Source code for navis.nbl.utils

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""Module containing utility functions for BLASTING."""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch

from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist

from .. import config

logger = config.logger

[docs] def extract_matches(scores, N=None, threshold=None, percentage=None, axis=0, distances='auto'): """Extract top matches from score matrix. See `N`, `threshold` or `percentage` for the criterion. Parameters ---------- scores : pd.DataFrame Score matrix (e.g. from :func:`navis.nblast`). N : int Number of matches to extract. threshold : float Extract all matches above a given threshold. percentage : float [0-1] Extract all matches within a given range of the top match. E.g. `percentage=0.05` will return all matches within 5% of the top match. single_cols : bool If True will return single columns with comma-separated strings for match ID and match score, respectively. axis : 0 | 1 For which axis to produce matches. distances : "auto" | bool Whether `scores` is distances or similarities (i.e. whether we need to look for the lowest instead of the highest values). "auto" (default) will infer based on the diagonal of the `scores` matrix. Use boolean to override. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Note that the format is slightly different depending on the criterion. """ assert axis in (0, 1), '`axis` must be 0 or 1' if N is None and threshold is None and percentage is None: raise ValueError('Must provide either `N` or `threshold` or ' '`percentage` as criterion for match extraction.') elif len({N, threshold, percentage}) > 2: # We expect {criterion, None} raise ValueError('Please provide either `N`, `threshold` or ' '`percentage` as criterion for match extraction.') if distances == 'auto': distances = True if most(np.diag(scores.values).round(2) == 0) else False # Transposing is easier than dealing with the different axes further down if axis == 1: scores = scores.T if N is not None: return _extract_matches_n(scores, N=N, distances=distances) elif threshold is not None: return _extract_matches_threshold(scores, threshold=threshold, distances=distances) elif percentage is not None: return _extract_matches_perc(scores, perc=percentage, distances=distances)
def _extract_matches_n(scores, N=None, distances=False): """Return top N matches.""" if not distances: if N > 1: # This partitions of the largest N values (faster than argsort) # Their correct order, however, is not guaranteed top_n = np.argpartition(scores.values, -N, axis=-1)[:, -N:] else: # For N=1 this is still faster top_n = np.argmax(scores.values, axis=-1).reshape(-1, 1) else: if N > 1: top_n = np.argpartition(scores.values, N, axis=-1)[:, :N] else: top_n = np.argmin(scores.values, axis=-1).reshape(-1, 1) # This make sure we order them properly top_scores = scores.values[np.arange(len(scores)).reshape(-1, 1), top_n] ind_ordered = np.argsort(top_scores, axis=1) if distances: ind_ordered = ind_ordered[:, ::-1] top_n = top_n[np.arange(len(top_n)).reshape(-1, 1), ind_ordered] top_scores = top_scores[np.arange(len(top_scores)).reshape(-1, 1), ind_ordered] # Now collate matches matches = pd.DataFrame() matches['id'] = scores.index.values for i in range(N): matches[f'match_{i + 1}'] = scores.columns[top_n[:, -(i + 1)]] matches[f'score_{i + 1}'] = top_scores[:, -(i + 1)] return matches def _extract_matches_threshold(scores, threshold=.3, distances=False): """Extract all matches above a given threshold from score matrix.""" if not distances: ind, cols = np.where(scores.values >= threshold) else: ind, cols = np.where(scores.values <= threshold) matches = pd.DataFrame() matches['query'] = scores.index[ind] matches['match'] = scores.columns[cols] matches['score'] = scores.values[ind, cols] matches = matches.sort_values(['query', 'match', 'score']).set_index(['query', 'match']) return matches def _extract_matches_perc(scores, perc=.05, distances=False): """Extract all matches within a given percentage of the top match.""" if not distances: thresh = np.max(scores.values, axis=1) thresh = thresh - np.abs(thresh * perc) ind, cols = np.where(scores.values >= thresh.reshape(-1, 1)) else: thresh = np.min(scores.values, axis=1) thresh = thresh + np.abs(thresh * perc) ind, cols = np.where(scores.values <= thresh.reshape(-1, 1)) matches = pd.DataFrame() matches.index = scores.index match_str = [] scores_str = [] for i in range(len(matches)): this = cols[ind == i] sc = scores.values[i, this] srt = np.argsort(sc)[::-1] m = scores.columns[this][srt] sc = sc[srt] match_str.append(','.join(m.astype(str))) scores_str.append(','.join(sc.round(3).astype(str))) matches['matches'] = match_str matches['scores'] = scores_str return matches
[docs] def update_scores(queries, targets, scores_ex, nblast_func, **kwargs): """Update score matrix by running only new query->target pairs. Parameters ---------- queries : Dotprops targets : Dotprops scores_ex : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with existing scores. nblast_func : callable The NBLAST to use. For example: ``navis.nblast``. **kwargs Argument passed to ``nblast_func``. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Updated scores. Examples -------- Mostly for testing but also illustrates the principle: >>> import navis >>> import numpy as np >>> nl = navis.example_neurons(n=5) >>> dp = navis.make_dotprops(nl, k=5) / 125 >>> # Full NBLAST >>> scores = navis.nblast(dp, dp, n_cores=1) >>> # Subset and fill in >>> scores2 = navis.nbl.update_scores(dp, dp, ... scores_ex=scores.iloc[:3, 2:], ... nblast_func=navis.nblast, ... n_cores=1) >>> np.all(scores == scores2) True """ if not callable(nblast_func): raise TypeError('`nblast_func` must be callable.') # The np.isin query is much faster if we force any strings to <U18 by # converting to arrays is_new_q = ~np.isin(, np.array(scores_ex.index)) is_new_t = ~np.isin(, np.array(scores_ex.columns))'Found {is_new_q.sum()} new queries and ' f'{is_new_t.sum()} new targets.') # Reindex old scores scores = scores_ex.reindex(, # NBLAST new queries against all targets if 'precision' not in kwargs: kwargs['precision'] = scores.values.dtype if any(is_new_q):'Updating new queries -> targets scores') qt = nblast_func(queries[is_new_q], targets, **kwargs) scores.loc[qt.index, qt.columns] = qt.values # NBLAST all old queries against new targets if any(is_new_t):'Updating old queries -> new targets scores') tq = nblast_func(queries[~is_new_q], targets[is_new_t], **kwargs) scores.loc[tq.index, tq.columns] = tq.values return scores
[docs] def compress_scores(scores, threshold=None, digits=None): """Compress scores. This will not necessarily reduce the in-memory footprint but will lead to much smaller file sizes when saved to disk. Parameters ---------- scores : pandas.DataFrame threshold : float, optional Scores lower than this will be capped at `threshold`. digits : int, optional Round scores to the Nth digit. Returns ------- scores_comp : pandas.DataFrame Copy of the original dataframe with the data cast to 32bit floats and the optional filters (see `threshold` and `digits`) applied. """ scores = scores.astype(np.float32) if digits is not None: scores = scores.round(digits) if threshold is not None: scores.clip(lower=threshold, inplace=True) return scores
def make_linkage(x, method='single', optimal_ordering=False): """Make linkage from input. If input looks like linkage it is passed through.""" if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): # Make sure it is symmetric if x.shape[0] != x.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f'Scores must be symmetric, got shape {x.shape}') # A cheap check for whether these are mean scores if any(x.values[0].round(5) != x.values[:, 0].round(5)): logger.warning(f'Symmetrizing scores because they do not look like mean scores!') x = (x + x.values.T) / 2 dists = squareform(1 - x.values, checks=False) Z = sch.linkage(dists, method=method, optimal_ordering=optimal_ordering) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): Z = x else: raise TypeError(f'Expected scores) (DataFrame) or linkage (array), got {type(x)}') return Z def dendrogram(x, method='ward', **kwargs): """Plot dendrogram. This is just a convenient thin wrapper around scipy's dendrogram function that lets you feed NBLAST scores directly. Note that this causes some overhead for very large NBLASTs. Parameters ---------- x : DataFrame | array Pandas DataFrame is assumed to be NBLAST scores. Array is assumed to be a linkage. method : str Method for ``linkage``. Ignored if ``x`` is already a linkage. **kwargs Keyword argument passed to scipy's ``dendrogram``. Returns ------- dendrogram """ # Some sensible defaults that help with large dendrograms DEFAULTS = dict(no_labels=True, labels=x.index.values.astype(str) if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame) else None) DEFAULTS.update(kwargs) # Make linkage Z = make_linkage(x, method=method) return sch.dendrogram(Z, **DEFAULTS)
[docs] def make_clusters(x, t, criterion='n_clusters', method='ward', **kwargs): """Form flat clusters. This is a thin wrapper around ``scipy.cluster.hierarchy.cut_tree`` and ``scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fcluster`` functions. Parameters ---------- x : DataFrame | array Pandas DataFrame is assumed to be NBLAST scores. Array is assumed to be a linkage. t : scalar See ``method``. criterion : str Method to use for creating clusters: - `n_clusters` uses ``cut_tree`` to create ``t`` clusters - `height` uses ``cut_tree`` to cut the dendrogram at height ``t`` - `inconsistent`, `distance`, `maxclust`, etc are passed through to ``fcluster`` method : str Method for ``linkage``. Ignored if ``x`` is already a linkage. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed through to the cluster functions ``cut_tree`` and ``fcluster``. Returns ------- clusters : np.ndarray """ # Make linkage Z = make_linkage(x, method=method) if criterion == 'n_clusters': cl = sch.cut_tree(Z, n_clusters=t, **kwargs).flatten() elif criterion == 'height': cl = sch.cut_tree(Z, height=t, **kwargs).flatten() else: cl = sch.fcluster(Z, t=t, criterion=criterion, **kwargs) return cl
def nblast_prime(scores, n_dim=.2, metric='euclidean'): """Generate a smoothed version of the NBLAST scores. In brief: 1. Run PCA on the NBLAST scores and extract the first N components. 2. From that calulate a new similarity matrix. Requires scikit-learn. Parameters ---------- scores : pandas.DataFrame The all-by-all NBLAST scores. n_dim : float | int The number of dimensions to use. If float (0 < n_dim < 1) will use `scores.shape[0] * n_dim`. metric : str Which distance metric to use. Directly passed through to the `scipy.spatial.distance.pdist` function. Returns ------- scores_new """ try: from sklearn.decomposition import PCA except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please install scikit-learn to use `nblast_prime`:\n' ' pip3 install scikit-learn -U') if not isinstance(scores, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError(f'`scores` must be pandas DataFrame, got "{type(scores)}"') if (scores.shape[0] != scores.shape[1]) or ~np.all(scores.columns == scores.index): logger.warning('NBLAST matrix is not symmetric - are you sure this is ' 'an all-by-all matrix?') if n_dim < 1: n_dim = int(scores.shape[1] * n_dim) pca = PCA(n_components=n_dim) X_new = pca.fit_transform(scores.values) dist = pdist(X_new, metric=metric) return pd.DataFrame(1 - squareform(dist), index=scores.index, columns=scores.columns) def most(x, f=.9): """Check if most (as opposed to all) entries are True.""" if x.sum() >= (x.shape[0] * f): return True return False