Source code for navis.plotting.vispy.viewer

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

import colorsys
import platform
import scipy.spatial
import png
import uuid

import matplotlib.colors as mcl
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import trimesh as tm

from functools import wraps
from collections import OrderedDict

from ... import utils, config
from ..colors import *
from .vputils import *

    from vispy import scene
    from vispy.util.quaternion import Quaternion
except ImportError:
    scene = None

__all__ = ['Viewer']

logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

def block_all(function):
    """Block all events on canvas and view while changes are being made."""
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        viewer = args[0]
            # Execute function
            res = function(*args, **kwargs)
        except BaseException:
        # Return result
        return res
    return wrapper

def block_canvas(function):
    """ Decorator to block all events on canvas while changes are being made.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        viewer = args[0]
            # Execute function
            res = function(*args, **kwargs)
        except BaseException:
        # Return result
        return res
    return wrapper

[docs] class Viewer: """Vispy 3D viewer. Parameters ---------- picking : bool, default = False If ``True``, allow selecting neurons by shift-clicking on neurons and placing a 3D cursor via control-click (for OSX: command-click). **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to ``vispy.scene.SceneCanvas``. Attributes ---------- picking : bool, Set to ``True`` to allow picking via shift-clicking. selected : np.array List of currently selected neurons. Can also be used to set the selection. show_legend : bool Set to ``True`` or press ``L`` to show legend. This may impact performance. legend_font_size : int Font size for legend. Examples -------- This viewer is what :func:`navis.plot3d` uses when ``backend='vispy'``. Instead of :func:`navis.plot3d` we can interact with the viewer directly: >>> # Open a 3D viewer >>> import navis >>> v = navis.Viewer() >>> # Close the 3D viewer >>> v.close() You can change the background color from the start or on-the-go: >>> # Set background to green >>> v = navis.Viewer(bgcolor='green') >>> # Set background back to white >>> v.set_bgcolor((1, 1, 1)) >>> # Alternative to v.close(): >>> navis.close3d() """
[docs] def __init__(self, picking=False, **kwargs): if not scene: raise ImportError('`navis.Viewer` requires the `vispy` package to ' 'be installed:\n pip3 install vispy') # Update some defaults as necessary defaults = dict(keys=None, show=True, title='navis Viewer', bgcolor='black') defaults.update(kwargs) # If we're runningg in headless mode (primarily for tests on CI) we will # simply not initialize the vispy objects. Not ideal but it turns # out to be very annoying to correctly setup on Github Actions. if getattr(config, 'headless', False): return # Set border rim -> this depends on how the framework (e.g. QT5) # renders the window self._rim_bot = 15 self._rim_top = 20 self._rim_left = 10 self._rim_right = 10 # Generate canvas self.canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(**defaults) """ from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QPushButton # Create canvas button = QPushButton('PyQt5 button', self.canvas.native) button.move(10, 10) """ # Add and setup 3d view self.view3d = self.canvas.central_widget.add_view() self.camera3d = scene.ArcballCamera() = self.camera3d # Add permanent overlays self.overlay = self._draw_overlay() self.canvas.unfreeze() self.canvas._overlay = self.overlay self.canvas._view3d = self.view3d self.canvas._wrapper = self self.canvas.freeze() # Add picking functionality if picking: self.picking = True else: self.picking = False # Set cursor_pos to None self.cursor_pos = None # Add keyboard shortcuts self.canvas.connect(on_key_press) # Add resize control to keep overlay in position self.canvas.connect(on_resize) # Legend settings self.__show_legend = False self.__selected = np.array([], dtype='object') self._cycle_index = -1 self.__legend_font_size = 7 # Color to use when selecting neurons self.highlight_color = (1, .9, .6) # Keep track of initial camera position self._camera_default = # Cycle mode can be 'hide' or 'alpha' self._cycle_mode = 'alpha' # Cursors self._cursor = None self._picking_radius = 20 # Other stuff self._show_bounds = False self._show_axes = False
def _draw_overlay(self): overlay = scene.widgets.ViewBox(parent=self.canvas.scene) self.view3d.add_widget(overlay) """ # Legend title t = scene.visuals.Text('Legend', pos=(10,10), anchor_x='left', name='permanent', parent=overlay, color=(0,0,0), font_size=9) """ # Text color depends on background color v = self.canvas.bgcolor.hsv[2] text_color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(0, 0, 1 - v) # Keyboard shortcuts self._key_shortcuts = {'O': 'toggle overlay', 'L': 'toggle legend', 'P': 'toggle picking', 'Q/W': 'cycle neurons', 'U': 'unhide all', 'B': 'bounding box', 'F': 'show/hide FPS', '1': 'XY', '2': 'XZ', '3': 'YZ'} shorts_text = 'SHORTCUTS: ' + ' | '.join([f"<{k}> {v}" for k, v in self._key_shortcuts.items()]) self._shortcuts = scene.visuals.Text(shorts_text, pos=(self._rim_left, overlay.size[1] - self._rim_bot), anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', name='permanent', method='gpu', parent=overlay, color=text_color, font_size=6) # FPS (hidden at start) self._fps_text = scene.visuals.Text('FPS', pos=(overlay.size[0] / 2, self._rim_top), anchor_x='center', anchor_y='top', name='permanent', method='gpu', parent=overlay, color=(0, 0, 0), font_size=6) self._fps_text.visible = False # Picking shortcuts (hidden at start) self._picking_shortcuts = {'LMB @legend': 'show/hide neuron', 'SHIFT+LMB @neuron': 'select neuron', 'D': 'deselect all', 'H': 'hide selected', 'C': 'url to cursor'} # Add platform-specific modifiers if platform.system() == 'darwin': self._picking_shortcuts['CMD+LMB'] = 'set cursor' else: self._picking_shortcuts['CTRL+LMB'] = 'set cursor' shorts_text = 'PICKING: ' + ' | '.join(['<{k}> {v}' for k, v in self._picking_shortcuts.items()]) self._picking_text = scene.visuals.Text(shorts_text, pos=(self._rim_left, overlay.size[1] - self._rim_bot - 10), anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', name='permanent', method='gpu', parent=overlay, color=text_color, font_size=6) self._picking_text.visible = False # Text box in top right to display arbitrary data self._data_text = scene.visuals.Text('', pos=(overlay.size[0] - self._rim_right, self._rim_top), anchor_x='right', anchor_y='top', name='permanent', method='gpu', parent=overlay, color=text_color, font_size=6) return overlay @property def show_legend(self): """Set to ``True`` to hide neuron legend.""" return self.__show_legend @show_legend.setter def show_legend(self, v): if not isinstance(v, bool): raise TypeError(f'Need boolean, got "{type(v)}"') if v != self.show_legend: self.__show_legend = v # Make sure changes take effect self.update_legend() @property def legend_font_size(self): """Change legend's font size.""" return self.__legend_font_size @legend_font_size.setter def legend_font_size(self, val): self.__legend_font_size = val if self.show_legend: self.update_legend() @property def picking(self): """Set to ``True`` to allow picking.""" return self.__picking def toggle_picking(self): """Toggle picking and overlay text.""" if self.picking: self.picking = False self._picking_text.visible = False else: self.picking = True self._picking_text.visible = True @picking.setter def picking(self, v): if not isinstance(v, bool): raise TypeError(f'Need bool, got {type(v)}') self.__picking = v if self.picking: self.canvas.connect(on_mouse_press) else: def _render_fb(self, crop=None): """Render framebuffer.""" if not crop: crop = (0, 0, self.canvas.size[0] * self.canvas.pixel_scale, self.canvas.size[1] * self.canvas.pixel_scale) # We have to temporarily deactivate the overlay and view3d # otherwise we won't be able to see what's on the 3D or might # see holes in the framebuffer self.view3d.interactive = False self.overlay.interactive = False p = self.canvas._render_picking(crop=crop) self.view3d.interactive = True self.overlay.interactive = True return p @property def visible(self): """List IDs of currently visible neurons.""" neurons = self.neurons # grab this only once to speed things up return [s for s in neurons if neurons[s][0].visible] @property def invisible(self): """List IDs of currently visible neurons.""" neurons = self.neurons # grab this only once to speed things up return [s for s in neurons if not neurons[s][0].visible] @property def pinned(self): """List IDs of currently pinned neurons.""" neurons = self.neurons # grab this only once to speed things up return [s for s in neurons if getattr(neurons[s][0], 'pinned', False)] @property def selected(self): """Return IDs of or set selected neurons.""" return self.__selected @selected.setter def selected(self, val): n = np.asarray(val).astype('object') neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up logger.debug(f'{len(n)} neurons selected ({len(self.selected)} previously)') # First un-highlight neurons no more selected for s in [s for s in self.__selected if s not in set(n)]: for v in neurons[s]: if isinstance(v, scene.visuals.Mesh): v.color = v._stored_color else: v.set_data(color=v._stored_color) # Highlight new additions for s in n: if s not in self.__selected: for v in neurons[s]: # Keep track of old colour v.unfreeze() v._stored_color = v.color v.freeze() if isinstance(v, scene.visuals.Mesh): v.color = self.highlight_color else: v.set_data(color=self.highlight_color) self.__selected = n # Update legend if self.show_legend: self.update_legend() # Update data text # Currently only the development version of vispy supports escape # character (e.g. \n) t = '| '.join([f'{neurons[s][0]._name} - #{s}' for s in self.__selected]) self._data_text.text = t @property def visuals(self): """List of all 3D visuals on this canvas.""" return [v for v in self.view3d.children[0].children if isinstance(v, scene.visuals.VisualNode)] @property def bounds(self): """Bounds of all currently visuals (visible and invisible).""" bounds = [] for vis in self.visuals: # Skip the bounding box itself if getattr(vis, '_object_type', '') == 'boundingbox': continue try: bounds.append(vis._bounds) except BaseException: pass if not bounds: return None bounds = np.dstack(bounds) mn = bounds[:, 0, :].min(axis=1) mx = bounds[:, 1, :].max(axis=1) return np.vstack((mn, mx)).T @property def _object_ids(self): """All object IDs on this canvas in order of addition.""" obj_ids = [getattr(v, '_object_id') for v in self.visuals] return sorted(set(obj_ids), key=lambda x: obj_ids.index(x)) @property def objects(self): """Ordered dictionary {uuid->[visuals]} of all objects in order of addition.""" objects = OrderedDict() for ob in self._object_ids: objects[ob] = [v for v in self.visuals if getattr(v, '_object_id') == ob] return objects @property def neurons(self): """Return visible and invisible neuron visuals currently on the canvas. Returns ------- OrderedDict ``{id: [neurites, soma]}`` """ # Collect neuron objects (neurites + somata) visuals = self.visuals # Get this only once to speed things up neuron_obj = [c for c in visuals if 'neuron' in getattr(c, '_object_type', '')] # Collect IDs neuron_ids = set([ob._id for ob in neuron_obj]) # Collect somata and neurites by ID coll = OrderedDict() for ob in neuron_ids: coll[ob] = [v for v in visuals if getattr(v, '_id') == ob] return coll @property def _neuron_obj(self): """Return neurons by their object id.""" # Collect neuron objects neuron_obj = [c for c in self.visuals if 'neuron' in getattr( c, '_object_type', '')] # Collect skeleton IDs obj_ids = set([ob._object_id for ob in neuron_obj]) # Map visuals to unique skids return {s: [ob for ob in neuron_obj if ob._object_id == s] for s in obj_ids} def clear_legend(self): """Clear legend.""" # Clear legend except for title for l in [l for l in self.overlay.children if isinstance(l, scene.visuals.Text) and != 'permanent']: l.parent = None
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear canvas.""" # Skip if running in headless mode if getattr(config, 'headless', False): return for v in self.visuals: v.parent = None # `remove_bounds` set this to False but # here we want the current setting to persist show_bounds = self.show_bounds self.remove_bounds() self.clear_legend() self.show_bounds = show_bounds
def remove(self, to_remove): """Remove given neurons/visuals from canvas.""" to_remove = utils.make_iterable(to_remove) neurons = self.neurons # grab this only once to speed things up for vis in to_remove: if isinstance(vis, scene.visuals.VisualNode): vis.parent = None else: uuids = utils.eval_id(to_remove) for u in uuids: for v in neurons.get(u, []): v.parent = None if self.show_bounds: self.update_bounds() def pop(self, N=1): """Remove the most recently added N visuals.""" for vis in list(self.objects.values())[-N:]: self.remove(vis) @property def show_bounds(self): """Set to ``True`` to show bounding box.""" return self._show_bounds
[docs] def toggle_bounds(self): """Toggle bounding box.""" self.show_bounds = not self.show_bounds
@show_bounds.setter def show_bounds(self, v): if not isinstance(v, bool): raise TypeError(f'Need bool, got {type(v)}') self._show_bounds = v if self.show_bounds: self.update_bounds() else: self.remove_bounds() def remove_bounds(self): """Remove bounding box visual.""" self._show_bounds = False for v in self.visuals: if getattr(v, '_object_type', '') == 'boundingbox': self.remove(v) @block_canvas def update_bounds(self, color='w', width=1): """Update bounding box visual.""" # Remove any existing visual self.remove_bounds() bounds = self.bounds self._show_bounds = True # Skip if no visual on canvas if isinstance(bounds, type(None)): return # Create box visual dims = bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0] center = bounds.mean(axis=1) box = tm.primitives.Box(extents=dims).apply_scale(1.1) # Recenter vertices vertices = np.array(box.vertices) + center connect = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 4], [1, 3], [1, 5], [2, 3], [2, 6], [3, 7], [4, 5], [4, 6], [5, 7], [6, 7]]) box = scene.visuals.Line(pos=vertices, color=mcl.to_rgb(color), # Can only be used with method 'agg' width=width, connect=connect, antialias=True, name='BoundingBox', method='gl') # Add custom attributes box.unfreeze() box._object_type = 'boundingbox' box._object_id = uuid.uuid4() box.freeze() self.view3d.add(box) @block_canvas def update_legend(self): """Update legend.""" # Get existing labels labels = {l._object_id: l for l in self.overlay.children if getattr(l, '_object_id', None)} # If legend is not meant to be shown, make sure everything is hidden and return if not self.show_legend: for v in labels.values(): if v.visible: v.visible = False return else: for v in labels.values(): if not v.visible: v.visible = True # Labels to be removed neuron_obj = self._neuron_obj # grab only once to speed things up to_remove = [s for s in labels if s not in neuron_obj] for s in to_remove: labels[s].parent = None # Generate new labels to_add = [s for s in neuron_obj if s not in labels] for s in to_add: # Fallback is name or in lieu of that the object's type lbl = getattr(neuron_obj[s][0], '_name', str(type(neuron_obj[s][0]))) # See if we find a "label" property if hasattr(neuron_obj[s][0], '_object'): if hasattr(neuron_obj[s][0]._object, 'label'): lbl = neuron_obj[s][0]._object.label txt = scene.visuals.Text(lbl, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top', parent=self.overlay, method='gpu', font_size=self.legend_font_size) txt.interactive = True txt.unfreeze() txt._object_id = s txt._id = neuron_obj[s][0]._id txt.freeze() # Position and color labels labels = {l._object_id: l for l in self.overlay.children if getattr( l, '_object_id', None)} for i, s in enumerate(sorted(neuron_obj)): if neuron_obj[s][0].visible: color = neuron_obj[s][0].color else: color = (.3, .3, .3) offset = 10 * (self.legend_font_size / 7) labels[s].pos = (10, offset * (i + 1)) labels[s].color = color labels[s].font_size = self.legend_font_size def toggle_overlay(self): """Toggle legend on and off.""" self.overlay.visible = self.overlay.visible is False def center_camera(self): """Center camera on visuals.""" visuals = self.visuals # Get this only once to speed things up if not visuals: return xbounds = np.array([v.bounds(0) for v in visuals]).flatten() ybounds = np.array([v.bounds(1) for v in visuals]).flatten() zbounds = np.array([v.bounds(2) for v in visuals]).flatten() self.camera3d.set_range((xbounds.min(), xbounds.max()), (ybounds.min(), ybounds.max()), (zbounds.min(), zbounds.max()))
[docs] def add(self, x, center=True, clear=False, combine=False, **kwargs): """Add objects to canvas. Parameters ---------- x : Neuron/List | Dotprops | Volumes | Points | vispy Visuals Object(s) to add to the canvas. center : bool, optional If True, re-center camera to all objects on canvas. clear : bool, optional If True, clear canvas before adding new objects. combine : bool, optional If True, will try combining similar objects into a single visual. This reduces the number of shader programs and can greatly increase the frame rate. Downside: objects can no longer be individually manipulated. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed when generating visuals. See :func:`~navis.plot3d` for options. Returns ------- None """ from .visuals import neuron2vispy, volume2vispy, points2vispy, combine_visuals (neurons, volumes, points, visuals) = utils.parse_objects(x) if len(set(kwargs) & set(['c', 'color', 'colors'])) > 1: raise ValueError('Must not provide colors via multiple arguments') if neurons: visuals += neuron2vispy(neurons, **kwargs) if volumes: visuals += volume2vispy(volumes, **kwargs) if points: visuals += points2vispy(points, **kwargs.get('scatter_kws', {})) if not visuals: raise ValueError('No visuals created.') if clear: self.clear() if combine: visuals = combine_visuals(visuals, kwargs.get('name')) # If we're runningg in headless mode (primarily for tests on CI) we will # simply not add the objects. Not ideal but it turns out to be very # annoying to correctly setup on Github Actions. if getattr(config, 'headless', False): return for v in visuals: # Give visuals an _object_id if they don't already have one if not hasattr(v, '_object_id'): v.unfreeze() v._object_id = uuid.uuid4() v.freeze() self.view3d.add(v) if center: self.center_camera() if self.show_legend: self.update_legend() if self.show_bounds: self.update_bounds()
[docs] def show(self): """Show viewer.""" # This is for e.g. headless testing if getattr(config, 'headless', False):"Viewer widget not shown - navis running in headless mode. ") return
[docs] def close(self): """Close viewer.""" # Skip if this is headless mode if getattr(config, 'headless', False): return # Clear first to free all visuals self.clear() if self == getattr(config, 'primary_viewer', None): del config.primary_viewer self.canvas.close()
[docs] def hide_neurons(self, n): """Hide given neuron(s).""" ids = utils.eval_id(n) neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up for s in ids: for v in neurons[s]: if getattr(v, 'pinned', False): continue if v.visible: v.visible = False self.update_legend()
def hide_selected(self): """Hide currently selected neuron(s).""" self.hide_neurons(self.selected)
[docs] def unhide_neurons(self, n=None, check_alpha=False): """Unhide given neuron(s). Use ``n`` to unhide specific neurons. """ neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up if not isinstance(n, type(None)): ids = utils.eval_id(n) else: ids = list(neurons.keys()) for s in ids: for v in neurons[s]: if getattr(v, 'pinned', False): continue if not v.visible: v.visible = True if check_alpha: # Make sure color has an alpha channel c = to_rgba(neurons[s][0].color) # Make sure alpha is 1 if c.ndim == 1 and c[3] != 1: c[3] = 1 self.set_colors({s: c}) elif c.ndim == 2 and np.any(c[:, 3] != 1): c[:, 3] = 1 self.set_colors({s: c}) self.update_legend()
def pin_neurons(self, n): """Pin given neuron(s). Changes to the color or visibility of pinned neurons are silently ignored. You can use this to keep specific neurons visible while cycling through the rest - useful for comparisons. """ ids = utils.eval_id(n) neurons = self.neurons # grab only once to speed things up for s in ids: for v in neurons[s]: v.unfreeze() v.pinned = True v.freeze() def unpin_neurons(self, n=None): """Unpin given neuron(s). Use ``n`` to unhide specific neurons. """ neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up if not isinstance(n, type(None)): ids = utils.eval_id(n) else: ids = list(neurons.keys()) for s in ids: for v in neurons[s]: v.unfreeze() v.pinned = False v.freeze() def toggle_neurons(self, n): """Toggle neuron(s) visibility.""" n = utils.make_iterable(n) if False not in [isinstance(u, uuid.UUID) for u in n]: obj = self._neuron_obj else: n = utils.eval_id(n) obj = self.neurons for s in n: for v in obj[s]: v.visible = v.visible is False self.update_legend() def toggle_select(self, n): """Toggle selected of given neuron.""" skids = utils.eval_id(n) neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up for s in skids: if self.selected != s: self.selected = s for v in neurons[s]: self._selected_color = v.color v.set_data(color=self.highlight_color) else: self.selected = None for v in neurons[s]: v.set_data(color=self._selected_color) self.update_legend()
[docs] @block_all def set_colors(self, c, include_connectors=False): """Set neuron color. Parameters ---------- c : tuple | dict RGB color(s) to apply. Values must be 0-1. Accepted: 1. Tuple of single color. Applied to all visible neurons. 2. Dictionary mapping skeleton IDs to colors. """ neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up if isinstance(c, (tuple, list, np.ndarray, str)): cmap = {s: c for s in neurons} elif isinstance(c, dict): cmap = c else: raise TypeError(f'Unable to use colors of type "{type(c)}"') for n in neurons: if n in cmap: for v in neurons[n]: if getattr(v, 'pinned', False): continue if v._neuron_part == 'connectors' and not include_connectors: continue new_c = mcl.to_rgba(cmap[n]) if isinstance(v, scene.visuals.Mesh): v.color = new_c else: v.set_data(color=mcl.to_rgba(cmap[n])) if self.show_legend: self.update_legend()
@block_all def set_alpha(self, a, include_connectors=True): """Set neuron color alphas. Parameters ---------- a : tuple | dict Alpha value(s) to apply. Values must be 0-1. Accepted: 1. Tuple of single alpha. Applied to all visible neurons. 2. Dictionary mapping skeleton IDs to alpha. """ neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up if isinstance(a, (tuple, list, np.ndarray, str)): amap = {s: a for s in neurons} elif isinstance(a, dict): amap = a else: raise TypeError(f'Unable to use colors of type "{type(a)}"') for n in neurons: if n in amap: for v in neurons[n]: if getattr(v, 'pinned', False): continue if v._neuron_part == 'connectors' and not include_connectors: continue try: this_c = v.color.rgba except BaseException: this_c = v.color this_c = np.asarray(this_c) # For arrays of colors if this_c.ndim == 2: # If no alpha channel yet, add one if this_c.shape[1] == 3: this_c = np.insert(this_c, 3, np.ones(this_c.shape[0]), axis=1) # If already the correct alpha value if np.all(this_c[:, 3] == amap[n]): continue else: this_c[:, 3] = amap[n] else: if len(this_c) == 4 and this_c[3] == amap[n]: continue else: this_c = tuple([this_c[0], this_c[1], this_c[2], amap[n]]) if isinstance(v, scene.visuals.Mesh): v.color = this_c else: v.set_data(color=this_c) if self.show_legend: self.update_legend()
[docs] def colorize(self, palette='hls', include_connectors=False): """Colorize neurons using a seaborn color palette.""" neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up colors = sns.color_palette(palette, len(neurons)) cmap = {s: colors[i] for i, s in enumerate(neurons)} self.set_colors(cmap, include_connectors=include_connectors)
def set_bgcolor(self, c): """Set background color.""" if getattr(config, 'headless', False): return self.canvas.bgcolor = c def _cycle_neurons(self, increment): """Cycle through neurons.""" self._cycle_index += increment # If mode is 'hide' cycle over all neurons neurons = self.neurons # grab once to speed things up if self._cycle_mode == 'hide': to_cycle = neurons # If mode is 'alpha' ignore all hidden neurons elif self._cycle_mode == 'alpha': # Make sure to keep the order to_cycle = OrderedDict() for s in self.visible: to_cycle[s] = neurons[s] else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown cycle mode "{self._cycle_mode}".') if self._cycle_index < 0: self._cycle_index = len(to_cycle) - 1 elif self._cycle_index > len(to_cycle) - 1: self._cycle_index = 0 to_hide = [n for i, n in enumerate(to_cycle) if i != self._cycle_index] to_show = [list(to_cycle.keys())[self._cycle_index]] # Depending on background color, we have to use different alphas v = self.canvas.bgcolor.hsv[2] out_alpha = .05 + .2 * v if self._cycle_mode == 'hide': self.hide_neurons(to_hide) self.unhide_neurons(to_show) elif self._cycle_mode == 'alpha': # Get current colors new_amap = {} for n in to_cycle: this_c = np.asarray(to_cycle[n][0].color) if this_c.ndim == 2: if this_c.shape[1] == 4: this_a = this_c[0, 3] else: this_a = 1 else: if this_c.shape[0] == 4: this_a = this_c[3] else: this_a = 1 # If neuron needs to be hidden, add to cmap if n in to_hide and this_a != out_alpha: new_amap[n] = out_alpha elif n in to_show and this_a != 1: new_amap[n] = 1 self.set_alpha(new_amap) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown cycle mode: "{self._cycle_mode}". Use ' '"hide" or "alpha"!') self.active_neuron = to_show # Generate names names = [] for u in to_show: n = getattr(neurons[u][0], "name", "NA") if not isinstance(u, uuid.UUID): n += f' ({u})' names.append(n) self._data_text.text = f'{"|".join(names)}' \ f' [{self._cycle_index + 1}/{len(neurons)}]' def _draw_fps(self, fps): """Callback for ``canvas.measure_fps``.""" self._fps_text.text = f'{fps:.2f} FPS' def _toggle_fps(self): """Switch FPS measurement on and off.""" if not self._fps_text.visible: self.canvas.measure_fps(1, self._draw_fps) self._fps_text.visible = True else: self.canvas.measure_fps(1, None) self._fps_text.visible = False def _snap_cursor(self, pos, visual, open_browser=False): """Snap cursor to clostest vertex of visual.""" if not getattr(self, '_cursor', None): self._cursor = scene.visuals.Arrow(pos=np.array([(0, 0, 0), (1000, 0, 0)]), color=(1, 0, 0, 1), arrow_color=(1, 0, 0, 1), arrow_size=10, arrows=np.array([[800, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0]])) if not self._cursor.parent: self.add(self._cursor, center=False) # Get vertices for this visual if isinstance(visual, scene.visuals.Line): verts = visual.pos elif isinstance(visual, scene.visuals.Mesh): verts = visual.mesh_data.get_vertices() # Map vertices to canvas tr = visual.get_transform(map_to='canvas') co_on_canvas =[:, [0, 1]] # Find the closest vertex to this mouse click pos tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(co_on_canvas) dist, ix = tree.query(pos) # Map canvas pos back to world coordinates self.cursor_pos = np.array(verts[ix]) self.cursor_active_skeleton = getattr(visual, '_id', None) # Generate arrow coords vec_to_center = np.array( - self.cursor_pos norm_to_center = vec_to_center / np.sqrt(np.sum(vec_to_center**2)) start = self.cursor_pos - (norm_to_center * 10000) arrows = np.array([np.append(self.cursor_pos - (norm_to_center * 200), self.cursor_pos - (norm_to_center * 100))]) self._cursor.set_data(pos=np.array([start, self.cursor_pos]), arrows=arrows) logger.debug(f'World coordinates: {self.cursor_pos}')
[docs] def screenshot(self, filename='screenshot.png', pixel_scale=2, alpha=True, hide_overlay=True): """Save a screenshot of this viewer. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Filename to save to. pixel_scale : int, optional Factor by which to scale canvas. Determines image dimensions. alpha : bool, optional If True, will export transparent background. hide_overlay : bool, optional If True, will hide overlay for screenshot. """ m = self._screenshot(pixel_scale=pixel_scale, alpha=alpha, hide_overlay=hide_overlay) im = png.from_array(m, mode='RGBA')
def _screenshot(self, pixel_scale=2, alpha=True, hide_overlay=True): """Return image array for screenshot.""" if alpha: bgcolor = list(self.canvas.bgcolor.rgb) + [0] else: bgcolor = list(self.canvas.bgcolor.rgb) # region = (0, 0, self.canvas.size[0], self.canvas.size[1]) size = tuple(np.array(self.canvas.size) * pixel_scale) if hide_overlay: prev_state = self.overlay.visible self.overlay.visible = False try: m = self.canvas.render(size=size, bgcolor=bgcolor) except BaseException: raise finally: if hide_overlay: self.overlay.visible = prev_state return m def visuals_at(self, pos): """List visuals at given canvas position.""" # There appears to be some odd y offset - perhaps because of the # window's top bar? On OSX this is about 15px pos = (pos[0], pos[1] - 15) # Map mouse pos to framebuffer tr = self.canvas.transforms.get_transform(map_from='canvas', map_to='framebuffer') pos = # Render framebuffer in picking mode p = self._render_fb(crop=(pos[0] - self._picking_radius / 2, pos[1] - self._picking_radius / 2, self._picking_radius, self._picking_radius)) logger.debug('Picking framebuffer:') logger.debug(p) # List visuals in order from distance to center ids = [] seen = set() center = (np.array(p.shape) / 2).astype(int) for i in range(self._picking_radius * self.canvas.pixel_scale): subr = p[center[0] - i: center[0] + i + 1, center[1] - i: center[1] + i + 1] subr_ids = set(list(np.unique(subr))) ids.extend(list(subr_ids - seen)) seen |= subr_ids visuals = [scene.visuals.VisualNode._visual_ids.get(x, None) for x in ids] return [v for v in visuals if v is not None] def set_view(self, view): """(Re-)set camera position. Parameters ---------- view : XY | XZ | YZ """ if isinstance(view, Quaternion): q = view elif view == 'XY': q = Quaternion(w=0.707, x=0.707, y=0, z=0) elif view == 'XZ': q = Quaternion(w=1, x=0, y=0, z=0) elif view == 'YZ': q = Quaternion(w=.5, x=0.5, y=0.5, z=-.5) else: raise TypeError(f'Unable to set view from {type(view)}') self.camera3d._quaternion = q # This is necessary to force a redraw self.camera3d.set_range()
def on_mouse_press(event): """Manage picking on canvas.""" canvas = event.source viewer = canvas._wrapper try: viewer.interactive = False canvas._overlay.interactive = False vis_at = viewer.visuals_at([event.pos[0] + 15, event.pos[1] + 15]) finally: viewer.interactive = True canvas._overlay.interactive = True logger.debug(f'Mouse press at {event.pos}: {vis_at}') modifiers = [ for key in event.modifiers] if event.modifiers: logger.debug(f'Modifiers found: {modifiers}') # Iterate over visuals in this canvas at cursor position for v in vis_at: # Skip views if isinstance(v, scene.widgets.ViewBox): continue # If legend entry, toggle visibility elif isinstance(v, scene.visuals.Text): viewer.toggle_neurons(v._object_id) break # If control modifier, try snapping cursor if 'Control' in modifiers: viewer._snap_cursor(event.pos, v, open_browser='Shift' in modifiers) break # If shift modifier, add to/remove from current selection elif (isinstance(v, scene.visuals.VisualNode) and getattr(v, '_id', None) and 'Shift' in modifiers): if v._id not in set(viewer.selected): viewer.selected = np.append(viewer.selected, v._id).astype('object') else: viewer.selected = viewer.selected[viewer.selected != v._id] break def on_key_press(event): """Manage keyboard shortcuts for canvas.""" canvas = event.source viewer = canvas._wrapper if event.text.lower() == 'o': viewer.toggle_overlay() elif event.text.lower() == 'l': viewer.show_legend = viewer.show_legend is False elif event.text.lower() == 'd': viewer.selected = [] elif event.text.lower() == 'q': viewer._cycle_neurons(-1) elif event.text.lower() == 'w': viewer._cycle_neurons(1) elif event.text.lower() == 'h': viewer.hide_selected() elif event.text.lower() == 'u': viewer.unhide_neurons(check_alpha=True) elif event.text.lower() == 'f': viewer._toggle_fps() elif event.text.lower() == 'p': viewer.toggle_picking() elif event.text.lower() == 'b': viewer.toggle_bounds() elif event.text.lower() == '1': viewer.set_view('XY') elif event.text.lower() == '2': viewer.set_view('XZ') elif event.text.lower() == '3': viewer.set_view('YZ') def on_resize(event): """Keep overlay in place upon resize.""" viewer = event.source._wrapper viewer._shortcuts.pos = (10, event.size[1]) viewer._picking_text.pos = (10, event.size[1] - 10) viewer._fps_text.pos = (event.size[0] - 10, 10) # Idea for fixing fontsize/linebreaks: # Render canvas to framebuffer via `_render_picking` and with region # outside the current canvas size: if a text ID shows up, we have to # resize def to_rgba(c, alpha=None): """Convert color or array of colors to RGBA. matplotlib.colors.to_rgba can't deal with vispy color arrays. """ # Vispy color arrays (used on meshes) have an _rgba property if hasattr(c, '_rgba'): c = c._rgba # Make sure we deal with an array c = np.asarray(c) if c.ndim == 2: if c.shape[1] == 3: c = np.insert(c, 3, np.ones(c.shape[0]), axis=1) if not isinstance(alpha, type(None)): c[:, 3] = alpha elif c.ndim == 1: if c.shape[0] == 3: c = np.insert(c, 3, 1) if not isinstance(alpha, type(None)): c[3] = alpha else: raise ValueError(f'Got {c.ndim} dimensional array of colors.') return c