Source code for navis.models.network_models

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
"""Module contains network models."""

import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings

from typing import Iterable, Union, Optional, Callable

from .. import config

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

__all__ = ['BayesianTraversalModel', 'TraversalModel', 'linear_activation_p',

class BaseNetworkModel:
    """Base model for network simulations."""

    def __init__(self, edges: pd.DataFrame, source: str, target: str):
        """Initialize model."""
        assert isinstance(edges, pd.DataFrame), f'edges must be pandas DataFrame, got "{type(edges)}"'
        assert source in edges.columns, f'edges DataFrame must contain "{source}" column'
        assert target in edges.columns, f'edges DataFrame must contain "{target}" column'
        self.edges = edges
        self.source = source = target

        if (self.edges.dtypes[source] == object) or (self.edges.dtypes[target] == object):
            logger.warning('Looks like sources and/or targets in your edge list '
                           'might be strings? This can massively slow down '
                           'computations. If at all possible try to use numeric IDs.')

    def n_nodes(self) -> int:
        """Return unique nodes in network."""
        return np.unique(self.edges[[self.source,]].values.flatten()).shape[0]

    def has_results(self) -> bool:
        """Check if model has results."""
        if isinstance(getattr(self, 'results', None), pd.DataFrame):
            return True
        return False

    def run_parallel(self,
                     n_cores: int = 5,
                     iterations: int = 100,
                     **kwargs: dict) -> None:
        """Run model using parallel processes."""
        # Note that we initialize each process by making "edges" a global argument
        with mp.Pool(processes=n_cores,
                     initializer=self.initializer) as pool:

            # Each process will take about the same amount of time
            # So we want each process to take a single batch of iterations/n_cores runs
            kwargs['iterations'] = int(iterations/n_cores)
            calls = [{**kwargs, **{'position': i}} for i in range(int(n_cores))]

            # Generate processes - note the use of chunksize 1 because we have
            # already chunked the iterations such that each worker process
            # runs exactly once
            p = pool.imap_unordered(self._worker_wrapper, calls, chunksize=1)

            # Wait for processes to complete
            res = list(p)

        # Combine results
        self.results = pd.concat(res, axis=0)
        self.iterations = iterations

    def _worker_wrapper(self, kwargs: dict):

    def initializer(self):

    def run(self):

[docs] class TraversalModel(BaseNetworkModel): """Model for traversing a network starting with given seed nodes. What this does: 1. Grab all already visited nodes (starting with ``seeds`` in step 1) 2. Find all downstream nodes of these 3. Probabilistically traverse based on the weight of the connecting edges 4. Add those newly visited nodes to the pool & repeat from beginning 5. Stop when every (connected) neuron was visited or we reached ``max_steps`` Parameters ---------- edges : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame representing an edge list. Must minimally have a ``source`` and ``target`` column. seeds : iterable Seed nodes for traversal. Nodes that aren't found in ``edges['source']`` will be (silently) removed. weights : str, optional Name of a column in ``edges`` used as weights. If not provided, all edges will be given a weight of 1. If using the default activation function the weights need to be between 0 and 1. max_steps : int Limits the number of steps for each iteration. traversal_func : callable, optional Function that determines whether a given edge will be traversed or not in a given step. Must take numpy array (N, 1) of edge weights and return an array with True/False of equal size. Defaults to :func:`~navis.models.network_models.random_linear_activation_function` which will linearly scale probability of traversal from 0 to 100% between edges weights 0 to 0.3. Examples -------- >>> from navis.models import TraversalModel >>> import networkx as nx >>> import numpy as np >>> # Generate a random graph >>> G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(1000, .2, directed=True) >>> # Turn into edge list >>> edges = nx.to_pandas_edgelist(G) >>> # Add random edge weights >>> edges['weight'] = np.random.random(edges.shape[0]) >>> # Initialize model >>> model = TraversalModel(edges, seeds=list(G.nodes)[:10]) >>> # Run model on 2 cores >>> model.run_parallel(n_cores=2, iterations=100) >>> # Get a summary >>> model.summary.tail() # doctest: +SKIP layer_min layer_max layer_mean layer_median node 995 2 2 2.00 2 996 2 3 2.33 2 997 2 2 2.00 2 998 2 2 2.00 2 999 2 2 2.00 2 Above Graph was traversed quickly (3 steps max). Let's adjust the traversal function: >>> from navis.models import random_linear_activation_function >>> # Use a lower probability for activation >>> def my_act(x): ... return random_linear_activation_function(x, max_w=10) >>> model = TraversalModel(edges, seeds=list(G.nodes)[:10], ... traversal_func=my_act) >>> res = >>> res.tail() # doctest: +SKIP layer_min layer_max layer_mean layer_median node 995 2 4 3.210 3.0 996 2 4 3.280 3.0 997 2 4 3.260 3.0 998 2 4 3.320 3.0 999 2 4 3.195 3.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, edges: pd.DataFrame, seeds: Iterable[Union[str, int]], source: str = 'source', target: str = 'target', weights: Optional[str] = 'weight', max_steps: int = 15, traversal_func: Optional[Callable] = None): """Initialize model.""" super().__init__(edges=edges, source=source, target=target) if not weights: edges['weight'] = 1 weights = 'weight' assert weights in edges.columns, f'"{weights}" must be column in edge list' # Remove seeds that don't exist self.seeds = edges[edges[self.source].isin(seeds)][self.source].unique() if len(self.seeds) == 0: raise ValueError('None of the seeds where among edge list sources.') self.weights = weights self.max_steps = max_steps if isinstance(traversal_func, type(None)): self.traversal_func = random_linear_activation_function elif callable(traversal_func): self.traversal_func = traversal_func else: raise ValueError('`traversal_func` must be None or a callable')
@property def summary(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Per-node summary.""" return getattr(self, '_summary', self.make_summary()) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): s = f'{self.__class__}: {self.edges.shape[0]} edges; {self.n_nodes}' \ f' unique nodes; {len(self.seeds)} seeds;' \ f' traversal_func {self.traversal_func}.' if self.has_results: s += f' Model ran with {self.iterations} iterations.' else: s += ' Model has not yet been run.' return s def make_summary(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate summary.""" if not self.has_results: logger.error('Must run simulation first.') summary = self.results.groupby('node', as_index=False).steps.agg(['min', 'max', 'mean', 'median']) summary.rename({'min': 'layer_min', 'mean': 'layer_mean', 'max': 'layer_max', 'median': 'layer_median'}, axis=1, inplace=True) self._summary = summary return self._summary def run(self, iterations: int = 100, return_iterations=False, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Run model (single process). Use ``.run_parallel`` to use parallel processes. """ # For some reason this is required for progress bars in Jupyter to show print(' ', end='', flush=True) # For faster access, use the raw array # Note: we're splitting the columns in case we have different datatypes # (e.g. int64 for IDs and float for weights) sources = self.edges[self.source].values targets = self.edges[].values weights = self.edges[self.weights].values # For some reason the progress bar does not show unless we have a print here all_enc_nodes = None for it in config.trange(1, iterations + 1, disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave, position=kwargs.get('position', 0)): # Set seeds as encountered in step 1 enc_nodes = self.seeds enc_steps = np.repeat(1, len(self.seeds)) if return_iterations: enc_it = np.repeat(it, len(self.seeds)) # Start with all edges this_weights = weights this_sources = sources this_targets = targets for i in range(2, self.max_steps + 1): # Which edges have their presynaptic node already traversed? pre_trav = np.isin(this_sources, enc_nodes) # Among those, which edges have the postsynaptic node traversed? post_trav = np.isin(this_targets[pre_trav], enc_nodes) # Combine conditions to find edges where the presynaptic node # has been traversed but not the postsynaptic node pre_not_post = np.where(pre_trav)[0][~post_trav] out_targets = this_targets[pre_not_post] out_weights = this_weights[pre_not_post] # Drop edges that have already been traversed - speeds up things pre_and_post = np.where(pre_trav)[0][post_trav] this_targets = np.delete(this_targets, pre_and_post, axis=0) this_sources = np.delete(this_sources, pre_and_post, axis=0) this_weights = np.delete(this_weights, pre_and_post, axis=0) # Stop if we traversed the entire (reachable) graph if out_targets.size == 0: break # Edges traversed in this round trav = self.traversal_func(out_weights) if not trav.sum(): continue trav_targets = out_targets[trav] # Keep track new_trav = np.unique(trav_targets) # Store results enc_nodes = np.concatenate((enc_nodes, new_trav)) enc_steps = np.concatenate((enc_steps, np.repeat(i, len(new_trav)))) if return_iterations: enc_it = np.concatenate((enc_it, np.repeat(it, len(new_trav)))) # Save this round of traversal if all_enc_nodes is None: all_enc_nodes = enc_nodes all_enc_steps = enc_steps if return_iterations: all_enc_it = enc_it else: all_enc_nodes = np.concatenate((all_enc_nodes, enc_nodes)) all_enc_steps = np.concatenate((all_enc_steps, enc_steps)) if return_iterations: all_enc_it = np.concatenate((all_enc_it, enc_it)) self.iterations = iterations # Combine results into DataFrame self.results = pd.DataFrame() self.results['steps'] = all_enc_steps self.results['node'] = all_enc_nodes if return_iterations: self.results['iteration'] = all_enc_it return self.results
[docs] class BayesianTraversalModel(TraversalModel): """Model for traversing a network starting with given seed nodes. This model is a Bayes net version of :class:`~navis.models.network_models.TraversalModel` that propagates traversal probabilities through the network and converges to a distribution of time of traversal for each node, rather than stochastically sampling. Unlike ``TraversalModel``, this model should only be run once. Note alse that ``traversal_func`` should be a function returing probabilities of traversal, rather than a random boolean of traversal. Parameters ---------- edges : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame representing an edge list. Must minimally have a ``source`` and ``target`` column. seeds : iterable Seed nodes for traversal. Nodes that aren't found in ``edges['source']`` will be (silently) removed. weights : str, optional Name of a column in ``edges`` used as weights. If not provided, all edges will be given a weight of 1. If using the default activation function the weights need to be between 0 and 1. max_steps : int Limits the number of steps for each iteration. traversal_func : callable, optional Function returning probability whether a given edge will be traversed or not in a given step. Must take numpy array (N, 1) of edge weights and return an array with probabilities of equal size. Defaults to :func:`~navis.models.network_models.linear_activation_p` which will linearly scale probability of traversal from 0 to 100% between edges weights 0 to 0.3. Examples -------- >>> from navis.models import BayesianTraversalModel >>> import networkx as nx >>> import numpy as np >>> # Generate a random graph >>> G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(1000, .2, directed=True) >>> # Turn into edge list >>> edges = nx.to_pandas_edgelist(G) >>> # Add random edge weights >>> edges['weight'] = np.random.random(edges.shape[0]) >>> # Initialize model >>> model = BayesianTraversalModel(edges, seeds=list(G.nodes)[:10]) >>> # Run model >>> res = >>> # Get a summary >>> model.summary.tail() # doctest: +SKIP layer_min layer_max layer_mean layer_median node 995 2 2 2.00 2 996 2 3 2.33 2 997 2 2 2.00 2 998 2 2 2.00 2 999 2 2 2.00 2 Above Graph was traversed quickly (3 steps max). Let's adjust the traversal function: >>> from navis.models import linear_activation_p >>> # Use a lower probability for activation >>> def my_act(x): ... return linear_activation_p(x, max_w=10) >>> model = BayesianTraversalModel(edges, seeds=list(G.nodes)[:10], ... traversal_func=my_act) >>> res = >>> res.tail() # doctest: +SKIP layer_min layer_max layer_mean layer_median node 995 2 4 3.210 3.0 996 2 4 3.280 3.0 997 2 4 3.260 3.0 998 2 4 3.320 3.0 999 2 4 3.195 3.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, traversal_func: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs): """Initialize model.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(traversal_func, type(None)): self.traversal_func = linear_activation_p elif callable(traversal_func): self.traversal_func = traversal_func else: raise ValueError('`traversal_func` must be None or a callable')
def make_summary(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate summary.""" if not self.has_results: logger.error('Must run simulation first.') cmfs = np.stack(self.results.cmf) layer_min = (cmfs != 0).argmax(axis=1) valid = np.any(cmfs != 0, axis=1) layer_max = (cmfs == 1.).argmax(axis=1) layer_max[~np.any(cmfs == 1., axis=1)] = cmfs.shape[1] layer_median = (cmfs >= .5).argmax(axis=1).astype(float) pmfs = np.diff(cmfs, axis=1, prepend=0.) layer_pmfs = pmfs * np.arange(pmfs.shape[1]) layer_mean = np.sum(layer_pmfs, axis=1) summary = pd.DataFrame({ 'layer_min': layer_min + 1, 'layer_max': layer_max + 1, 'layer_mean': layer_mean + 1, 'layer_median': layer_median + 1, }, index=self.results.node) # Discard nodes that are never activated summary = summary[valid] self._summary = summary return self._summary def run(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Run model (single process).""" # For some reason this is required for progress bars in Jupyter to show print(' ', end='', flush=True) # For faster access, use the raw array edges = self.edges[[self.source,, self.weights]].values id_type = self.edges[self.source].dtype # Transform weights to traversal probabilities edges[:, 2] = self.traversal_func(edges[:, 2]) # Change node IDs into indices in [0, len(nodes)) ids, edges_idx = np.unique(edges[:, :2], return_inverse=True) ids = ids.astype(id_type) edges_idx = edges_idx.reshape((edges.shape[0], 2)) edges_idx = np.concatenate( (edges_idx, np.expand_dims(edges[:, 2], axis=1)), axis=1) cmfs = np.zeros((len(ids), self.max_steps), dtype=np.float64) seed_idx = np.searchsorted(ids, self.seeds) cmfs[seed_idx, :] = 1. changed = set(edges_idx[np.isin(edges_idx[:, 0], seed_idx), 1].astype(id_type)) with config.tqdm( total=0, disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave, position=kwargs.get('position', 0)) as pbar: while len(changed): next_changed = [] += len(changed) pbar.refresh() for idx in changed: cmf = cmfs[idx, :] inbound = edges_idx[edges_idx[:, 1] == idx, :] pre = inbound[:, 0].astype(np.int64) # Traversal probability for each inbound edge at each time. posteriors = cmfs[pre, :] * np.expand_dims(inbound[:, 2], axis=1) # At each time, compute the probability that at least one inbound edge # is traversed. new_pmf = 1 - - posteriors, axis=0) new_cmf = cmf.copy() # Offset the time-cumulative probability by 1 to account for traversal iteration. # Use maximum of previous CMF as it is monotonic and to include fixed seed traversal. new_cmf[1:] = np.maximum(cmf[1:], 1 - np.cumprod(1 - new_pmf[:-1])) np.clip(new_cmf, 0., 1., out=new_cmf) if np.allclose(cmf, new_cmf): continue cmfs[idx, :] = new_cmf # Notify downstream nodes that they have changed next iteration. post_idx = edges_idx[edges_idx[:, 0] == idx, 1].astype(id_type) next_changed.extend(list(post_idx)) pbar.update(len(changed)) changed = set(next_changed) self.iterations = 1 self.results = pd.DataFrame({'node': ids, 'cmf': list(cmfs)}) return self.results def run_parallel(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: warnings.warn(f"{self.__class__.__name__} should not be run in parallel. Falling back to run.")**kwargs)
def linear_activation_p( w: np.ndarray, min_w: float = 0, max_w: float = .3, ) -> np.ndarray: """Linear activation probability. Parameters ---------- w : np.ndarray (N, 1) array containing the edge weights. min_w : float Value of ``w`` at which probability of activation is 0%. max_w : float Value of ``w`` at which probability of activation is 100%. Returns ------- np.ndarray Probability of activation for each edge. """ return np.clip((w - min_w) / (max_w - min_w), 0., 1.) def random_activation_function( w: np.ndarray, func: Callable, ) -> np.ndarray: """Sample random activation for edges given a weight to probability function. Parameters ---------- w : np.ndarray (N, 1) array containing the edge weights. func : callable A function returning activation probabilities given a set of weights. Returns ------- np.ndarray True or False values for each edge. """ # Generate a random number between 0 and 1 for each connection r = np.random.rand(w.shape[0]) # Normalize weights to probabilities w_norm = func(w) # Test active act = w_norm >= r return act def random_linear_activation_function(w: np.ndarray, min_w: float = 0, max_w: float = .3) -> np.ndarray: """Random linear activation function. Parameters ---------- w : np.ndarray (N, 1) array containing the edge weights. min_w : float Value of ``w`` at which probability of activation is 0%. max_w : float Value of ``w`` at which probability of activation is 100%. Returns ------- np.ndarray True or False values for each edge. """ return random_activation_function(w, lambda w: linear_activation_p(w, min_w, max_w))