Source code for

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

import nrrd
import os

import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np

from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Iterable, Optional, Dict, Any
from typing_extensions import Literal

from .. import config, utils, core
from . import base

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

[docs] def write_nrrd(x: 'core.NeuronObject', filepath: Union[str, Path], compression_level: int = 3, attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> None: """Write VoxelNeurons or Dotprops to NRRD file(s). Parameters ---------- x : VoxelNeuron | Dotprops | NeuronList If multiple neurons, will generate a NRRD file for each neuron (see also ``filepath``). filepath : str | pathlib.Path | list thereof Destination for the NRRD files. See examples for options. If ``x`` is multiple neurons, ``filepath`` must either be a folder, a "formattable" filename (see Examples) or a list of filenames (one for each neuron in ``x``). Existing files will be overwritten! compression_level : int 1-9 Lower = faster writing but larger files. Higher = slower writing but smaller files. attrs : dict Any additional attributes will be written to NRRD header. Returns ------- Nothing Examples -------- Save a single neuron to a specific file: >>> import navis >>> n = navis.example_neurons(1, kind='skeleton') >>> vx = navis.voxelize(n, pitch='2 microns') >>> navis.write_nrrd(vx, tmp_dir / 'my_neuron.nrrd') Save multiple neurons to a folder (must exist). Filenames will be autogenerated as "{}.nrrd": >>> import navis >>> nl = navis.example_neurons(5, kind='skeleton') >>> dp = navis.make_dotprops(nl, k=5) >>> navis.write_nrrd(dp, tmp_dir) Save multiple neurons to a folder but modify the pattern for the autogenerated filenames: >>> import navis >>> nl = navis.example_neurons(5, kind='skeleton') >>> vx = navis.voxelize(nl, pitch='2 microns') >>> navis.write_nrrd(vx, tmp_dir / 'voxels-{}.nrrd') Save multiple neurons to a zip file: >>> import navis >>> nl = navis.example_neurons(5, kind='skeleton') >>> vx = navis.voxelize(nl, pitch='2 microns') >>> navis.write_nrrd(vx, tmp_dir / '') Save multiple neurons to a zip file but modify the filenames: >>> import navis >>> nl = navis.example_neurons(5, kind='skeleton') >>> vx = navis.voxelize(nl, pitch='2 microns') >>> navis.write_nrrd(vx, tmp_dir / 'voxels-{}') See Also -------- :func:`navis.read_nrrd` Import VoxelNeuron from NRRD files. """ compression_level = int(compression_level) if (compression_level < 1) or (compression_level > 9): raise ValueError('`compression_level` must be 1-9, got ' f'{compression_level}') writer = base.Writer(_write_nrrd, ext='.nrrd') return writer.write_any(x, filepath=filepath, compression_level=compression_level, **(attrs or {}))
def _write_nrrd(x: Union['core.VoxelNeuron', 'core.Dotprops'], filepath: Optional[str] = None, compression_level: int = 1, **attrs) -> None: """Write single neuron to NRRD file.""" if not isinstance(x, (core.VoxelNeuron, core.Dotprops)): raise TypeError(f'Expected VoxelNeuron or Dotprops, got "{type(x)}"') header = getattr(x, "nrrd_header", {}) header['space dimension'] = 3 header['space directions'] = np.diag(x.units_xyz.magnitude) header['space units'] = [str(x.units_xyz.units)] * 3 header.update(attrs or {}) if isinstance(x, core.VoxelNeuron): data = x.grid if data.dtype == bool: data = data.astype('uint8') else: # For dotprops make a horizontal stack from points + vectors data = np.hstack((x.points, x.vect)) header['k'] = x.k nrrd.write(str(filepath), data=data, header=header, compression_level=compression_level)
[docs] def read_nrrd(f: Union[str, Iterable], threshold: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, include_subdirs: bool = False, parallel: Union[bool, int] = 'auto', output: Union[Literal['voxels'], Literal['dotprops'], Literal['raw']] = 'voxels', errors: Union[Literal['raise'], Literal['log'], Literal['ignore']] = 'log', **kwargs) -> 'core.NeuronObject': """Create Neuron/List from NRRD file. See `here <>`_ for specs of NRRD file format including description of the headers. Parameters ---------- f : str | iterable Filename(s) or folder. If folder, will import all ``.nrrd`` files. threshold : int | float | None For ``output='dotprops'`` only: a threshold to filter low intensity voxels. If ``None``, no threshold is applied and all values > 0 are converted to points. include_subdirs : bool, optional If True and ``f`` is a folder, will also search subdirectories for ``.nrrd`` files. parallel : "auto" | bool | int, Defaults to ``auto`` which means only use parallel processing if more than 10 NRRD files are imported. Spawning and joining processes causes overhead and is considerably slower for imports of small numbers of neurons. Integer will be interpreted as the number of cores (otherwise defaults to ``os.cpu_count() - 2``). output : "voxels" | "dotprops" | "raw" Determines function's output. See Returns for details. errors : "raise" | "log" | "ignore" If "log" or "ignore", errors will not be raised but instead empty neuron will be returned. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to :func:`navis.make_dotprops` if ``output='dotprops'``. Use this to adjust e.g. the number of nearest neighbors used for calculating the tangent vector by passing e.g. ``k=5``. Returns ------- navis.VoxelNeuron If ``output="voxels"`` (default): requires NRRD data to be 3-dimensional voxels. VoxelNeuron will have NRRD file header as ``.nrrd_header`` attribute. navis.Dotprops If ``output="dotprops"``: requires NRRD data to be either: - ``(N, M, K)`` (i.e. 3D) in which case we will turn voxels into a point cloud (see also ``threshold`` parameter) - ``(N, 3)`` = x/y/z points - ``(N, 6)`` = x/y/z points + x/y/z vectors - ``(N, 7)`` = x/y/z points + x/y/z vectors + alpha Dotprops will contain NRRD header as ``.nrrd_header`` attribute. navis.NeuronList If import of multiple NRRD will return NeuronList of Dotprops/VoxelNeurons. (image, header) (np.ndarray, OrderedDict) If ``output='raw'`` return raw data contained in NRRD file. """ utils.eval_param(output, name='output', allowed_values=('raw', 'dotprops', 'voxels')) # If is directory, compile list of filenames if isinstance(f, (str, Path)) and Path(f).expanduser().is_dir(): f = Path(f).expanduser() if not include_subdirs: f = [os.path.join(f, x) for x in os.listdir(f) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(f, x)) and x.endswith('.nrrd')] else: f = [y for x in os.walk(f) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.nrrd'))] if utils.is_iterable(f): # Do not use if there is only a small batch to import if isinstance(parallel, str) and parallel.lower() == 'auto': if len(f) < 10: parallel = False if parallel: # Do not swap this as ``isinstance(True, int)`` returns ``True`` if isinstance(parallel, (bool, str)): n_cores = os.cpu_count() - 2 else: n_cores = int(parallel) with mp.Pool(processes=n_cores) as pool: results = pool.imap(_worker_wrapper, [dict(f=x, threshold=threshold, output=output, errors=errors, include_subdirs=include_subdirs, parallel=False) for x in f], chunksize=1) res = list(config.tqdm(results, desc='Importing', total=len(f), disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave)) else: # If not parallel just import the good 'ole way: sequentially res = [read_nrrd(x, threshold=threshold, include_subdirs=include_subdirs, output=output, errors=errors, parallel=parallel, **kwargs) for x in config.tqdm(f, desc='Importing', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave)] if output == 'raw': return [r[0] for r in res], [r[1] for r in res] return core.NeuronList([r for r in res if r]) # Open the file f = str(Path(f).expanduser()) fname = os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0] data, header = if output == 'raw': return data, header # Try parsing units - this is modelled after the nrrd files you get from # Virtual Fly Brain (VFB) units = None su = None voxdim = np.array([1, 1, 1]) if 'space directions' in header: sd = np.asarray(header['space directions']) if sd.ndim == 2: voxdim = np.diag(sd)[:3] if 'space units' in header: su = header['space units'] if len(su) == 3: units = [f'{m} {u}' for m, u in zip(voxdim, su)] else: units = voxdim try: if output == 'dotprops': # If we're trying to get voxels from an image if data.ndim == 3: if threshold: data = data >= threshold # Convert data to x/y/z coordinates # Note we need to multiply units before creating the Dotprops # - otherwise the KNN will be wrong x, y, z = np.where(data) points = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T points = points * voxdim x = core.make_dotprops(points, **kwargs) elif data.ndim == 2: if data.shape[1] == 3: points, vect, alpha = data, None, None elif data.shape[1] == 6: points, vect, alpha = data[:, :3], data[:, 3:6], None elif data.shape[1] == 7: points, vect, alpha = data[:, :3], data[:, 3:6], data[:, 6] else: raise ValueError('Expected data to be either (N, 3), (N, 6) ' f'or (N, 7) but NRRD file contains {data.shape}') # Get `k` either from provided kwargs or the file's header k = kwargs.pop('k', header.get('k', 20)) x = core.Dotprops(points, k=k, vect=vect, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Data must be 2- or 3-dimensional to extract ' f'Dotprops, got {data.ndim}') if su and len(su) == 3: x.units = [f'1 {s}' for s in su] else: if data.ndim == 2: logger.warning(f'Data in NRRD file is of shape {data.shape} - ' 'i.e. 2D. Could this be a point cloud/dotprops ' 'instead of voxels?') x = core.VoxelNeuron(data, units=units) except BaseException as e: msg = f'Error converting file {fname} to neuron.' if errors == 'raise': raise ImportError(msg) from e elif errors == 'log': logger.error(f'{msg}: {e}') return # Add some additional properties = fname x.origin = f x.nrrd_header = header return x
def _worker_wrapper(kwargs): """Helper for importing NRRDs using multiple processes.""" return read_nrrd(**kwargs)