Source code for

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union, Optional

from .. import config, core

__all__ = ["read_parquet", "write_parquet", "scan_parquet"]

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

SKELETON_COLUMNS = ('node_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'radius', 'parent_id', 'neuron')
NA_VALUES = (None, 'None')
META_DATA = ('name', 'units', 'soma')  # meta data to write for each neuron

INT_TYPES = (int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64)

[docs] def scan_parquet(file: Union[str, Path]): """Scan parquet file. Parameters ---------- file : str File to be scan. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Summary of file's content. See Also -------- :func:`navis.write_parquet` Export neurons as parquet files. :func:`navis.read_parquet` Read parquet file into neurons. Examples -------- See :func:`navis.write_parquet` for examples. """ try: import pyarrow.parquet as pq except ImportError: raise ImportError('Reading parquet files requires the pyarrow library:\n' ' pip3 install pyarrow') f = Path(file).expanduser() if not f.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'File "{f}" does not exist.') metadata = pq.read_metadata(f) try: meta = {k.decode(): v.decode() for k, v in metadata.metadata.items()} except BaseException: logger.warning(f'Unable to decode meta data for parquet file {f}') # Parse meta data ids = [v for k, v in meta.items() if k.endswith(':id') and not k.startswith('_')] records = {i: {} for i in ids} for k, v in meta.items(): if k.startswith('_'): continue if ':' not in k: continue id, prop = k.split(':') if id not in records: # there might be an "ARROW:schema" entry continue records[id][prop] = v # Turn into DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(list(records.values())) # Move ID column to front ids = df['id'] df.drop(labels=['id'], axis=1, inplace=True) df.insert(0, 'id', ids) return df
[docs] def read_parquet(f: Union[str, Path], read_meta: bool = True, limit: Optional[int] = None, subset: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, progress=True ) -> 'core.NeuronObject': """Read parquet file into Neuron/List. See `here <>`_ for format specifications. Parameters ---------- f : str File to be read. read_meta : bool Whether to read neuron meta data stored in the parquet file (e.g. name or units). Defaults to True but can be switched off in case there are any issues. limit : int, optional If reading from a file containing multiple neurons you can use this parameter to read only the first ``limit`` neurons. Useful if wanting to get a sample from a large library of neurons. subset : str | int | list thereof If the parquet file contains multiple neurons you can use this to select the IDs of the neurons to load. Only works if the parquet file actually contains multiple neurons. Returns ------- navis.TreeNeuron/Dotprops If parquet file contains a single neuron. navis.NeuronList If parquet file contains multiple neurons. See Also -------- :func:`navis.write_parquet` Export neurons as parquet files. :func:`navis.scan_parquet` Scan parquet file for its contents. Examples -------- See :func:`navis.write_parquet` for examples. """ f = Path(f).expanduser() if not f.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'File "{f}" does not exist.') try: import pyarrow.parquet as pq except ImportError: raise ImportError('Reading parquet files requires the pyarrow library:\n' ' pip3 install pyarrow') if limit is not None: if subset not in (None, False): raise ValueError('You can provide either a `subset` or a `limit` but ' 'not both.') scan = scan_parquet(f) subset =[:limit] if isinstance(subset, (pd.Series)): subset = subset.values # Read the table if subset is None or subset is False: table = pq.read_table(f) elif isinstance(subset, (str, int)): table = pq.read_table(f, filters=[("neuron", "=", subset)]) elif isinstance(subset, (list, np.ndarray)): table = pq.read_table(f, filters=[("neuron", "in", subset)]) else: raise TypeError(f'`subset` must be int, str or iterable, got "{type(subset)}') # Extract meta data (will be byte encoded) if read_meta: metadata = {k.decode(): v.decode() for k, v in table.schema.metadata.items()} else: metadata = {} # Extract neuron meta data once here instead of for every neuron individually # Meta data is encoded as {"{ID}_{PROPERTY}": VALUE} # Here we pre-emptively turn this into {(ID, PROPERTY): VALUE} # Note that we're dropping "private" properties where the key starts with "_" neuron_meta = {tuple(k.split(':')): v for k, v in metadata.items() if not k.startswith('_')} # Convert to pandas table = table.to_pandas() # Check if we're doing skeletons or dotprops if 'node_id' in table.columns: _extract_neuron = _extract_skeleton elif 'vect_x' in table.columns: _extract_neuron = _extract_dotprops else: raise TypeError('Unable to extract neuron from parquet file with ' f'columns {table.columns}') # If this is a single neuron if 'neuron' not in table.columns: if metadata: id = [v for k, v in metadata.items() if k[1] == 'id'][0] else: id = '0' # <-- generic ID as fallback if we don't have metadata return _extract_neuron(table, id, neuron_meta) else: neurons = [] # Note: this could be done in threads for i, (id, this_table) in enumerate(config.tqdm(table.groupby('neuron'), disable=not progress, leave=False, desc='Making nrn')): this_table = this_table.drop("neuron", axis=1) neurons.append(_extract_neuron(this_table, id, neuron_meta)) return core.NeuronList(neurons)
def _extract_skeleton(nodes, id, metadata): """Extract a single skeleton.""" # Meta data is encoded as "{ID}_{PROPERTY}" str_id = str(id) this_meta = {k[1]: v for k, v in metadata.items() if k[0] == str_id} # Drop "Nones" this_meta = {k: v for k, v in this_meta.items() if v != "None"} # The soma needs to be added separately because it is typically stored as # list (e.g. [0]) which the TreeNeuron initialisation doesn't like if "soma" in this_meta: soma = this_meta.pop("soma") # Parse a list string (e.g. "[1]") back into a list if soma.startswith('['): soma = [_try_int(i.strip()) for i in soma[1:-1].split(',')] else: soma = _try_int(soma) else: soma = None # Make the neuron this_meta['id'] = id tn = core.TreeNeuron(nodes, **this_meta) # Fix soma if soma: tn.soma = soma else: tn.soma = None return tn def _extract_dotprops(table, id, metadata): """Extract a single dotprop.""" # Meta data is encoded as "{ID}_{PROPERTY}" str_id = str(id) this_meta = {k[1]: v for k, v in metadata.items() if k[0] == str_id} # Drop "Nones" this_meta = {k: v for k, v in this_meta.items() if v != "None"} # Make the neuron this_meta['id'] = id this_meta['k'] = this_meta.get('k', 5) # <- set a default K of 5 if 'vect_x' in table: this_meta['vect'] = table[['vect_x', 'vect_y', 'vect_z']].values if 'alpha' in table: this_meta['alpha'] = table['alpha'].values return core.Dotprops(table[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, **this_meta) def _try_int(x): """Try converting `x` into an integer.""" try: return int(x) except ValueError: return x def _int_to_bytes(x, bits=64): """Convert integer to bytes.""" return int(x).to_bytes(bits, 'big') def _bytes_to_int(x): """Convert bytes to integer.""" return int.from_bytes(x, "big")
[docs] def write_parquet(x: 'core.NeuronObject', filepath: Union[str, Path], write_meta: bool = True) -> None: """Write TreeNeuron(s) or Dotprops to parquet file. See `here <>`_ for format specifications. Parameters ---------- x : TreeNeuron | Dotprop | NeuronList thereof Neuron(s) to save. If NeuronList must contain either only TreeNeurons or only Dotprops. filepath : str | pathlib.Path Destination for the file. write_meta : bool | list of str Whether to also write neuron properties to file. By default this is `.name`, `.units` and `.soma`. You can change which properties are written by providing them as list of strings. See Also -------- :func:`navis.read_parquet` Import skeleton from parquet file. :func:`navis.scan_parquet` Scan parquet file for its contents. Examples -------- Save a bunch of skeletons: >>> import navis >>> nl = navis.example_neurons(3, kind='skeleton') >>> navis.write_parquet(nl, tmp_dir / 'skeletons.parquet') Inspect that file's content >>> import navis >>> contents = navis.scan_parquet(tmp_dir / 'skeletons.parquet') >>> contents # doctest: +SKIP id units name soma 0 722817260 8 nanometer DA1_lPN_R NaN 1 1734350908 8 nanometer DA1_lPN_R [6] 2 1734350788 8 nanometer DA1_lPN_R [4177] Read the skeletons back in >>> import navis >>> nl = navis.read_parquet(tmp_dir / 'skeletons.parquet') >>> len(nl) 3 """ filepath = Path(filepath).expanduser() # Make sure inputs are only TreeNeurons or Dotprops if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): types = x.types if types == (core.TreeNeuron,): _write_parquet = _write_parquet_skeletons elif types == (core.Dotprops, ): _write_parquet = _write_parquet_dotprops else: raise TypeError('Can only write either TreeNeurons or Dotprops to ' f'parquet but NeuronList contains {types}') if x.is_degenerated: raise ValueError('NeuronList must not contain non-unique IDs') else: if isinstance(x, (core.TreeNeuron, )): _write_parquet = _write_parquet_skeletons elif isinstance(x, (core.Dotprops, )): _write_parquet = _write_parquet_dotprops else: raise TypeError('Can only write TreeNeurons or Dotprops to parquet, ' f'got "{type(x)}"') return _write_parquet(x, filepath=filepath, write_meta=write_meta)
def _write_parquet_skeletons(x: 'core.TreeNeuron', filepath: Union[str, Path], write_meta: bool = True, ) -> None: """Write TreeNeurons to parquet file.""" try: import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq except ImportError: raise ImportError('Writing parquet files requires the pyarrow library:\n' ' pip3 install pyarrow') # Make sure we're working with a list, not a single neuron x = core.NeuronList(x) # Generate node table nodes = x.nodes[x.nodes.columns[np.isin(x.nodes.columns, SKELETON_COLUMNS)]] # Convert to pyarrow table table = pa.Table.from_pandas(nodes) # Compile metadata metadata = _compile_meta(x, write_meta=write_meta) # Generate a schema with the new meta data schema = pa.schema([table.schema.field(i) for i in range(len(table.schema))], metadata=metadata) return pq.write_table(table.cast(schema), filepath) def _write_parquet_dotprops(x: 'core.Dotprops', filepath: Union[str, Path], write_meta: bool = True, ) -> None: """Write Dotprops to parquet file. Examples -------- We will test writing dotprops here instead of the main function >>> import navis >>> nl = navis.example_neurons(3, kind='skeleton') >>> dp = navis.make_dotprops(nl, k=5) >>> navis.write_parquet(dp, tmp_dir / 'dotprops.parquet') >>> dp2 = navis.read_parquet(tmp_dir / 'dotprops.parquet') >>> assert len(dp) == len(dp2) >>> assert all([i in for i in]) """ try: import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq except ImportError: raise ImportError('Writing parquet files requires the pyarrow library:\n' ' pip3 install pyarrow') # Make sure we're working with a list, not a single neuron x = core.NeuronList(x) # Generate table table = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(x.points), columns=['x', 'y', 'z']) if all(x.has_vect): table = pd.concat((table, pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(x.vect), columns=['vect_x', 'vect_y', 'vect_z']) ), axis=1) if all(x.has_alpha): table['alpha'] = np.concatenate(x.alpha) # Add neuron ID table['neuron'] = np.repeat(, x.n_points) # Convert to pyarrow table table = pa.Table.from_pandas(table) # Compile metadata metadata = _compile_meta(x, write_meta=write_meta) # Generate a schema with the new meta data schema = pa.schema([table.schema.field(i) for i in range(len(table.schema))], metadata=metadata) return pq.write_table(table.cast(schema), filepath) def _compile_meta(x: Union['core.BaseNeuron', 'core.NeuronList'], write_meta: bool ) -> dict: """Compile meta data for writing to parquet file.""" metadata = {} for n in core.NeuronList(x): # ID is always written to file and it has to be a string if isinstance(, INT_TYPES): metadata[f'{}:id'] = str( #_int_to_bytes( else: metadata[f'{}:id'] = str( # If not write_meta, only ID is written to file if not write_meta: continue if isinstance(write_meta, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)): attrs = write_meta else: attrs = META_DATA for p in attrs: if not getattr(n, p, None): continue # We're mapping meta data as "{ID}_{property}" # e.g. {"1734350788_name": "DA1_lPN_R"} metadata[f'{}:{p}'] = str(getattr(n, p, None)) return metadata