Source code for navis.transforms.h5reg

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""Functions to use the Saalfeld lab's h5 transforms."""

import concurrent.futures
import h5py

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from typing import Union, Optional

from .base import BaseTransform
from .affine import AffineTransform

from .. import config

logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class H5transform(BaseTransform): """Hdf5 transform of 3D spatial data. See `here <>`_ for specifications of the format. Parameters ---------- f : str Path to Hdf5 transformation. direction : "forward" | "inverse" Direction of transformation. level : int, optional For Hdf5 files with deformation fields at multiple resolutions: what level of detail to use. Negative values go backwards from the highest available resolution (-1 = highest, -2 = second highest, etc). Ignored if only a single deformation field present. cache : bool If True, we will cache the deformation field for subsequent future transforms. This will speed up future calculations in the future but comes at a memory cost. full_ingest : bool If True, will read and cache the full deformation field at initialization. This additional upfront cost can pay off if you are about to make many transforms across the volume. """
[docs] def __init__(self, f: str, direction: str = 'forward', level: Optional[int] = -1, cache: bool = False, full_ingest: bool = False): """Init class.""" assert direction in ('forward', 'inverse'), ('`direction` must be "forward"' f'or "inverse", not "{direction}"') self.file = f self.direction = direction self.field = {'forward': 'dfield', 'inverse': 'invdfield'}[direction] # Trying to avoid the file repeatedly so we are making these initial # adjustments all in one go even though it would be more Pythonic to # delegate to property getter/setter methods with h5py.File(self.file, 'r') as h5: # Get the available levels available_levels = [] for k in h5.keys(): try: available_levels.append(int(k)) except ValueError: continue available_levels = sorted(available_levels) # Check if there are indeed deformation fields at various resolutions if available_levels: if isinstance(level, type(None)): level = available_levels[0] elif level < 0: ix = level * -1 - 1 level = available_levels[ix] # Set level self._level = str(level) # Shape of deformation field self.shape = h5[self.level][self.field].shape # Data type of deformation field self.dtype = h5[self.level][self.field].dtype elif self.field in h5.keys(): # Set level self._level = None # Shape of deformation field self.shape = h5[self.field].shape # Data type of deformation field self.dtype = h5[self.field].dtype else: raise ValueError('Unable to parse deformation fields from ' f' {self.file}.') # Prepare cache if applicable if full_ingest: # Ingest the whole deformation field self.full_ingest() elif cache: self.use_cache = True
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Compare with other Transform.""" if isinstance(other, H5transform): if self.file == other.file: if self.direction == other.direction: if self.level == other.level: return True return False def __neg__(self) -> 'H5transform': """Invert direction.""" # Swap direction new_direction = {'forward': 'inverse', 'inverse': 'forward'}[self.direction] # We will re-iniatialize x = H5transform(self.file, direction=new_direction, level=int(self.level) if self.level else None, cache=self.use_cache, full_ingest=False) return x @property def level(self): return self._level @level.setter def level(self, value): raise ValueError('`level` cannot be changed after initialization.') @property def use_cache(self): """Whether to cache the deformation field.""" if not hasattr(self, '_use_cache'): self._use_cache = False return self._use_cache @use_cache.setter def use_cache(self, value): """Set whether to cache the deformation field.""" assert isinstance(value, bool) # If was False and now set to True, build the cache if not getattr(self, '_use_cache', False) and value: # This is the actual cache self.cache = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) # This is a mask that tells us which values have already been cached self.cached = np.zeros(self.shape[:-1], dtype=bool) self._use_cache = True # If was True and now is set to False, deconstruct cache elif getattr(self, '_use_cache', False) and not value: del self.cache del self.cached self._use_cache = False if hasattr(self, '_fully_ingested'): del self._fully_ingested # Note: should explore whether we can use sparse N-dimensional # arrays for caching to save memory # See def copy(self): """Return copy.""" return H5transform(self.file, direction=self.direction, level=int(self.level) if self.level else None, cache=self.use_cache, full_ingest=False) def full_ingest(self): """Fully ingest the deformation field.""" # Skip if already ingested if getattr(self, '_fully_ingested', False): return with h5py.File(self.file, 'r') as h5: # Read in the entire field if self.level: self.cache = h5[self.level][self.field][:, :, :] else: self.cache = h5[self.field][:, :, :] # Keep a flag of this self._fully_ingested = True # We set `cached` to True instead of using a mask self.cached = True # Keep track of the caching self._use_cache = True def precache(self, bbox: Union[list, np.ndarray], padding=True): """Cache deformation field for given bounding box. Parameters ---------- bbox : list | array Must be ``[[x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2]]``. padding : bool If True, will add the (required!) padding to the bounding box. """ bbox = np.asarray(bbox) if bbox.ndim != 2 or bbox.shape != (3, 2): raise ValueError(f'Expected (3, 2) bounding box, got {bbox.shape}') # Set use_cache=True -> this also prepares the cache array(s) self.use_cache = True with h5py.File(self.file, 'r') as h5: if self.level: spacing = h5[self.level][self.field].attrs['spacing'] else: spacing = h5[self.field].attrs['spacing'] # Note that we invert because spacing is given in (z, y, x) bbox_vxl = (bbox.T / spacing[::-1]).T # Digitize into voxels bbox_vxl = bbox_vxl.round().astype(int) if padding: bbox_vxl[:, 0] -= 2 bbox_vxl[:, 1] += 2 # Make sure we are within bounds bbox_vxl = np.clip(bbox_vxl.T, 0, self.shape[:-1][::-1]).T # Extract values x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2 = bbox_vxl.flatten() # Cache values in this bounding box if self.level: self.cache[z1:z2, y1:y2, x1:x2] = h5[self.level][self.field][z1:z2, y1:y2, x1:x2] else: self.cache[z1:z2, y1:y2, x1:x2] = h5[self.field][z1:z2, y1:y2, x1:x2] self.cached[z1:z2, y1:y2, x1:x2] = True @staticmethod def from_file(filepath: str, **kwargs) -> 'H5transform': """Generate H5transform from file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to H5 transform. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to H5transform.__init__ Returns ------- H5transform """ return H5transform(str(filepath), **kwargs) def xform(self, points: np.ndarray, affine_fallback: bool = True, force_deform: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Xform data. Parameters ---------- points : (N, 3) numpy array | pandas.DataFrame Points to xform. DataFrame must have x/y/z columns. affine_fallback : bool If False, points outside the deformation field will be returned as `np.nan`. If True, these points will only receive the affine part of the transformation. force_deform : bools If True, points outside the deformation field be deformed using the closest point inside the deformation field. Ignored if ``affine_fallback`` is ``False``. Returns ------- pointsxf : (N, 3) numpy array Transformed points. Points outside the deformation field will have only the affine part of the transform applied. """ if isinstance(points, pd.DataFrame): # Make sure x/y/z columns are present if np.any([c not in points for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]): raise ValueError('points DataFrame must have x/y/z columns.') points = points[['x', 'y', 'z']].values if not isinstance(points, np.ndarray) or points.ndim != 2 or points.shape[1] != 3: raise TypeError('`points` must be numpy array of shape (N, 3) or ' 'pandas DataFrame with x/y/z columns') # Read the file with h5py.File(self.file, 'r') as h5: if self.level: field = h5[self.level][self.field] else: field = h5[self.field] # We need the field to be (z, y, x, offsets) with `offsets` being # three values - for example: (293, 470, 1010, 3) # If that's not the case, something is fishy! if field.shape[-1] != 3: logger.warning('Expected the deformation field to be of shape ' f'(z, y, x, 3), got {field.shape}.') if 'affine' in field.attrs: # The affine part of the transform is a 4 x 4 matrix where the upper # 3 x 4 part (row x columns) is an attribute of the h5 dataset M = np.ones((4, 4)) M[:3, :4] = field.attrs['affine'].reshape(3, 4) affine = AffineTransform(M) else: affine = False # Get quantization multiplier for later use quantization_multiplier = field.attrs.get('quantization_multiplier', 1) # For forward direction, the affine part is applied first if self.direction == 'inverse' and affine: xf = affine.xform(points) else: xf = points # Translate points into voxel space spacing = field.attrs['spacing'] # Note that we invert because spacing is given in (z, y, x) xf_voxel = xf / spacing[::-1] # Digitize points into voxels xf_indices = xf_voxel.round().astype(int) # Determine the bounding box of the deformation vectors we need # Note that we are grabbing a bit more than required - this is # necessary for interpolation later down the line mn = xf_indices.min(axis=0) - 2 mx = xf_indices.max(axis=0) + 2 # Make sure we are within bounds # Note that we clip `mn` at 0 and `mx` at 2 at the lower end? # This is to make sure we have enough of the deformation field # to interpolate later on `offsets` mn = np.clip(mn, 2, np.array(self.shape[:-1][::-1])) - 2 mx = np.clip(mx, 0, np.array(self.shape[:-1][::-1]) - 2) + 2 # Check if we can use cached values if self.use_cache and (hasattr(self, '_fully_ingested') or np.all(self.cached[mn[2]: mx[2], mn[1]: mx[1], mn[0]: mx[0]])): offsets = self.cache[mn[2]: mx[2], mn[1]: mx[1], mn[0]: mx[0]] else: # Load the deformation values for this bounding box # This is faster than grabbing individual voxels and offsets = field[mn[2]: mx[2], mn[1]: mx[1], mn[0]: mx[0]] if self.use_cache: # Write these offsets to cache self.cache[mn[2]: mx[2], mn[1]: mx[1], mn[0]: mx[0]] = offsets self.cached[mn[2]: mx[2], mn[1]: mx[1], mn[0]: mx[0]] = True # For interpolation, we need to split the offsets into their x, y # and z component xgrid = offsets[:, :, :, 0] ygrid = offsets[:, :, :, 1] zgrid = offsets[:, :, :, 2] xx = np.arange(mn[0], mx[0]) yy = np.arange(mn[1], mx[1]) zz = np.arange(mn[2], mx[2]) # The RegularGridInterpolator is the fastest one but the results are # are ever so slightly (4th decimal) different from the Java impl xinterp = RegularGridInterpolator((zz, yy, xx), xgrid, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) yinterp = RegularGridInterpolator((zz, yy, xx), ygrid, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) zinterp = RegularGridInterpolator((zz, yy, xx), zgrid, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) # Before we interpolate check how many points are outside the # deformation field -> these will only receive the affine part of the # transform is_out = (xf_voxel.min(axis=1) < 0) | np.any(xf_voxel >= self.shape[:-1][::-1], axis=1) # If more than 20% (arbitrary number) of voxels are out, there is # something suspicious going on frac_out = is_out.sum() / xf_voxel.shape[0] if frac_out > 0.2: logger.warning(f'A suspiciously large fraction ({frac_out:.1%}) ' f'of {xf_voxel.shape[0]} points appear to be outside ' 'the H5 deformation field. Please make doubly sure ' 'that the input coordinates are in the correct ' 'space/units') # If all points are outside the volume, the interpolation complains if frac_out < 1 or (force_deform and affine_fallback): if force_deform: # For the purpose of finding offsets, we will snap points # outside the deformation field to the closest inside voxel q_voxel = np.clip(xf_voxel, a_min=0, a_max=np.array(self.shape[:-1][::-1]) - 1) else: q_voxel = xf_voxel # Interpolate coordinates and re-combine to an x/y/z array offset_vxl = np.vstack((xinterp(q_voxel[:, ::-1], method='linear'), yinterp(q_voxel[:, ::-1], method='linear'), zinterp(q_voxel[:, ::-1], method='linear'))).T # Turn offsets into real-world coordinates offset_real = offset_vxl * quantization_multiplier # Apply offsets # Please note that we must not use += here # That's to avoid running into data type errors where numpy # will refuse to add e.g. float64 to int64. # By using "+" instead of "+=" we are creating a new array that # is potentially upcast from e.g. int64 to float64 xf = xf + offset_real # For inverse direction, the affine part is applied second if self.direction == 'forward' and affine: xf = affine.xform(xf) # If no affine_fallback, set outside points to np.nan if not affine_fallback: xf[is_out, :] = np.nan return xf
def read_points_threaded(voxels, filepath, level, dir, threads=5): """Some tinkering with using multiple processes to read voxels.""" splits = np.array_split(voxels, threads) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: chunks = [(arr, filepath, level, dir) for arr in splits] futures =, chunks) offset = np.vstack(list(futures)) return offset def _read_points(params): voxels, filepath, level, dir = params f = h5py.File(filepath, 'r', libver='latest', swmr=True) # Get all these voxels data = [] for vx in config.tqdm(voxels): data.append(f[level][dir][vx[2], vx[1], vx[0]]) return np.vstack(data)