].copy() to_concat.append(post) if len(to_concat) == 1: n.connectors = to_concat[0] elif len(to_concat) == 2: n.connectors = pd.concat(to_concat, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True) return n def get_voxels(x, mip=0, bounds=None, datastack='cortex65'): """Fetch voxels making a up given root ID. Parameters ---------- x : int A single root ID. mip : int Scale at which to fetch voxels. bounds : list, optional Bounding box [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax] in voxel space. For example, the voxel resolution for mip 0 segmentation is 8 x 8 x 40 nm. datastack : "cortex65" | "cortex35" | "layer 2/3" Which dataset to use. Internally these are mapped to the corresponding sources (e.g. "minnie65_public_v117" for "cortex65"). Returns ------- voxels : (N, 3) np.ndarray In voxel space according to `mip`. """ client = get_cave_client(datastack) # Need to get the graphene (not the precomputed) version of the data vol_graphene = cv.CloudVolume(client.chunkedgraph.cloudvolume_path, use_https=True, progress=False) if datastack in SEG_URLS: url = SEG_URLS[datastack] else: url =['segmentation_source'] vol_prec = get_cloudvol(url) # Get L2 chunks making up this neuron l2_ids = client.chunkedgraph.get_leaves(x, stop_layer=2) # Turn l2_ids into chunk indices l2_ix = [np.array(vol_graphene.mesh.meta.meta.decode_chunk_position(l)) for l in l2_ids] l2_ix = np.unique(l2_ix, axis=0) # Convert to nm l2_nm = np.asarray(_chunks_to_nm(l2_ix, vol=vol_graphene)) # Convert back to voxel space (according to mip) l2_vxl = l2_nm // vol_prec.meta.scales[mip]["resolution"] voxels = [] ch_size = np.array(vol_graphene.mesh.meta.meta.graph_chunk_size) ch_size = ch_size // (vol_prec.mip_resolution(mip) / vol_prec.mip_resolution(0)) ch_size = np.asarray(ch_size).astype(int) old_mip = vol_prec.mip if not isinstance(bounds, type(None)): bounds = np.asarray(bounds) if not bounds.ndim == 1 or len(bounds) != 6: raise ValueError('`bounds` must be [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax]') l2_vxl = l2_vxl[np.all(l2_vxl >= bounds[::2], axis=1)] l2_vxl = l2_vxl[np.all(l2_vxl < bounds[1::2] + ch_size, axis=1)] try: vol_prec.mip = mip for ch in config.tqdm(l2_vxl, desc='Loading'): ct = vol_prec[ch[0]:ch[0] + ch_size[0], ch[1]:ch[1] + ch_size[1], ch[2]:ch[2] + ch_size[2]][:, :, :, 0] this_vxl = np.dstack(np.where(ct == x))[0] this_vxl = this_vxl + ch voxels.append(this_vxl) except BaseException: raise finally: vol_prec.mip = old_mip voxels = np.vstack(voxels) if not isinstance(bounds, type(None)): voxels = voxels[np.all(voxels >= bounds[::2], axis=1)] voxels = voxels[np.all(voxels < bounds[1::2], axis=1)] return voxels def _chunks_to_nm(xyz_ch, vol, voxel_resolution=[4, 4, 40]): """Map a chunk location to Euclidean space. Parameters ---------- xyz_ch : array-like (N, 3) array of chunk indices. vol : cloudvolume.CloudVolume CloudVolume object associated with the chunked space. voxel_resolution : list, optional Voxel resolution. Returns ------- np.array (N, 3) array of spatial points. """ mip_scaling = vol.mip_resolution(0) // np.array(voxel_resolution, dtype=int) x_vox = np.atleast_2d(xyz_ch) * vol.mesh.meta.meta.graph_chunk_size return ( (x_vox + np.array(vol.mesh.meta.meta.voxel_offset(0))) * voxel_resolution * mip_scaling )