Source code for navis.transforms.templates

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""Functions to work with templates."""

import functools
import math
import numbers
import os
import pathlib
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcl
import networkx as nx
import seaborn as sns
import trimesh as tm

from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import List, Union, Optional
from typing_extensions import Literal

from .. import config, core, utils

from . import factory
from .base import TransformSequence, BaseTransform, AliasTransform
from .xfm_funcs import mirror, xform

# Catch some stupid warning about installing python-Levenshtein
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    import fuzzywuzzy as fw
    import fuzzywuzzy.process

__all__ = ['xform_brain', 'mirror_brain', 'symmetrize_brain']

logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

# Defines entry the registry needs to register a transform
transform_reg = namedtuple('Transform',
                           ['source', 'target', 'transform', 'type',
                            'invertible', 'weight'])

# Check for environment variable pointing to registries
_OS_TRANSPATHS = os.environ.get('NAVIS_TRANSFORMS', '')
    _OS_TRANSPATHS = [i for i in _OS_TRANSPATHS.split(';') if len(i) > 0]
except BaseException:
    logger.error('Error parsing the `NAVIS_TRANSFORMS` environment variable')

[docs] class TemplateRegistry: """Tracks template brains, available transforms and produces bridging sequences. Parameters ---------- scan_paths : bool If True will scan paths on initialization. """
[docs] def __init__(self, scan_paths: bool = True): # Paths to scan for transforms self._transpaths = _OS_TRANSPATHS.copy() # Transforms self._transforms = [] # Template brains self._templates = [] if scan_paths: self.scan_paths()
def __contains__(self, other) -> bool: """Check if transform is in registry. Parameters ---------- other : transform, filepath, tuple Either a transform (e.g. CMTKtransform), a filepath (e.g. to a .list file) or a tuple of ``(source, target, transform)`` where ``transform`` can be a transform or a filepath. """ if isinstance(other, (tuple, list)): return any([t == other for t in self.transforms]) else: return other in [t.transform for t in self.transforms] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.transforms) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return f'TemplateRegistry with {len(self)} transforms' @property def transpaths(self) -> list: """Paths searched for transforms. Use `.scan_paths` to trigger a scan. Use `.register_path` to add more path(s). """ return self._transpaths @property def templates(self) -> list: """Registered template (brains).""" return self._templates @property def transforms(self) -> list: """Registered transforms (bridging + mirror).""" return self._transforms @property def bridges(self) -> list: """Registered bridging transforms.""" return [t for t in self.transforms if t.type == 'bridging'] @property def mirrors(self) ->list: """Registered mirror transforms.""" return [t for t in self.transforms if t.type == 'mirror']
[docs] def clear_caches(self): """Clear caches of all cached functions.""" self.bridging_graph.cache_clear() self.shortest_bridging_seq.cache_clear()
[docs] def summary(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate summary of available transforms.""" return pd.DataFrame(self.transforms)
[docs] def register_path(self, paths: str, trigger_scan: bool = True): """Register path(s) to scan for transforms. Parameters ---------- paths : str | list thereof Paths (or list thereof) to scans for transforms. This is not permanent. For permanent additions set path(s) via the ``NAVIS_TRANSFORMS`` environment variable. trigger_scan : bool If True, a re-scan of all paths will be triggered. """ paths = utils.make_iterable(paths) for p in paths: # Try not to duplicate paths if p not in self.transpaths: self._transpaths.append(p) if trigger_scan: self.scan_paths()
[docs] def register_templatebrain(self, template: 'TemplateBrain', skip_existing=True): """Register a template brain. This is used, for example, by navis.mirror_brain. Parameters ---------- template : TemplateBrain TemplateBrain to register. skip_existing : bool If True, will skip existing template brains. """ utils.eval_param(template, name='template', allowed_types=(TemplateBrain, )) if template not in self._templates or not skip_existing: self._templates.append(template)
[docs] def register_transform(self, transform: BaseTransform, source: str, target: str, transform_type: str, skip_existing: bool = True, weight: int = 1): """Register a transform. Parameters ---------- transform : subclass of BaseTransform | TransformSequence A transform (AffineTransform, CMTKtransform, etc.) or a TransformSequence. source : str Source for forward transform. target : str Target for forward transform. Ignored for mirror transforms. transform_type : "bridging" | "mirror" Type of transform. skip_existing : bool If True will skip if transform is already in registry. weight : int Giving a transform a lower weight will make it preferable when plotting bridging sequences. See Also -------- register_transformfile If you want to register a file instead of an already constructed transform. """ assert transform_type in ('bridging', 'mirror') assert isinstance(transform, (BaseTransform, TransformSequence)) # Translate into edge edge = transform_reg(source=source, target=target, transform=transform, type=transform_type, invertible=hasattr(transform, '__neg__'), weight=weight) # Don't add if already exists if not skip_existing or edge not in self: self.transforms.append(edge) # Clear cached functions self.clear_caches()
[docs] def register_transformfile(self, path: str, **kwargs): """Parse and register a transform file. File/Directory name must follow the a ``{TARGET}_{SOURCE}.{ext}`` convention (e.g. ``JRC2013_FCWB.list``). Parameters ---------- path : str Path to transform. **kwargs Keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of the Transform (e.g. CMTKtransform for `.list` directory). See Also -------- register_transform If you want to register an already constructed transform instead of a transform file that still needs to be parsed. """ assert isinstance(path, (str, pathlib.Path)) path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser() if not path.is_dir() and not path.is_file(): raise ValueError(f'File/directory "{path}" does not exist') # Parse properties try: if 'mirror' in or 'imgflip' in transform_type = 'mirror' source ='_')[0] target = None else: transform_type = 'bridging' target ='_')[0] source ='_')[1].split('.')[0] # Initialize the transform transform = factory.factory_methods[path.suffix](path, **kwargs) self.register_transform(transform=transform, source=source, target=target, transform_type=transform_type) except BaseException as e: logger.error(f'Error registering {path} as transform: {str(e)}')
[docs] def scan_paths(self, extra_paths: List[str] = None): """Scan registered paths for transforms and add to registry. Will skip transforms that already exist in this registry. Parameters ---------- extra_paths : list of str Any Extra paths to search. """ search_paths = self.transpaths if isinstance(extra_paths, str): extra_paths = [i for i in extra_paths.split(';') if len(i) > 0] search_paths = np.append(search_paths, extra_paths) for path in search_paths: path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser() # Skip if path does not exist if not path.is_dir(): continue # Go over the file extensions we can work with (.h5, .list, .json) # These file extensions are registered in the # `navis.transforms.factory` module for ext in factory.factory_methods: for hit in path.rglob(f'*{ext}'): if hit.is_dir() or hit.is_file(): # Register this file self.register_transformfile(hit) # Clear cached functions self.clear_caches()
@functools.lru_cache() def bridging_graph(self, reciprocal: Union[Literal[False], int, float] = True) -> nx.DiGraph: """Generate networkx Graph describing the bridging paths. Parameters ---------- reciprocal : bool | float If True or float, will add forward and inverse edges for transforms that are invertible. If float, the inverse edges' weights will be scaled by that factor. Returns ------- networkx.MultiDiGraph """ # Drop mirror transforms bridge = [t for t in self.transforms if t.type == 'bridging'] bridge_inv = [t for t in bridge if t.invertible] # Generate graph # Note we are using MultiDi graph here because we might # have multiple edges between nodes. For example, there # is a JFRC2013DS_JFRC2013 and a JFRC2013_JFRC2013DS # bridging registration. If we include the inverse, there # will be two edges connecting JFRC2013DS and JFRC2013 in # both directions G = nx.MultiDiGraph() edges = [(t.source,, {'transform': t.transform, 'type': type(t.transform).__name__, 'weight': t.weight}) for t in bridge] if reciprocal: if isinstance(reciprocal, numbers.Number): rv_edges = [(, t.source, {'transform': -t.transform, # note inverse transform! 'type': str(type(t.transform)).split('.')[-1], 'weight': t.weight * reciprocal}) for t in bridge_inv] else: rv_edges = [(, t.source, {'transform': -t.transform, # note inverse transform! 'type': str(type(t.transform)).split('.')[-1], 'weight': t.weight}) for t in bridge_inv] edges += rv_edges G.add_edges_from(edges) return G
[docs] def find_bridging_path(self, source: str, target: str, via: Optional[str] = None, avoid: Optional[str] = None, reciprocal=True) -> tuple: """Find bridging path from source to target. Parameters ---------- source : str Source from which to transform to ``target``. target : str Target to which to transform to. via : str | list thereof, optional Force specific intermediate template(s). avoid : str | list thereof, optional Avoid going through specific intermediate template(s). reciprocal : bool | float If True or float, will add forward and inverse edges for transforms that are invertible. If float, the inverse edges' weights will be scaled by that factor. Returns ------- path : list Path from source to target: [source, ..., target] transforms : list Transforms as [[path_to_transform, inverse], ...] """ # Generate (or get cached) bridging graph G = self.bridging_graph(reciprocal=reciprocal) if len(G) == 0: raise ValueError('No bridging registrations available') # Do not remove the conversion to list - fuzzy matching does act up # otherwise nodes = list(G.nodes) if source not in nodes: best_match = fw.process.extractOne(source, nodes, scorer=fw.fuzz.token_sort_ratio) raise ValueError(f'Source "{source}" has no known bridging ' f'registrations. Did you mean "{best_match[0]}" ' 'instead?') if target not in G.nodes: best_match = fw.process.extractOne(target, nodes, scorer=fw.fuzz.token_sort_ratio) raise ValueError(f'Target "{target}" has no known bridging ' f'registrations. Did you mean "{best_match[0]}" ' 'instead?') if via: via = list(utils.make_iterable(via)) # do not remove the list() here for v in via: if v not in G.nodes: best_match = fw.process.extractOne(v, nodes, scorer=fw.fuzz.token_sort_ratio) raise ValueError(f'Via "{v}" has no known bridging ' f'registrations. Did you mean "{best_match[0]}" ' 'instead?') if avoid: avoid = list(utils.make_iterable(avoid)) # This will raise a error message if no path is found if not via and not avoid: try: path = nx.shortest_path(G, source, target, weight='weight') except nx.NetworkXNoPath: raise nx.NetworkXNoPath(f'No bridging path connecting {source} ' f'and {target} found.') else: # Go through all possible paths and find one that... found_any = False # track if we found any path found_good = False # track if we found a path matching the criteria for path in nx.all_simple_paths(G, source, target): found_any = True # ... has all `via`s... if via and all([v in path for v in via]): # ... and none of the `avoid`` if avoid: if not any([v in path for v in avoid]): found_good = True break else: found_good = True break # If we only have `avoid`` but no `via` elif avoid and not any([v in path for v in avoid]): found_good = True break if not found_any: raise nx.NetworkXNoPath(f'No bridging path connecting {source} ' f'and {target} found.') elif not found_good: if via and avoid: raise nx.NetworkXNoPath(f'No bridging path connecting {source}' f'and {target} via "{via}" and ' f'avoiding "{avoid}" found') elif via: raise nx.NetworkXNoPath(f'No bridging path connecting {source}' f'and {target} via "{via}" found.') else: raise nx.NetworkXNoPath(f'No bridging path connecting {source}' f'and {target} avoiding "{avoid}" found.') # `path` holds the sequence of nodes we are traversing but not which # transforms (i.e. edges) to use transforms = [] for n1, n2 in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): this_edges = [] i = 0 # First collect all edges between those two nodes # - this is annoyingly complicated with MultiDiGraphs while True: try: e = G.edges[(n1, n2, i)] except KeyError: break this_edges.append([e['transform'], e['weight']]) i += 1 # Now find the edge with the highest weight # (inverse transforms might have a lower weight) this_edges = sorted(this_edges, key=lambda x: x[-1]) transforms.append(this_edges[-1][0]) return path, transforms
def find_all_bridging_paths(self, source: str, target: str, via: Optional[str] = None, avoid: Optional[str] = None, reciprocal: bool = True, cutoff: int = None) -> tuple: """Find all bridging paths from source to target. Parameters ---------- source : str Source from which to transform to ``target``. target : str Target to which to transform to. via : str | list thereof, optional Force specific intermediate template(s). avoid : str | list thereof, optional Avoid specific intermediate template(s). reciprocal : bool | float If True or float, will add forward and inverse edges for transforms that are invertible. If float, the inverse edges' weights will be scaled by that factor. cutoff : int, optional Depth to stop the search. Only paths of length <= cutoff are returned. Returns ------- path : list Path from source to target: [source, ..., target] transforms : list Transforms as [[path_to_transform, inverse], ...] """ # Generate (or get cached) bridging graph G = self.bridging_graph(reciprocal=reciprocal) if len(G) == 0: raise ValueError('No bridging registrations available') # Do not remove the conversion to list - fuzzy matching does act up # otherwise nodes = list(G.nodes) if source not in nodes: best_match = fw.process.extractOne(source, nodes, scorer=fw.fuzz.token_sort_ratio) raise ValueError(f'Source "{source}" has no known bridging ' f'registrations. Did you mean "{best_match[0]}" ' 'instead?') if target not in G.nodes: best_match = fw.process.extractOne(target, nodes, scorer=fw.fuzz.token_sort_ratio) raise ValueError(f'Target "{target}" has no known bridging ' f'registrations. Did you mean "{best_match[0]}" ' 'instead?') if via and via not in G.nodes: best_match = fw.process.extractOne(via, nodes, scorer=fw.fuzz.token_sort_ratio) raise ValueError(f'Via "{via}" has no known bridging ' f'registrations. Did you mean "{best_match[0]}" ' 'instead?') # This will raise a error message if no path is found for path in nx.all_simple_paths(G, source, target, cutoff=cutoff): # Skip paths that don't contain `via` if isinstance(via, str) and (via not in path): continue elif isinstance(via, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and not all([v in path for v in via]): continue # Skip paths that contain `avoid` if isinstance(avoid, str) and (avoid in path): continue elif isinstance(avoid, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and any([v in path for v in avoid]): continue # `path` holds the sequence of nodes we are traversing but not which # transforms (i.e. edges) to use transforms = [] for n1, n2 in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]): this_edges = [] i = 0 # First collect all edges between those two nodes # - this is annoyingly complicated with MultiDiGraphs while True: try: e = G.edges[(n1, n2, i)] except KeyError: break this_edges.append([e['transform'], e['weight']]) i += 1 # Now find the edge with the highest weight # (inverse transforms might have a lower weight) this_edges = sorted(this_edges, key=lambda x: x[-1]) transforms.append(this_edges[-1][0]) yield path, transforms
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def shortest_bridging_seq(self, source: str, target: str, via: Optional[str] = None, inverse_weight: float = .5) -> tuple: """Find shortest bridging sequence to get from source to target. Parameters ---------- source : str Source from which to transform to ``target``. target : str Target to which to transform to. via : str | list of str Waystations to traverse on the way from source to target. inverse_weight : float Weight for inverse transforms. If < 1 will prefer forward transforms. Returns ------- sequence : (N, ) array Sequence of registrations that will be traversed. transform_seq : TransformSequence Class that collates the required transforms to get from source to target. """ # Generate sequence of nodes we need to find a path for # Minimally it's just from source to target nodes = np.array([source, target]) if via: nodes = np.insert(nodes, 1, via) seq = [nodes[0]] transforms = [] for n1, n2 in zip(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:]): path, tr = self.find_bridging_path(n1, n2, reciprocal=inverse_weight) seq = np.append(seq, path[1:]) transforms = np.append(transforms, tr) if any(np.unique(seq, return_counts=True)[1] > 1): logger.warning('Bridging sequence contains loop: ' f'{"->".join(seq)}') # Generate the transform sequence transform_seq = TransformSequence(*transforms) return seq, transform_seq
[docs] def find_mirror_reg(self, template: str, non_found: str = 'raise') -> tuple: """Search for a mirror transformation for given template. Typically a mirror transformation specifies a non-rigid transformation to correct asymmetries in an image. Parameters ---------- template : str Name of the template to find a mirror transformation for. non_found : "raise" | "ignore" What to do if no mirror transformation is found. If "ignore" and no mirror transformation found, will silently return ``None``. Returns ------- tuple Named tuple containing a mirror transformation. Will only ever return one - even if multiple are available. """ for tr in self.mirrors: if tr.source == template: return tr if non_found == 'raise': raise ValueError(f'No mirror transformation found for {template}') return None
def find_closest_mirror_reg(self, template: str, non_found: str = 'raise') -> str: """Search for the closest mirror transformation for given template. Typically a mirror transformation specifies a non-rigid transformation to correct asymmetries in an image. Parameters ---------- template : str Name of the template to find a mirror transformation for. non_found : "raise" | "ignore" What to do if there is no path to a mirror transformation. If "ignore" and no path is found, will silently return ``None``. Returns ------- str Name of the closest template with a mirror transform. """ # Templates with mirror registrations temps_w_mirrors = [t.source for t in self.mirrors] # Add symmetrical template brains temps_w_mirrors += [t.label for t in self.templates if getattr(t, 'symmetrical', False) == True] if not temps_w_mirrors: raise ValueError('No mirror transformations registered') # If this template has a mirror registration: if template in temps_w_mirrors: return template # Get bridging graph G = self.bridging_graph() if template not in G.nodes: raise ValueError(f'"{template}" does not appear to be a registered ' 'template') # Get path lengths from template to all other nodes pl = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(G, template) # Subset to targets that have a mirror reg pl = {k: v for k, v in pl.items() if k in temps_w_mirrors} # Find the closest mirror cl = sorted(pl.keys(), key=lambda x: pl[x]) # If any, return the closests if cl: return cl[0] if non_found == 'raise': raise ValueError(f'No path to a mirror transformation found for "{template}"') return None def find_template(self, name: str, non_found: str = 'raise') -> 'TemplateBrain': """Search for a given template (brain). Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the template to find a mirror transformation for. Searches against `name` and `label` (short name) properties of registered templates. non_found : "raise" | "ignore" What to do if no mirror transformation is found. If "ignore" and no mirror transformation found, will silently return ``None``. Returns ------- TemplateBrain """ for tmp in self.templates: if getattr(tmp, 'label', None) == name: return tmp if getattr(tmp, 'name', None) == name: return tmp if non_found == 'raise': raise ValueError(f'No template brain registered that matches "{name}"') return None
[docs] def plot_bridging_graph(self, **kwargs): """Draw bridging graph using networkX. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword arguments are passed to ``networkx.draw_networkx``. Returns ------- None """ # Get graph G = self.bridging_graph(reciprocal=False) # Draw nodes and edges node_labels = {n: n for n in G.nodes} pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) # Draw all nodes nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=pos, node_color='lightgrey', node_shape='o', node_size=300) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos=pos, labels=node_labels, font_color='k', font_size=10) # Draw edges by type of transform edge_types = set([e[2]['type'] for e in G.edges(data=True)]) lines = [] labels = [] for t, c in zip(edge_types, sns.color_palette('muted', len(edge_types))): subset = [e for e in G.edges(data=True) if e[2]['type'] == t] nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos, edgelist=subset, edge_color=mcl.to_hex(c), width=1.5) lines.append(Line2D([0], [0], color=c, linewidth=2, linestyle='-')) labels.append(t) plt.legend(lines, labels)
[docs] def xform_brain(x: Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray'], source: str, target: str, via: Optional[str] = None, avoid: Optional[str] = None, affine_fallback: bool = True, caching: bool = True, verbose: bool = True) -> Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray']: """Transform 3D data between template brains. This requires the appropriate transforms to be registered with ``navis``. See the docs/tutorials for details. Notes ----- For Neurons only: transforms can introduce a change in the units (e.g. if the transform goes from micron to nanometer space). Some template brains have their units hard-coded in their meta data (as ``_navis_units``). If that's not the case we fall-back to trying to infer any change in units by comparing distances between x/y/z coordinate before and after the transform. That approach works reasonably well with base 10 increments (e.g. nm -> um) but may be off with odd changes in units (e.g. physical -> voxel space). Regardless of whether hard-coded or inferred, any change in units is used to update the ``.units`` property and node/soma radii for TreeNeurons. Parameters ---------- x : Neuron/List | numpy.ndarray | pandas.DataFrame Data to transform. Dataframe must contain ``['x', 'y', 'z']`` columns. Numpy array must be shape ``(N, 3)``. source : str Source template brain that the data currently is in. target : str Target template brain that the data should be transformed into. via : str | list thereof, optional Optionally set intermediate template(s). This can be helpful to force a specific transformation sequence. avoid : str | list thereof, optional Prohibit going through specific intermediate template(s). affine_fallback : bool In some cases the non-rigid transformation of points can fail - for example if points are outside the deformation field. If that happens, they will be returned as ``NaN``. If ``affine_fallback=True`` we will apply only the rigid affine part of the transformation to those points to get as close as possible to the correct coordinates. caching : bool If True, will (pre-)cache data for transforms whenever possible. Depending on the data and the type of transforms this can speed things up significantly at the cost of increased memory usage: - ``False`` = no upfront cost, lower memory footprint - ``True`` = higher upfront cost, most definitely faster Only applies if input is NeuronList and if transforms include H5 transform. verbose : bool If True, will print some useful info on transform. Returns ------- same type as ``x`` Copy of input with transformed coordinates. Examples -------- This example requires the `flybrains <>`_ library to be installed: ``pip3 install flybrains`` Also, if you haven't already, you will need to have the optional Saalfeld lab (Janelia Research Campus) transforms installed (this is a one-off): >>> import flybrains # doctest: +SKIP >>> flybrains.download_jrc_transforms() # doctest: +SKIP Once ``flybrains`` is installed and you have downloaded the registrations, you can run this: >>> import navis >>> import flybrains >>> # navis example neurons are in raw (8nm voxel) hemibrain (JRCFIB2018Fraw) space >>> n = navis.example_neurons(1) >>> # Transform to FAFB14 space >>> xf = navis.xform_brain(n, source='JRCFIB2018Fraw', target='FAFB14') # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- :func:`navis.xform` Lower level entry point that takes data and applies a given transform or sequence thereof. :func:`navis.mirror_brain` Uses non-rigid transforms to mirror neurons from the left to the right side of given template brain and vice versa. """ if not isinstance(source, str): TypeError(f'Expected source of type str, got "{type(source)}"') if not isinstance(target, str): TypeError(f'Expected target of type str, got "{type(target)}"') # Get the transformation sequence path, transforms = registry.find_bridging_path(source, target, via=via, avoid=avoid) if verbose: path_str = path[0] for p, tr in zip(path[1:], transforms): if isinstance(tr, AliasTransform): link = '=' else: link = '->' path_str += f' {link} {p}' print('Transform path:', path_str) # Combine into transform sequence trans_seq = TransformSequence(*transforms) # Apply transform and returned xformed points xf = xform(x, transform=trans_seq, caching=caching, affine_fallback=affine_fallback) # We might be able to set the correct units based on the target template's # meta data (the "guessed" new units can be off if the transform is # not base 10 which happens for e.g. voxels -> physical space) if isinstance(xf, (core.NeuronList, core.BaseNeuron)): # First we need to find the last non-alias template space for tmp, tr in zip(path[::-1], transforms[::-1]): if not isinstance(tr, AliasTransform): # There is a chance that there is no meta data for this template try: last_temp = registry.find_template(tmp) except ValueError: break except BaseException: raise # If this template brain has a property for navis units if hasattr(last_temp, '_navis_units'): for n in core.NeuronList(xf): n.units = last_temp._navis_units break return xf
def _guess_change(xyz_before: np.ndarray, xyz_after: np.ndarray, sample: float = .1) -> tuple: """Guess change in units during xforming.""" if isinstance(xyz_before, pd.DataFrame): xyz_before = xyz_before[['x', 'y', 'z']].values if isinstance(xyz_after, pd.DataFrame): xyz_after = xyz_after[['x', 'y', 'z']].values # Select the same random sample of points in both spaces if sample <= 1: sample = int(xyz_before.shape[0] * sample) rnd_ix = np.random.choice(xyz_before.shape[0], sample, replace=False) sample_bef = xyz_before[rnd_ix, :] sample_aft = xyz_after[rnd_ix, :] # Get pairwise distance between those points dist_pre = pdist(sample_bef) dist_post = pdist(sample_aft) # Calculate how the distance between nodes changed and get the average # Note we are ignoring nans - happens e.g. when points did not transform. with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): change = dist_post / dist_pre # Drop infinite values in rare cases where nodes end up on top of another mean_change = np.nanmean(change[change < np.inf]) # Find the order of magnitude magnitude = round(math.log10(mean_change)) return mean_change, magnitude
[docs] def symmetrize_brain(x: Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray'], template: Union[str, 'TemplateBrain'], via: Optional[str] = 'auto', verbose: bool = False) -> Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray']: """Symmetrize 3D object (neuron, coordinates). The way this works is by: 1. Finding the closest mirror transform (unless provided) 2. Mirror data on the left-hand-side to the right-hand-side using the proper (warp) mirror transform to offset deformations 3. Simply flip that data back to the left-hand-side This works reasonably well but may produce odd results around the midline. For high quality symmetrization you are better off generating dedicated transform (see ``navis-flybrains`` for an example). Parameters ---------- x : Neuron/List | Volume/trimesh | numpy.ndarray | pandas.DataFrame Data to transform. Dataframe must contain ``['x', 'y', 'z']`` columns. Numpy array must be shape ``(N, 3)``. template : str | TemplateBrain Source template brain space that the data is in. If string will be searched against registered template brains. via : "auto" | str By default ("auto") it will find and apply the closest mirror transform. You can also specify a template that should be used. That template must have a mirror transform! verbose : bool If True, will print some useful info on the transform(s). Returns ------- xs Same object type as input (array, neurons, etc) but hopefully symmetrical. Examples -------- This example requires the `flybrains <>`_ library to be installed: ``pip3 install flybrains`` >>> import navis >>> import flybrains >>> # Get the FAFB14 neuropil mesh >>> m = flybrains.FAFB14.mesh >>> # Symmetrize the mesh >>> s = navis.symmetrize_brain(m, template='FAFB14') >>> # Plot side-by-side for comparison >>> m.plot3d() # doctest: +SKIP >>> s.plot3d(color=(1, 0, 0)) # doctest: +SKIP """ if not isinstance(template, str): TypeError(f'Expected template of type str, got "{type(template)}"') if via == 'auto': # Find closest mirror transform via = registry.find_closest_mirror_reg(template) if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): if len(x) == 1: x = x[0] else: xf = [] for n in config.tqdm(x, desc='Mirroring', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): xf.append(symmetrize_brain(n, template=template, via=via)) return core.NeuronList(xf) if isinstance(x, core.BaseNeuron): x = x.copy() if isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): x.nodes = symmetrize_brain(x.nodes, template=template, via=via) elif isinstance(x, core.Dotprops): x.points = symmetrize_brain(x.points, template=template, via=via) # Set tangent vectors and alpha to None so they will be regenerated x._vect = x._alpha = None elif isinstance(x, core.MeshNeuron): x.vertices = symmetrize_brain(x.vertices, template=template, via=via) else: raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to transform neuron of type '{type(x)}'") if x.has_connectors: x.connectors = symmetrize_brain(x.connectors, template=template, via=via) return x elif isinstance(x, tm.Trimesh): x = x.copy() x.vertices = symmetrize_brain(x.vertices, template=template, via=via) return x elif isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): if any([c not in x.columns for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]): raise ValueError('DataFrame must have x, y and z columns.') x = x.copy() x.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = symmetrize_brain(x[['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float), template=template, via=via) return x else: try: # At this point we expect numpy arrays x = np.asarray(x) except BaseException: raise TypeError(f'Unable to transform data of type "{type(x)}"') if not x.ndim == 2 or x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Array must be of shape (N, 3).') # Now find the meta info for this template brain if isinstance(template, TemplateBrain): tb = template else: tb = registry.find_template(template, non_found='raise') # Get the bounding box if not hasattr(tb, 'boundingbox'): raise ValueError(f'Template "{tb.label}" has no bounding box info.') if not isinstance(tb.boundingbox, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("Expected the template brain's bounding box to be a " f"list, tuple or array - got '{type(tb.boundingbox)}'") # Get bounding box of template brain bbox = np.asarray(tb.boundingbox) # Reshape if flat array if bbox.ndim == 1: bbox = bbox.reshape(3, 2) # Find points on the left center = bbox[0][0] + (bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0]) / 2 is_left = x[:, 0] > center # Make a copy of the original data x = x.copy() # If nothing to symmetrize - return if is_left.sum() == 0: return x # Mirror with compensation for deformations xm = mirror_brain(x[is_left], template=template, via=via, mirror_axis='x', verbose=verbose) # And now flip them back without compensation for deformations xmf = mirror_brain(xm, template=template, warp=False, mirror_axis='x') # Replace values x[is_left] = xmf return x
[docs] def mirror_brain(x: Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray'], template: Union[str, 'TemplateBrain'], mirror_axis: Union[Literal['x'], Literal['y'], Literal['z']] = 'x', warp: Union[Literal['auto'], bool] = 'auto', via: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False) -> Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray']: """Mirror 3D object (neuron, coordinates) about given axis. The way this works is: 1. Look up the length of the template space along the given axis. For this, the template space has to be registered (see docs for details). 2. Flip object along midpoint of axis using a affine transformation. 3. (Optional) Apply a warp transform that corrects asymmetries. Parameters ---------- x : Neuron/List | Volume/trimesh | numpy.ndarray | pandas.DataFrame Data to transform. Dataframe must contain ``['x', 'y', 'z']`` columns. Numpy array must be shape ``(N, 3)``. template : str | TemplateBrain Source template brain space that the data is in. If string will be searched against registered template brains. Alternatively check out :func:`navis.transforms.mirror` for a lower level interface. mirror_axis : 'x' | 'y' | 'z', optional Axis to mirror. Defaults to `x`. warp : bool | "auto" | Transform, optional If 'auto', will check if a non-rigi mirror transformation exists for the given ``template`` and apply it after the flipping. Alternatively, you can also pass a Transform or TransformSequence directly. via : str | None If provided, (e.g. "FCWB") will first transform coordinates into that space, then mirror and transform back. Use this if there is no mirror registration for the original template, or to transform to a symmetrical template in which flipping is sufficient. verbose : bool If True, will print some useful info on the transform(s). Returns ------- xf Same object type as input (array, neurons, etc) but with transformed coordinates. Examples -------- This example requires the `flybrains <>`_ library to be installed: ``pip3 install flybrains`` Also, if you haven't already, you will need to have the optional Saalfeld lab (Janelia Research Campus) transforms installed (this is a one-off): >>> import flybrains # doctest: +SKIP >>> flybrains.download_jrc_transforms() # doctest: +SKIP Once ``flybrains`` is installed and you have downloaded the registrations, you can run this: >>> import navis >>> import flybrains >>> # navis example neurons are in raw hemibrain (JRCFIB2018Fraw) space >>> n = navis.example_neurons(1) >>> # Mirror about x axis (this is a simple flip in this case) >>> mirrored = navis.mirror_brain(n * 8 / 1000, tem plate='JRCFIB2018F', via='JRC2018F') # doctest: +SKIP >>> # We also need to get back to raw coordinates >>> mirrored = mirrored / 8 * 1000 # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- :func:`navis.mirror` Lower level function for mirroring. You can use this if you want to mirror data without having a registered template for it. """ utils.eval_param(mirror_axis, name='mirror_axis', allowed_values=('x', 'y', 'z'), on_error='raise') if not isinstance(warp, (BaseTransform, TransformSequence)): utils.eval_param(warp, name='warp', allowed_values=('auto', True, False), on_error='raise') # If we go via another brain space if via and via != template: # Xform to "via" space xf = xform_brain(x, source=template, target=via, verbose=verbose) # Mirror xfm = mirror_brain(xf, template=via, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp, via=None) # Xform back to original template space xfm_inv = xform_brain(xfm, source=via, target=template, verbose=verbose) return xfm_inv if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): if len(x) == 1: x = x[0] else: xf = [] for n in config.tqdm(x, desc='Mirroring', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): xf.append(mirror_brain(n, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp)) return core.NeuronList(xf) if isinstance(x, core.BaseNeuron): x = x.copy() if isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): x.nodes = mirror_brain(x.nodes, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp) elif isinstance(x, core.Dotprops): if isinstance(x.k, type(None)) or x.k <= 0: # If no k, we need to mirror vectors too. Note that this is less # than ideal though! Here, we are scaling the vector by the # dotprop's sampling resolution (i.e. ideally a representative # distance between the points) because if the vectors are too # small any warping transform will make them go haywire hp = mirror_brain(x.points + x.vect * x.sampling_resolution * 2, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp) x.points = mirror_brain(x.points, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp) if isinstance(x.k, type(None)) or x.k <= 0: # Re-generate vectors vect = x.points - hp vect = vect / np.linalg.norm(vect, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) x._vect = vect else: # Set tangent vectors and alpha to None so they will be # regenerated on demand x._vect = x._alpha = None elif isinstance(x, core.MeshNeuron): x.vertices = mirror_brain(x.vertices, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp) # We also need to flip the normals x.faces = x.faces[:, ::-1] else: raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to transform neuron of type '{type(x)}'") if x.has_connectors: x.connectors = mirror_brain(x.connectors, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp) return x elif isinstance(x, tm.Trimesh): x = x.copy() x.vertices = mirror_brain(x.vertices, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp) # We also need to flip the normals x.faces = x.faces[:, ::-1] return x elif isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): if any([c not in x.columns for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]): raise ValueError('DataFrame must have x, y and z columns.') x = x.copy() x.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = mirror_brain(x[['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float), template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, warp=warp) return x else: try: # At this point we expect numpy arrays x = np.asarray(x) except BaseException: raise TypeError(f'Unable to transform data of type "{type(x)}"') if not x.ndim == 2 or x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Array must be of shape (N, 3).') if not isinstance(template, str): TypeError(f'Expected template of type str, got "{type(template)}"') if isinstance(warp, (BaseTransform, TransformSequence)): mirror_trans = warp elif warp: # See if there is a mirror registration mirror_trans = registry.find_mirror_reg(template, non_found='ignore') # Get actual transform from tuple if mirror_trans: mirror_trans = mirror_trans.transform # If warp was not "auto" and we didn't find a registration, raise elif warp != 'auto' and not mirror_trans: raise ValueError(f'No mirror transform found for "{template}"') else: mirror_trans = None # Now find the meta info about the template brain if isinstance(template, TemplateBrain): tb = template else: tb = registry.find_template(template, non_found='raise') # Get the bounding box if not hasattr(tb, 'boundingbox'): raise ValueError(f'Template "{tb.label}" has no bounding box info.') if not isinstance(tb.boundingbox, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("Expected the template brain's bounding box to be a " f"list, tuple or array - got '{type(tb.boundingbox)}'") # Get bounding box of template brain bbox = np.asarray(tb.boundingbox) # Reshape if flat array if bbox.ndim == 1: bbox = bbox.reshape(3, 2) # Index of mirror axis ix = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}[mirror_axis] if bbox.shape == (3, 2): # In nat.templatebrains this is using the sum (min+max) but have a # suspicion that this should be the difference (max-min) mirror_axis_size = bbox[ix, :].sum() elif bbox.shape == (2, 3): mirror_axis_size = bbox[:, ix].sum() else: raise ValueError('Expected bounding box to be of shape (3, 2) or (2, 3)' f' got {bbox.shape}') return mirror(x, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, mirror_axis_size=mirror_axis_size, warp=mirror_trans)
class TemplateBrain: """Generic base class for template brains. Minimally, a template should have a `name` and `label` property. For mirroring, it also needs a `boundingbox`. See `navis-flybrains <>`_ for an example of how to use template brains. """ def __init__(self, **properties): """Initialize class.""" for k, v in properties.items(): setattr(self, k, v) @property def mesh(self): """Mesh represenation of this brain.""" if not hasattr(self, '_mesh'): name = getattr(self, 'regName', getattr(self, 'name', None)) raise ValueError(f'{name} does not appear to have a mesh') return self._mesh # Initialize the registry registry = TemplateRegistry()