Source code for

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""This module contains functions to read R data (.rda) files."""

import rdata
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from typing import Any, Mapping, Union

from .. import config, utils, core

__all__ = ['read_rda']

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

[docs] def read_rda(f: str, combine: bool = True, neurons_only: bool = True, **kwargs) -> 'core.NeuronList': """Read objects from nat R data (.rda) file. Currently supports parsing neurons, dotprops and mesh3d. Note that this is rather slow and I do not recommend doing this for large collections of neurons. For large scale conversion I recommend using the R interface (``navis.interfaces.r``, see online tutorials) via ``rpy2``. Parameters ---------- f : str Filepath. combined : bool What to do if there are multiple neuronlists contained in the RDA files. By default, we will combine them into a single NeuronList but you can also choose to keep them as separate neuronlists. neurons_only : bool Whether to only parse and return neurons and dotprops found in the RDA file. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the construction of `Tree/MeshNeuron/Dotprops`. You can use this to e.g. set meta data. Returns ------- navis.NeuronList If ``combine=True`` and ``neurons_only=True`` returns a single NeuronList with the parsed neurons. dict If ``combine=False`` or ``neurons_only=False`` returns a dictionary with the original R object name as key and the parsed object as value. """ # Parse the file parsed = rdata.parser.parse_file(f) # Now convert to Python objects with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") converted = rdata.conversion.convert(parsed, CLASS_MAP_EXT) # Some clean-up for k, v in converted.items(): # Convert single neurons to neuronlist if isinstance(v, core.BaseNeuron): converted[k] = core.NeuronList(v) # Give volumes a name elif isinstance(v, core.Volume): converted[k].name = k if combine: nl = core.NeuronList([n for n in converted.values() if isinstance(n, core.NeuronList)]) if nl: converted = {k: v for k, v in converted.items() if not isinstance(v, core.NeuronList)} converted['neurons'] = nl if neurons_only: if combine: converted = converted['neurons'] else: converted = {k: v for k, v in converted.items() if isinstance(v, core.NeuronList)} return converted
def neuronlist_constructor(obj: Any, attrs: Mapping[Union[str, bytes], Any], ) -> 'core.NeuronList': """Convert nat neuronlists to navis NeuronLists.""" # Set IDs neurons = [] for k, n in obj.items(): if isinstance(n, (core.BaseNeuron, core.NeuronList)): = k neurons.append(n) else: logger.warning(f'Unexpected object in neuronlist: {type(n)}. ' 'Possible parsing error.') # Turn into NeuronList nl = core.NeuronList(neurons) # Now parse extra attributes DataFrame df = attrs.get('df', None) if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): # Make sure we have still the correct order nl = nl.idx[attrs['names']] for col in df: # Skip non-string columns if not isinstance(col, str): continue # Skip some columns if col.lower() in ['type', 'idx']: continue if col.lower() in nl[0].__dict__.keys(): continue for n, v in zip(nl, df[col].values): # Register n._register_attr(col.lower(), v) return nl def dotprops_constructor(obj: Any, attrs: Mapping[Union[str, bytes], Any], ) -> 'core.Dotprops': """Convert nat dotprops to navis Dotprops.""" pts = np.asarray(obj.pop('points')) vect = np.asarray(obj.pop('vect')) alpha = np.asarray(obj.pop('alpha')) k = int(attrs.get('k', 1)[0]) file = attrs.get('file', [None])[0] return core.Dotprops(points=pts, k=k, alpha=alpha, vect=vect, file=file) def volume_constructor(obj: Any, attrs: Mapping[Union[str, bytes], Any], ) -> 'core.Volume': """Convert e.g. mesh3d to navis Volume.""" if 'vb' in obj and 'it' in obj: verts = np.asarray(obj.pop('vb'))[:3, :].T faces = np.asarray(obj.pop('it')).T - 1 return core.Volume(vertices=verts, faces=faces) elif 'Vertices' in obj and "Regions" in obj: verts = obj['Vertices'][['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values # If only one region if len(obj['Regions']) == 1: region = list(obj['Regions'].keys())[0] faces = obj['Regions'][region][['V1', 'V2', 'V3']].values - 1 return core.Volume(vertices=verts, faces=faces) else: volumes = [] for r in obj['Regions']: faces = obj['Regions'][r][['V1', 'V2', 'V3']].values - 1 volumes.append(core.Volume(vertices=verts, faces=faces, name=r)) return volumes else: logger.warning('Unable to construct Volume from R object of type ' f'"{attrs["class"]}". Returning raw data') return obj def neuron_constructor(obj: Any, attrs: Mapping[Union[str, bytes], Any], ) -> 'core.TreeNeuron': """Convert nat neuron/catmaidneuron to navis TreeNeuron.""" # Data to skip DO_NOT_USE = ['nTrees', 'SegList', 'NumPoints', 'StartPoint', 'EndPoints', 'BranchPoints', 'NumSegs'] # Construct neuron from just the nodes n = core.TreeNeuron(obj.pop('d')) # R uses diameter, not radius - let's fix that if 'radius' in n.nodes.columns: has_rad = n.nodes.radius.fillna(0) > 0 n.nodes.loc[has_rad, 'radius'] = n.nodes.loc[has_rad, 'radius'] / 2 # If this is a CATMAID neuron, we assume it's in nanometers if 'catmaidneuron' in attrs.get('class', []): n.units = 'nm' # Reuse ID if 'skid' in obj: skid = obj.pop('skid') if utils.is_iterable(skid): = skid[0] else: = skid # Try attaching other data for k, v in obj.items(): if k in DO_NOT_USE: continue try: setattr(n, k, v) except BaseException: pass return n CLASS_MAP_EXT = {**rdata.conversion.DEFAULT_CLASS_MAP, "neuronlist": neuronlist_constructor, "neuron": neuron_constructor, "mesh3d": volume_constructor, "hxsurf": volume_constructor, "dotprops": dotprops_constructor}