Source code for navis.morpho.persistence

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""Module to generate and analyze persistence diagrams."""

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist, squareform
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from typing import Union, Optional, Sequence, List, Dict, overload
from typing_extensions import Literal

from .. import utils, config, core, graph

# Setup logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

[docs] @utils.map_neuronlist(desc='Calc. persistence', allow_parallel=True) def persistence_points(x: 'core.NeuronObject', descriptor: Union[ Literal['root_dist'] ] = 'root_dist', remove_cbf: bool = False ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate points for a persistence diagram. Based on Li et al., PLoS One (2017). Briefly, this cuts the neuron into linear segments, the start (birth) and end (death) of which are assigned a value (see ``descriptor`` parameter). In combination, these points represent a fingerprint for the topology of the neuron. Parameters ---------- x : TreeNeuron | MeshNeuron | NeuronList Neuron(s) to calculate persistence poinst for. For MeshNeurons, we will use the skeleton produced by/associated with its ``.skeleton`` property. descriptor : 'root_dist' Descriptor function used to calculate birth and death "time" of the segments: - ``root_dist`` distance from root remove_cbf : bool In unipolar neurons (e.g. in insects) the soma is separate and connects to the neuron's backbone via "cell body fiber" (CBF). The length of the CBF can vary quite a bit. Discounting the CBF can make the persistence points more stable. If ``remove_cbf=True`` and the neuron has a soma (!) we ignore the CBF for the birth & death times. Neurons will also be automatically be rooted onto their soma! Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Examples -------- >>> import navis >>> n = navis.example_neurons(1) >>> n.reroot(n.soma, inplace=True) >>> p = navis.persistence_points(n) References ---------- Li Y, Wang D, Ascoli GA, Mitra P, Wang Y (2017) Metrics for comparing neuronal tree shapes based on persistent homology. PLOS ONE 12(8): e0182184. """ if descriptor not in ('root_dist', ): raise ValueError(f'Unknown "descriptor" parameter: {descriptor}') if isinstance(x, core.MeshNeuron): x = x.skeleton elif not isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): raise ValueError(f'Expected TreeNeuron(s), got "{type(x)}"') if remove_cbf and x.has_soma: # Reroot to soma x.reroot(x.soma, inplace=True) # Find the main branch point mbp = graph.find_main_branchpoint(x) # Generate segments segs = graph._generate_segments(x, weight='weight') # Grab starts and ends of each segment ends = np.array([s[0] for s in segs]) starts = np.array([s[-1] for s in segs]) if descriptor == 'root_dist': # Get geodesic distances to roots dist = graph.dist_to_root(x, weight='weight') death = np.array([dist[e] for e in ends]) birth = np.array([dist[s] for s in starts]) if remove_cbf and x.has_soma: # Subtract length of CBF cbf_length = graph.dist_between(x, mbp, x.soma) birth -= cbf_length death -= cbf_length # Drop segments that are entirely on the CBF starts = starts[death >= 0] ends = ends[death >= 0] birth = birth[death >= 0] death = death[death >= 0] # Clip negative births birth[birth < 0] = 0 # Compile into a DataFrame pers = pd.DataFrame() pers['start_node'] = starts pers['end_node'] = ends pers['birth'] = birth pers['death'] = death return pers
[docs] def persistence_distances(q: 'core.NeuronObject', t: Optional['core.NeuronObject'] = None, augment: bool = True, normalize: bool = True, bw: float = .2, **persistence_kwargs): """Calculate morphological similarity using persistence diagrams. This works by: 1. Generate persistence points for each neuron. 2. Create a weighted Gaussian from persistence points and sample 100 evenly spaced points to create a feature vector. 3. Calculate Euclidean distance. Parameters ---------- q/t : NeuronList Queries and targets, respectively. If ``t=None`` will run queries against queries. Neurons should have the same units, ideally nanometers. normalize : bool If True, will normalized the vector for each neuron to be within 0-1. Set to False if the total number of linear segments matter. bw : float Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel: larger = smoother, smaller = more detailed. augment : bool Whether to augment the persistence vectors with other neuron properties (number of branch points & leafs and cable length). **persistence_kwargs Keyword arguments are passed to :func:`navis.persistence_points`. Returns ------- distances : pandas.DataFrame See Also -------- :func:`navis.persistence_points` The function to calculate the persistence points. :func:`navis.persistence_vectors` Use this to get and inspect the actual vectors used here. """ q = core.NeuronList(q) all_n = q if t: t = core.NeuronList(t) all_n += t # Some sanity checks if len(all_n) <= 1: raise ValueError('Need more than one neuron.') soma_warn = False root_warn = False for n in all_n: if not soma_warn: if n.has_soma and n.soma not in n.root: soma_warn = True if not root_warn: if len(n.root) > 1: root_warn = True if root_warn and soma_warn: break if soma_warn: logger.warning('At least some neurons are not rooted to their soma.') if root_warn: logger.warning('At least some neurons are fragmented.') # Get persistence points for each skeleton pers = persistence_points(all_n, **persistence_kwargs) # Get the vectors vectors, samples = persistence_vectors(pers, samples=100, bw=bw) # Normalizing the vectors will produce more useful distances if normalize: vectors = vectors / vectors.max(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) else: vectors = vectors / vectors.max() if augment: # Collect extra data. Note that this adds only 3 more to the existing # 100 observations vec_aug = np.vstack((all_n.cable_length, all_n.n_leafs, all_n.n_branches)).T # Normalize per metric vec_aug = vec_aug / vec_aug.max(axis=0) # If we wanted to weigh those observation equal to the 100 topology # observations: # vec_aug *= 100 / vec_aug.shape[1] vectors = np.append(vectors, vec_aug, axis=1) if t: # Extract source and target vectors q_vec = vectors[:len(q)] t_vec = vectors[len(q):] return pd.DataFrame(cdist(q_vec, t_vec),, else: return pd.DataFrame(squareform(pdist(vectors)),,
[docs] def persistence_vectors(x, threshold: Optional[float] = None, samples: int = 100, bw: float = .2, center: bool = False, **kwargs): """Produce vectors from persistence points. Works by creating a Gaussian and sampling ``samples`` evenly spaced points across it. Parameters ---------- x : navis.NeuronList | pd.DataFrame | list thereof The persistence points (see :func:`navis.persistence_points`). For vectors for multiple neurons, provide either a list of persistence points DataFrames or a single DataFrame with a "neuron_id" column. threshold : float, optional If provided, segments shorter (death - birth) than this will not be used to create the Gaussian. samples : int Number of points sampled across the Gaussian. bw : float Bandwidth for Gaussian kernel: larger = smoother, smaller = more detailed. center : bool Whether to center the individual curves on their highest value. This is done by "rolling" the axis (using ``np.roll``) which means that elements that roll beyond the last position are re-introduced at the first. Returns ------- vectors : np.ndarray samples : np.ndarray Sampled distances. If ``center=True`` the absolute values don't make much sense anymore. References ---------- Li Y, Wang D, Ascoli GA, Mitra P, Wang Y (2017) Metrics for comparing neuronal tree shapes based on persistent homology. PLOS ONE 12(8): e0182184. See Also -------- :func:`navis.persistence_points` The function to calculate the persistence points. :func:`navis.persistence_distances` Get distances based on (augmented) persistence vectors. """ if isinstance(x, core.BaseNeuron): x = core.NeuronList(x) if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): pers = [x] elif isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): pers = [persistence_points(n, **kwargs) for n in x] elif isinstance(x, list): if not all([isinstance(l, pd.DataFrame) for l in x]): raise ValueError('Expected lists to contain only DataFrames') pers = x else: raise TypeError('Unable to work extract persistence vectors from data ' f'of type "{x}"') # Get the max distance max_pdist = max([p.birth.max() for p in pers]) samples = np.linspace(0, max_pdist * 1.05, samples) # Now get a persistence vector vectors = [] for p in pers: weights = p.death.values - p.birth.values if threshold: p = p.loc[weights >= threshold] weights = weights[weights >= threshold] # For each persistence generate a weighted Gaussian kernel kernel = gaussian_kde(p.birth.values, weights=weights, bw_method=bw) # And sample probabilities at the sample points vectors.append(kernel(samples)) vectors = np.array(vectors) if center: # Shift each vector such that the highest value lies in the center. # Note that we are "rolling" the array which means that elements that # drop off to the right are reintroduced on the left for i in range(len(vectors)): vectors[i] = np.roll(vectors[i], -np.argmax(vectors[i]) + len(samples) // 2) return vectors, samples
def persistence_diagram(pers, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot a persistence diagram. Parameters ---------- pers : pd.DataFrame Persistent points from :func:`navis.persistence_points`. ax : matplotlib ax, optional Ax to plot on. **kwargs Keyword arguments are passed to `LineCollection`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib ax """ if not isinstance(pers, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError(f'Expected DataFrame, got "{type(pers)}"') if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() segs = [] for i, (b, d) in enumerate(zip(pers.birth.values, pers.death.values)): segs.append([[b, i], [d, i]]) lc = LineCollection(segs, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(lc) ax.set_xlim(-5, pers.death.max()) ax.set_ylim(-5, pers.shape[0]) ax.set_ylabel('segments') ax.set_xlabel('time') return ax def persistence_vector_plot(x, normalize=True, ax=None, persistence_kwargs={}, vector_kwargs={}): """Plot persistence vectors. Parameters ---------- x : TreeNeuron | MeshNeuron | NeuronList Neuron(s) to calculate persistence points for. For MeshNeurons, we will use the skeleton produced by/associated with its ``.skeleton`` property. Returns ------- ax """ if not isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): x = core.NeuronList(x) # Get persistence points for each skeleton pers = persistence_points(x, **persistence_kwargs) # Get the vectors vectors, samples = persistence_vectors(pers, **vector_kwargs) # Normalizing the vectors will produce more useful distances if normalize: vectors = vectors / vectors.max(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) else: vectors = vectors / vectors.max() if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() for n, v in zip(x, vectors): ax.plot(samples, v, label=n.label) return ax