Source code for navis.transforms.cmtk

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""Functions to use CMTK transforms."""

import os
import re
import nrrd
import copy
import pathlib
import tempfile
import platform
import functools
import subprocess

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from subprocess import check_call

from .. import utils, config
from .base import BaseTransform, TransformSequence

__all__ = ['xform_cmtk']

_search_path = os.environ['PATH']
_search_path = [i for i in _search_path.split(os.pathsep) if len(i) > 0]
_search_path += ['~/bin',

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    _search_path += [r'C:\cygwin64\usr\local\lib\cmtk\bin',
                     r'C:\Program Files\CMTK-3.3\CMTK\lib\cmtk\bin']

def find_cmtkbin(tool: str = 'streamxform') -> str:
    """Find directory with CMTK binaries."""
    for path in _search_path:
        path = pathlib.Path(path)
        if not path.is_dir():

            return next(path.glob(tool)).resolve().parent            
        except StopIteration:
        except BaseException:

_cmtkbin = find_cmtkbin()

def requires_cmtk(func):
    """Check if CMTK is available."""
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if not _cmtkbin:
            raise ValueError("Cannot find CMTK. Please install from "
                             " and "
                             "make sure that it is your path!")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def cmtk_version(as_string=False):
    """Get CMTK version."""
    p =[_cmtkbin / 'streamxform', '--version'],
    version = p.stdout.decode('utf-8').rstrip()

    if as_string:
        return version
        return tuple(int(v) for v in version.split('.'))

def xform_cmtk(points: np.ndarray, transforms, inverse: bool = False,
               affine_fallback: bool = False, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
    """Xform 3d coordinates.

    points :            (N, 3) array | pandas.DataFrame
                        Points to transform. DataFrame must have x/y/z columns.
    transforms :        filepath(s) | CMTKtransform(s)
                        Either filepath to CMTK transform or ``CMTKtransform``.
                        Multiple regs must be given as list and will be applied
                        sequentially in the order provided.
    inverse :           bool | list thereof
                        Whether to invert transforms. If single boolean will
                        apply to all transforms. Can also provide ``inverse` as
                        list of booleans.
    affine_fallback :   bool
                        If True, points that failed to transform during warping
                        transform will be transformed using only the affine

    pointsxf :          (N, 3) numpy.ndarray
                        Transformed points. Will contain `np.nan` for points
                        that did not transform.

    transforms = list(utils.make_iterable(transforms))

    if isinstance(inverse, bool):
        inverse = [inverse] * len(transforms)

    directions = ['forward' if not i else 'inverse' for i in inverse]

    for i, r in enumerate(transforms):
        if not isinstance(r, CMTKtransform):
            if not isinstance(r, (str, pathlib.Path)):
                raise TypeError('`reg` must be filepath or CMTKtransform')
            transforms[i] = CMTKtransform(r, directions=directions[i])

    # Combine all transforms into a sequence of transforms
    seq = TransformSequence(*transforms)

    # Transform points
    xf = seq.xform(points)

    # If requested, try again with affine only for points that failed to xform
    if affine_fallback:
        isnan = np.any(np.isnan(xf), axis=1)
        if np.any(isnan):
            xf[isnan] = seq.xform(points[isnan], affine_only=True)

    return xf

[docs] class CMTKtransform(BaseTransform): """CMTK transforms of 3D spatial data. Requires `CMTK <>`_ to be installed. Parameters ---------- regs : str | list of str Path(s) to CMTK transformations(s). directions : "forward" | "inverse" | list thereof Direction of transformation. Must provide one direction per ``reg``. threads : int, optional Number of threads to use. Examples -------- >>> from navis import transforms >>> tr = transforms.cmtk.CMTKtransform('/path/to/CMTK_directory.list') >>> tr.xform(points) # doctest: +SKIP """
[docs] def __init__(self, regs: list, directions: str = 'forward', threads: int = None): self.directions = list(utils.make_iterable(directions)) for d in self.directions: assert d in ('forward', 'inverse'), ('`direction` must be "foward"' f'or "inverse", not "{d}"') self.regs = list(utils.make_iterable(regs)) self.command = 'streamxform' self.threads = threads if len(directions) == 1 and len(regs) >= 1: directions = directions * len(regs) if len(self.regs) != len(self.directions): raise ValueError('Must provide one direction per regs')
def __eq__(self, other: 'CMTKtransform') -> bool: """Implement equality comparison.""" if isinstance(other, CMTKtransform): if len(self) == len(other): if all([self.regs[i] == other.regs[i] for i in range(len(self))]): if all([self.directions[i] == other.directions[i] for i in range(len(self))]): return True return False def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.regs) def __neg__(self) -> 'CMTKtransform': """Invert direction.""" x = self.copy() # Swap directions x.directions = [{'forward': 'inverse', 'inverse': 'forward'}[d] for d in x.directions] # Reverse order x.regs = x.regs[::-1] x.directions = x.directions[::-1] return x def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return f'CMTKtransform with {len(self)} transform(s)' @staticmethod def from_file(filepath: str, **kwargs) -> 'CMTKtransform': """Generate CMTKtransform from file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to CMTK transform. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to CMTKtransform.__init__ Returns ------- CMTKtransform """ defaults = {'directions': 'forward'} defaults.update(kwargs) return CMTKtransform(str(filepath), **defaults) def make_args(self, affine_only: bool = False) -> list: """Generate arguments passed to subprocess.""" # Generate the arguments # The actual command (i.e. streamxform) args = [str(_cmtkbin / self.command)] if affine_only: args.append('--affine-only') if self.threads: args.append(f'--threads {int(self.threads)}') # Add the regargs args += self.regargs return args @property def regargs(self) -> list: """Generate regargs.""" regargs = [] for i, (reg, dir) in enumerate(zip(self.regs, self.directions)): if dir == 'inverse': # For the first transform we need to prefix "--inverse" with # a solitary "--" if i == 0: regargs.append('--') regargs.append('--inverse') # Note no double quotes! regargs.append(f'{reg}') return regargs def append(self, transform: 'CMTKtransform', direction: str = None): """Add another transform. Parameters ---------- transform : str | CMTKtransform Either another CMTKtransform or filepath to registration. direction : "forward" | "inverse" Only relevant if transform is filepath. """ if isinstance(transform, CMTKtransform): if self.command != transform.command: raise ValueError('Unable to merge CMTKtransforms using ' 'different commands.') self.regs += transform.regs self.directions += transform.directions elif isinstance(transform, str): if not direction: raise ValueError('Must provide direction along with new transform') self.regs.append(transform) self.directions.append(direction) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unable to append {type(transform)} to {type(self)}') def check_if_possible(self, on_error: str = 'raise'): """Check if this transform is possible.""" if not _cmtkbin: msg = 'Folder with CMTK binaries not found. Make sure the ' \ 'directory is in your PATH environment variable.' if on_error == 'raise': raise BaseException(msg) return msg for r in self.regs: if not os.path.isdir(r) and not os.path.isfile(r): msg = f'Registration {r} not found.' if on_error == 'raise': raise BaseException(msg) return msg def copy(self) -> 'CMTKtransform': """Return copy.""" # Attributes not to copy no_copy = [] # Generate new empty transform x = self.__class__(None) # Override with this neuron's data x.__dict__.update({k: copy.copy(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in no_copy}) return x def parse_cmtk_output(self, output: str, fail_value=np.nan) -> np.ndarray: r"""Parse CMTK output. Briefly, CMTK output will be a byte literal like this: b'311 63 23 \n275 54 25 \n' In case of failed transforms we will get something like this where the original coordinates are returned with a "FAILED" flag b'343 72 23 \n-10 -10 -10 FAILED \n' Parameter --------- output : tuple of (b'', None) Stdout of CMTK call. fail_value Value to use for points that failed to transform. By default we use ``np.nan``. Returns ------- pointsxf : (N, 3) numpy array The parse transformed points. """ # The original stout is tuple where we care only about the second one if isinstance(output, tuple): output = output[0] pointsx = [] # Split string into rows - lazily using a generator for row in ( for x in re.finditer(r"(.*?) \n", output.decode())): # Split into values values = row.split(' ') # If this point failed if len(values) != 3: values = [fail_value] * 3 else: values = [float(v) for v in values] pointsx.append(values) return np.asarray(pointsx) def xform(self, points: np.ndarray, affine_only: bool = False, affine_fallback: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Xform data. Parameters ---------- points : (N, 3) numpy array | pandas.DataFrame Points to xform. DataFrame must have x/y/z columns. affine_only : bool Whether to apply only the non-rigid affine transform. This is useful if points are outside the deformation field and would therefore not transform properly. affine_fallback : bool If True and some points did not transform during the non-rigid part of the transformation, we will apply only the affine transformation to those points. Returns ------- pointsxf : (N, 3) numpy array Transformed points. Points that failed to transform will be ``np.nan``. """ self.check_if_possible(on_error='raise') if isinstance(points, pd.DataFrame): # Make sure x/y/z columns are present if np.any([c not in points for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]): raise ValueError('points DataFrame must have x/y/z columns.') elif isinstance(points, np.ndarray) and points.ndim == 2 and points.shape[1] == 3: points = pd.DataFrame(points, columns=['x', 'y', 'z']) else: raise TypeError('`points` must be numpy array of shape (N, 3) or ' 'pandas DataFrame with x/y/z columns') # Generate the result args = self.make_args(affine_only=affine_only) proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Pipe in the points points_str = points[['x', 'y', 'z']].to_string(index=False, header=False) # Do not use proc.stdin.write to avoid output buffer becoming full # before we finish piping in stdin. #proc.stdin.write(points_str.encode()) #output = proc.communicate() # Read out results # This is equivalent to e.g.: # $ streamxform -args <<< "10, 10, 10" output = proc.communicate(input=points_str.encode()) # If no output, something went wrong if not output[0]: raise utils.CMTKError('CMTK produced no output. Check points?') # Xformed points xf = self.parse_cmtk_output(output, fail_value=np.nan) # Check if any points not xformed if affine_fallback and not affine_only: not_xf = np.any(np.isnan(xf), axis=1) if np.any(not_xf): xf[not_xf] = self.xform(points.loc[not_xf], affine_only=True) return xf def xform_image(self, im, target, out=None, interpolation="linear", verbose=False, ): """Transform an image using CMTK's reformatx. Parameters ---------- im : 3D numpy array | filepath The floating image to transform. target : str | TemplateBrain | (Nx, Ny, Nz, dx, dy, dz) | (Nx, Ny, Nz, dx, dy, dz, Ox, Oy, Oz) Defines the target image: dimensions in voxels (N), the voxel size (d) and optionally an origin (0) for the target image. Can be provided as a string (name of a template), a TemplateBrain object, a tuple/list/array with the target specs. out : str, optional The filepath to save the transformed image. If None (default), will return the transformed image as np.ndarray. interpolation : "linear" | "nn" | "cubic" | "pv" | "sinc-cosine" | "sinc-hamming" The interpolation method to use. verbose : bool Whether to print CMTK output. Returns ------- np.ndarray | None If out is None, returns the transformed image as np.ndarray. Otherwise, None. """ assert interpolation in ("linear", "nn", "cubic", "pv", "sinc-cosine", "sinc-hamming") # `reformatx` expects this format: # ./reformatx --floating {INPUT_FILE} -o {OUTPUT_FILE} {REFERENCE_SPECS} {TRANSFORMS} # where: # - {INPUT_FILE} is the image to transform # - {OUTPUT_FILE} is where the output will be saved # - {REFERENCE_SPECS} defines the target space; this needs to be eitheran NRRD # file from which CMTK can extract the target grid or the actual specs: # "--target-grid Nx,Ny,Nz:dX,dY,dZ:[Ox,Oy,Oz]" where N is the number of # voxels in each dimension and d is the voxel size. The optional O is the # origin of the image. If not provided, it is assumed to be (0, 0, 0). # - {TRANSFORMS} are the CMTK transform(s) to apply; prefix with "--inverse" to invert # Below command works to convert JFRC2 to FCWB: # /opt/local/lib/cmtk/bin/reformatx --verbose --floating JFRC2.nrrd -o JFRC2_xf.nrrd FCWB.nrrd --inverse /Users/philipps/flybrain-data/BridgingRegistrations/JFRC2_FCWB.list # This took XX minutes - should check if that is actually faster than the look-up approach we # use in `` target_specs = parse_target_specs(target) to_remove = [] if isinstance(im, (str, pathlib.Path)): floating = pathlib.Path(im) if not im.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"Image file not found: {im}") elif isinstance(im, np.ndarray): assert im.ndim == 3 # Save to temporary file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".nrrd", delete=False, delete_on_close=False) as tf: nrrd.write(, im) floating = to_remove.append( else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid image type: {type(im)}") if out is None: outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".nrrd", delete=False, delete_on_close=False).name to_remove.append(outfile) elif isinstance(out, (str, pathlib.Path)): outfile = pathlib.Path(out).resolve() else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid output type: {type(out)}") # Compile the command args = [str(_cmtkbin / 'reformatx')] args += [f'-o {outfile}'] args += [f'--floating {floating}'] args += [f'--{interpolation}'] args += [target_specs] # Add the regargs args += self.regargs try: # run the binary # avoid resourcewarnings with null with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: startupinfo = None if platform.system() == "Windows": startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW if verbose: # in debug mode print the output stdout = None else: stdout = devnull if verbose:"executing: {}".format(" ".join(args))) check_call( args, stdout=stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, startupinfo=startupinfo, ) if out is None: # Return transformed image return elif verbose:"Transformed image saved to {outfile}") except BaseException: raise finally: # Clean up temporary files for f in to_remove: os.remove(f)
def parse_target_specs(target): """Parse target specs into argument that can be passed to CMTK.""" # Note to self: this function should also deal with VoxelNeurons and NRRD filepaths # For NRRD filepaths: we need to add an empty "--" before the filepath (I think) from .templates import TemplateBrain assert isinstance(target, (str, TemplateBrain, np.ndarray, list, tuple)) if isinstance(target, str): from . import registry target = registry.find_template(target) if isinstance(target, TemplateBrain): specs = list(target.dims) + list(target.voxdims) # Note to self: need to check TemplateBrain (and flybrains) consistent definition of # dims, voxdims and origin (maybe even add origin) # At this point we expect specs to be an iterable specs = np.asarray(target) assert len(specs) in (6, 9), f"Target specs must be of length 6 or 9, got {len(specs)}" target = "--target-grid " target += ",".join(map(str, specs[:3].astype(int))) # Number of voxels (must be integer) target += ":" target += ",".join(map(str, specs[3:].astype(float))) # Voxel size (can be float) if len(specs) == 9: target += ":" target += ",".join(map(str, specs[6:].astype(float))) # Origin (can be float) return target