**NAVis** - **N**\ euron **A**\ nalysis and **Vis**\ ualization =============================================================== .. grid:: 1 1 1 2 .. grid-item:: NAVis is a Python library for analysis and visualization of neuron morphology. It stands on the shoulders of the excellent `natverse `_ for R. For a brief introduction to the library, please see :ref:`Quickstart `. Visit the :ref:`installation page` to learn how to install the package. You can browse the :ref:`example gallery` and :ref:`API reference ` to see what you can do with navis. Need help? Use `discussions `_ on Github to ask questions! NAVis is designed to be highly extensible. Make sure to check out the other libraries in the navis :ref:`ecosystem `. NAVis is licensed under the GNU GPL v3+ license. The source code is hosted at `Github `_. Feedback, feature requests and bug reports are very welcome and best placed in a `Github issue `_. .. grid-item:: .. card-carousel:: 2 .. card:: :octicon:`code-square` Polyglot Work with all kinds of data: skeletons, meshes, dotprops, images. .. card:: :octicon:`beaker` Morphometrics Calculate Strahler indices, cable length, volume, tortuosity and more. .. card:: :octicon:`paintbrush` Plotting Generate beautiful scientific 2D (matplotlib) and 3D (vispy or plotly) figures. .. card:: :octicon:`gear` Processing Smoothing, resampling, skeletonization, meshing and more! .. card:: :octicon:`rocket` Fast Scalable thanks to out-of-the-box support for multiprocessing. .. card:: :octicon:`versions` NBLAST Cluster your neurons by morphology. .. card-carousel:: 2 .. card:: :octicon:`paper-airplane` Transform Fully featured transform system to move neurons between brain spaces. .. card:: :octicon:`file-binary` Import/Export Read and write from/to SWC, NRRD, Neuroglancer's precomputed format, OBJ, STL and more! .. card:: :octicon:`globe` Online Download neurons straight from Allen's `MICrONS `_ datasets, `neuromorpho `_ or :ref:`neuPrint`. .. card:: :octicon:`link-external` Interfaces Load neurons into Blender 3D, simulate neurons and networks using NEURON, or use the R natverse library. .. card:: :octicon:`person` Have it your way Designed to work in Jupyter notebooks, from terminal or as a script. .. card:: :octicon:`person` Extensible :link: other_libs :link-type: ref Write your own library built on top of navis functions. See our :ref:`ecosystem ` for examples.