.. _microns_tut: MICrONS Datasets **************** The Allen Institute released two large connecotmics dataset: 1. A "Cortical mm^3" of mouse visual cortex (broken into two portions, "65" and "35") 2. A smaller "Layer 2/3" dataset of mouse visual cortex Both of these can be browsed via the `MICrONS Explorer `_ using neuroglancer. These data are public and thanks to the excellent ``cloud-volume`` and the ``caveclient`` libraries (developed by William Silversmith, Forrest Collman, Sven Dorkenwald, Casey Schneider-Mizell and others) we can easily fetch neurons and their connectivity. For easier interaction, `navis` ships with a small interface to these datasets. To use it, we will have to make sure ``caveclient`` (and with it ``cloud-volume``) is installed: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install caveclient cloud-volume -U The first time you run below code, you might have to get & set a client secret. Simply follow the instructions in the terminal and when in doubt, check out the section about authentication in the `docs `_. Let's get started: .. code:: ipython3 import navis import navis.interfaces.microns as mi You will find that most functions in the interface accept a ``datastack`` parameter. At the time of writing, the available stacks are: - `cortex65` (also called "minnie65") is the anterior portion of the cortical mm^3 dataset - `cortex35` (also called "minnie35") is the (smaller) posterior portion of the cortical mm^3 dataset - `layer 2/3` (also called "pinky100") is the earlier, smaller cortical dataset If not specified, the default is `cortex65`! Let's start with some basic queries using ``caveclient``: .. code:: ipython3 # Initialize the client for the 65 part of cortical mm^3 (i.e. "Minnie") client = mi.get_cave_client(datastack='cortex65') # Fetch available annotation tables client.materialize.get_tables() .. parsed-literal:: ['nucleus_detection_v0', 'synapses_pni_2', 'nucleus_neuron_svm', 'proofreading_status_public_release', 'func_unit_em_match_release', 'allen_soma_ei_class_model_v1', 'allen_visp_column_soma_coarse_types_v1'] These are the available public tables which we can use to fetch soma meta data. Let's check out `allen_soma_ei_class_model_v1`: .. code:: ipython3 ct = client.materialize.query_table('allen_soma_ei_class_model_v1') ct.head() .. raw:: html
id valid classification_system cell_type pt_supervoxel_id pt_root_id pt_position
0 485509 t aibs_coarse_excitatory excitatory 103588564537113366 864691136740606812 [282608, 103808, 20318]
1 113721 t aibs_coarse_excitatory excitatory 79951332685465031 864691135366988025 [110208, 153664, 23546]
2 263203 t aibs_coarse_excitatory excitatory 87694643458256575 864691135181741826 [166512, 174176, 24523]
3 456177 t aibs_coarse_excitatory excitatory 102677963354799688 864691135337690598 [275616, 135120, 24873]
4 364447 t aibs_coarse_excitatory excitatory 94449079618306553 864691136883828334 [216064, 166800, 15025]
.. code:: ipython3 ct.cell_type.unique() .. parsed-literal:: array(['excitatory', 'inhibitory'], dtype=object) Looks like at this point there is only a rather coarse public classification. Nevertheless, let's fetch a couple excitatory and inhibitory neurons: .. code:: ipython3 # Fetch proof-reading status pr = client.materialize.query_table('proofreading_status_public_release') pr.head() .. raw:: html
id valid pt_supervoxel_id pt_root_id valid_id status_dendrite status_axon pt_position
0 1 t 89529934389098311 864691136296964635 864691136296964635 extended non [179808, 216672, 23361]
1 2 t 90584228533843146 864691136311986237 864691136311986237 extended non [187840, 207232, 22680]
2 3 t 89528353773943370 864691135355207119 864691135355207119 extended non [180016, 204592, 22798]
3 4 t 91077153340676495 864691135355207375 864691135355207375 extended non [191424, 209888, 22845]
4 5 t 88897234233461709 864691136422983727 864691136422983727 extended non [175248, 220944, 23561]
.. code:: ipython3 # Subset to those neurons that have been proof read proofread = pr[pr.status_dendrite.isin(['extented', 'clean']) & pr.status_axon.isin(['extented', 'clean'])].pt_root_id.values ct = ct[ct.pt_root_id.isin(proofread)] ct.shape .. parsed-literal:: (167, 7) .. code:: ipython3 # Pick 20 "root IDs" (sometimes also called segment IDs) each inh_ids = ct[ct.cell_type == 'inhibitory'].pt_root_id.values[: 20] exc_ids = ct[ct.cell_type == 'excitatory'].pt_root_id.values[: 20] Next, we will fetch the meshes including the synapses for these neurons: .. code:: ipython3 # Fetch those neurons inh = mi.fetch_neurons(inh_ids, lod=2, with_synapses=False) exc = mi.fetch_neurons(exc_ids, lod=2, with_synapses=False) # Inspect inh .. raw:: html <class 'navis.core.neuronlist.NeuronList'> containing 20 neurons (270.6MiB)
type name id units n_vertices n_faces
0 navis.MeshNeuron None 864691135994731946 1 nanometer 118433 238637
1 navis.MeshNeuron None 864691135974528623 1 nanometer 145727 293750
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
18 navis.MeshNeuron None 864691136136830589 1 nanometer 54995 111098
19 navis.MeshNeuron None 864691135428608048 1 nanometer 397265 799150
These neurons are fairly large despite us using a large ``lod`` (level of detail, higher = coarser). For visualization of such large meshes it can be useful to simplify them a little. For this, you need either ``open3d`` (``pip3 install open3d``), ``pymeshlab`` (``pip3 install pymeshlab``) or Blender 3D on your computer. .. code:: ipython3 # Reduce face counts to 1/3 of the original inh_ds = navis.simplify_mesh(inh, F=1/3) exc_ds = navis.simplify_mesh(exc, F=1/3) # Inspect (note the lower face/vertex counts) inh_ds .. raw:: html <class 'navis.core.neuronlist.NeuronList'> containing 20 neurons (69.4MiB)
type name id units n_vertices n_faces
0 navis.MeshNeuron None 864691135994731946 1 nanometer 40887 79545
1 navis.MeshNeuron None 864691135974528623 1 nanometer 50585 97915
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
18 navis.MeshNeuron None 864691135446864980 1 nanometer 108886 213560
19 navis.MeshNeuron None 864691135428608048 1 nanometer 136145 266382
Let's visualize the neurons before running analyses .. code:: ipython3 # Create some colors: reds for excitatory, blue for inhibitory import seaborn as sns colors = {n.id: sns.color_palette('Reds', 5)[i] for i, n in enumerate(exc[:5])} colors.update({n.id: sns.color_palette('Blues', 5)[i] for i, n in enumerate(inh[:5])}) # Plot the first 5 neurons each fig = navis.plot3d([inh_ds[:5], exc_ds[:5]], color=colors) .. raw:: html :file: figures/3d_microns.html | | | | Note that some of these neurons look truncated (i.e. extend outside the imaged volume). We need to keep that in mind when running our analyses! First, let's check cable length. For this, we need to roughly skeletonize these meshes: .. code:: ipython3 inh_sk = navis.skeletonize(inh, parallel=True) exc_sk = navis.skeletonize(exc, parallel=True) # Inspect inh_sk .. raw:: html <class 'navis.core.neuronlist.NeuronList'> containing 20 neurons (57.7MiB)
type name id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 navis.TreeNeuron None 864691135994731946 19099 None 482 591 1.064628e+07 11789 1 nanometer
1 navis.TreeNeuron None 864691135974528623 24333 None 728 831 1.349213e+07 13008 1 nanometer
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
18 navis.TreeNeuron None 864691136136830589 8257 None 276 341 4.566808e+06 5777 1 nanometer
19 navis.TreeNeuron None 864691135428608048 62330 None 1109 1707 3.432125e+07 29927 1 nanometer
.. code:: ipython3 # Plot one example (zoom in for details) fig = navis.plot3d([inh_sk[0], inh[0]], color=[(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1, .5)]) .. raw:: html :file: figures/3d_microns_skeleton.html | | | | That looks reasonable! Now we can compare cable lengths and other stats: .. code:: ipython3 # Create a combined DataFrame import pandas as pd inh_stats = inh_sk.summary() inh_stats['type'] = 'inhibitory' exc_stats = exc_sk.summary() exc_stats['type'] = 'excitatory' stats = pd.concat([inh_stats, exc_stats], axis=0) stats.head() .. raw:: html
type name id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 inhibitory None 864691135994731946 19099 None 482 591 1.064628e+07 11789 1 nanometer
1 inhibitory None 864691135974528623 24333 None 728 831 1.349213e+07 13008 1 nanometer
2 inhibitory None 864691135113360025 31313 None 698 1188 1.733779e+07 18923 1 nanometer
3 inhibitory None 864691135700443515 45083 None 2484 1255 2.423469e+07 24681 1 nanometer
4 inhibitory None 864691136521811345 10173 None 824 352 5.620049e+06 6607 1 nanometer
.. code:: ipython3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sns.set_color_codes('muted') plt.style.use('dark_background') # comment this out if you have light background fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 5)) fig.patch.set_color((0, 0, 0, 0)) # Make background transparent for col, label, ax in zip(['cable_length', 'n_branches', 'n_leafs'], ['cable length [nm]', '# of branch points', '# of leafs (tips)'], axes): sns.boxplot(data=stats, y=col, x='type', ax=ax, palette=['b', 'r']) ax.set_ylabel(label) ax.set_xlabel('') ax.patch.set_color((0, 0, 0, 0)) # Make background transparent sns.despine(trim=True) plt.tight_layout() plt.show() .. image:: microns_tut_files/microns_tut_22_0.png .. _sholl: Let's try something a bit more sophisticated: a Sholl analysis. .. note:: The Sholl analysis function was added in navis ``1.1.0``. .. code:: ipython3 # Perform Sholl analysis import numpy as np inh_sha = navis.sholl_analysis(inh, center='soma', radii=np.linspace(0, 1e6, 200), parallel=True) exc_sha = navis.sholl_analysis(exc, center='soma', radii=np.linspace(0, 1e6, 200), parallel=True) # The results are lists of DataFrames: inh_sha[0].head() .. raw:: html
intersections cable_length branch_points
5025.125628 5 38364.963752 19
10050.251256 2 200485.343897 21
15075.376884 4 70893.601194 18
20100.502513 5 120444.934439 27
25125.628141 8 231928.170524 43
.. code:: ipython3 # Average across inhibitory and excitatory analyses inh_sha_mean = inh_sha[0].copy() for i in range(1, len(inh_sha)): inh_sha_mean += inh_sha[i].values inh_sha_mean /= len(inh_sha) exc_sha_mean = exc_sha[0].copy() for i in range(1, len(exc_sha)): exc_sha_mean += exc_sha[i].values exc_sha_mean /= len(exc_sha) inh_sha_mean.head() .. raw:: html
intersections cable_length branch_points
5025.125628 4.05 34586.760812 17.10
10050.251256 1.95 118360.897060 18.75
15075.376884 2.60 78204.741723 13.10
20100.502513 4.25 104355.972463 21.00
25125.628141 5.65 150967.093900 27.00
.. code:: ipython3 # Plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) inh_sha_mean.intersections.plot(c='r', label='inhibitory') exc_sha_mean.intersections.plot(c='b', label='excitatory') ax.set_ylabel('# of intersections') ax.legend() ax.patch.set_color((0, 0, 0, 0)) # Make background transparent fig.patch.set_color((0, 0, 0, 0)) plt.tight_layout() plt.show() .. image:: microns_tut_files/microns_tut_26_0.png See :func:`navis.sholl_analysis` for ways to fine tune the analysis. Last but not least a quick visualization for one of the neurons: .. code:: ipython3 from matplotlib.colors import Normalize from matplotlib.cm import ScalarMappable from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable # Plot one of the inhibitory neurons ix = 0 fig, ax = navis.plot2d(inh[ix], view=('x', 'y'), figsize=(10, 10), c='w', method='2d') cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis') # Plot Sholl circles and color by number of intersections center = inh[ix].soma_pos norm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=(inh_sha[ix].intersections.max() + 1)) for r in inh_sha[0].index.values: ints = inh_sha[ix].loc[r, 'intersections'] ints_norm = norm(ints) color = cmap(ints_norm) c = plt.Circle(center[:2], r, ec=color, fc='none') ax.add_patch(c) # Add colorbar divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), cax=cax, label='# of intersections') plt.show() .. image:: microns_tut_files/microns_tut_28_0.png Again: take these analyses with a fistful of salt since we only sample 20 neurons each and it looked like there was a bias towards inhibitory neuron being more likely truncated! However, based on the above analysis inhibitory neurons tend to be larger and branch less compared to excitatory cortical neurons. Videos ------ Beautiful data like the MICrONS datasets lend themselves to visualizations. For making high quality videos (and renderings) I recommend you check out the tutorial on navis' Blender :ref:`interface `. Here's a little taster: .. raw:: html