Source code for

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

import uuid
import functools

from .. import config, core, io

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

[docs] def patch_cloudvolume(): """Monkey patch cloud-volume to return navis neurons. This function must be run before initializing the `CloudVolume`! Adds new methods/parameters to `CloudVolume.mesh.get` and `CloudVolume.skeleton.get`. See examples for details. Examples -------- >>> import navis >>> import cloudvolume as cv >>> # Monkey patch cloudvolume >>> navis.patch_cloudvolume() >>> # Connect to the Google segmentation of FAFB >>> vol = cv.CloudVolume('precomputed://gs://fafb-ffn1-20200412/segmentation', ... use_https=True, ... progress=False) >>> ids = [2137190164, 2268989790] >>> # Fetch as navis neuron using newly added method or ... >>> nl = vol.mesh.get_navis(ids, lod=3) >>> # ... alternatively use `as_navis` keyword argument in original method >>> nl = vol.mesh.get(ids, lod=3, as_navis=True) >>> type(nl) <class 'navis.core.neuronlist.NeuronList'> >>> # The same works for skeletons >>> skels = vol.skeleton.get_navis(ids) """ global cv try: import cloudvolume as cv except ImportError: cv = None # If CV not installed do nothing if not cv:'cloud-volume appears to not be installed?') return for ds in [cv.datasource.graphene.mesh.sharded.GrapheneShardedMeshSource, cv.datasource.graphene.mesh.unsharded.GrapheneUnshardedMeshSource, cv.datasource.precomputed.mesh.unsharded.UnshardedLegacyPrecomputedMeshSource, cv.datasource.precomputed.mesh.multilod.UnshardedMultiLevelPrecomputedMeshSource, cv.datasource.precomputed.mesh.multilod.ShardedMultiLevelPrecomputedMeshSource, cv.datasource.precomputed.skeleton.sharded.ShardedPrecomputedSkeletonSource, cv.datasource.precomputed.skeleton.unsharded.UnshardedPrecomputedSkeletonSource]: ds.get_navis = return_navis(ds.get, only_on_kwarg=False) ds.get = return_navis(ds.get, only_on_kwarg=True)'cloud-volume successfully patched!')
def return_navis(func, only_on_kwarg=False): """Wrap cloud-volume mesh and skeleton sources. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function/method to wrap. only_on_kwarg : bool If True, will look for a `as_navis=True` (default=False) keyword argument to determine if results should be converted to navis neurons. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ret_navis = kwargs.pop('as_navis', False) res = func(*args, **kwargs) if not only_on_kwarg or ret_navis: neurons = [] if isinstance(res, (list, tuple)): res = {getattr(n, "id", uuid.uuid4()): n for n in res} if isinstance(res, (cv.Mesh, cv.Skeleton)): res = {getattr(res, "id", uuid.uuid4()): res} for k, v in res.items(): if isinstance(v, cv.Mesh): n = core.MeshNeuron(v, id=k, units='nm') neurons.append(n) elif isinstance(v, cv.Skeleton): swc_str = v.to_swc() n = io.read_swc(swc_str) = k n.units = 'nm' neurons.append(n) else: logger.warning(f'Skipped {k}: Unable to convert {type(v)} to ' 'navis Neuron.') return core.NeuronList(neurons) return res return wrapper