Source code for navis.core.mesh

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

import copy
import numbers
import os
import pint
import warnings
import scipy

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import skeletor as sk
import trimesh as tm

from io import BufferedIOBase
from typing import Union, Optional

from .. import utils, config, meshes, conversion, graph
from .base import BaseNeuron
from .skeleton import TreeNeuron
from .core_utils import temp_property

    import xxhash
except ImportError:
    xxhash = None

__all__ = ['MeshNeuron']

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

# This is to prevent pint to throw a warning about numpy integration
with warnings.catch_warnings():

[docs] class MeshNeuron(BaseNeuron): """Neuron represented as mesh with vertices and faces. Parameters ---------- x : mesh-like | tuple | dictionary | filepath | None Data to construct neuron from: - any object that has ``.vertices`` and ``.faces`` properties (e.g. a trimesh.Trimesh) - a tuple ``(vertices, faces)`` - a dictionary ``{"vertices": (N, 3), "faces": (M, 3)}`` - filepath to a file that can be read by ``trimesh.load`` - ``None`` will initialize an empty MeshNeuron - ``skeletor.Skeleton`` will use the mesh and the skeleton (including the vertex to node map) units : str | pint.Units | pint.Quantity Units for coordinates. Defaults to ``None`` (dimensionless). Strings must be parsable by pint: e.g. "nm", "um", "micrometer" or "8 nanometers". process : bool If True (default and highly recommended), will remove NaN and infinite values, and merge duplicate vertices. validate : bool If True, will try to fix some common problems with meshes. See ``navis.fix_mesh`` for details. **metadata Any additional data to attach to neuron. """ connectors: Optional[pd.DataFrame] vertices: np.ndarray faces: np.ndarray soma: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]] #: Attributes used for neuron summary SUMMARY_PROPS = ['type', 'name', 'units', 'n_vertices', 'n_faces'] #: Attributes to be used when comparing two neurons. EQ_ATTRIBUTES = ['name', 'n_vertices', 'n_faces'] #: Temporary attributes that need clearing when neuron data changes TEMP_ATTR = ['_memory_usage', '_trimesh', '_skeleton', '_igraph', '_graph_nx'] #: Core data table(s) used to calculate hash CORE_DATA = ['vertices', 'faces']
[docs] def __init__(self, x, units: Union[pint.Unit, str] = None, process: bool = True, validate: bool = False, **metadata ): """Initialize Mesh Neuron.""" super().__init__() # Lock neuron during initialization self._lock = 1 self._trimesh = None # this is required to avoid recursion during init if isinstance(x, MeshNeuron): self.__dict__.update(x.copy().__dict__) self.vertices, self.faces = x.vertices, x.faces elif hasattr(x, 'faces') and hasattr(x, 'vertices'): self.vertices, self.faces = x.vertices, x.faces elif isinstance(x, dict): if 'faces' not in x or 'vertices' not in x: raise ValueError('Dictionary must contain "vertices" and "faces"') self.vertices, self.faces = x['vertices'], x['faces'] elif isinstance(x, str) and os.path.isfile(x): m = tm.load(x) self.vertices, self.faces = m.vertices, m.faces elif isinstance(x, type(None)): # Empty neuron self.vertices, self.faces = np.zeros((0, 3)), np.zeros((0, 3)) elif isinstance(x, sk.Skeleton): self.vertices, self.faces = x.mesh.vertices, x.mesh.faces self._skeleton = TreeNeuron(x) elif isinstance(x, tuple): if len(x) != 2 or any([not isinstance(v, np.ndarray) for v in x]): raise TypeError('Expect tuple to be two arrays: (vertices, faces)') self.vertices, self.faces = x[0], x[1] else: raise utils.ConstructionError(f'Unable to construct MeshNeuron from "{type(x)}"') for k, v in metadata.items(): try: setattr(self, k, v) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError(f"Unable to set neuron's `{k}` attribute.") if process and self.vertices.shape[0]: # For some reason we can't do self._trimesh at this stage _trimesh = tm.Trimesh(self.vertices, self.faces, process=process, validate=validate) self.vertices = _trimesh.vertices self.faces = _trimesh.faces self._lock = 0 if validate: self.validate() self.units = units
def __getattr__(self, key): """We will use this magic method to calculate some attributes on-demand.""" # Note that we're mixing @property and __getattr__ which causes problems: # if a @property raises an Exception, Python falls back to __getattr__ # and traceback is lost! # Last ditch effort - maybe the base class knows the key? return super().__getattr__(key) def __getstate__(self): """Get state (used e.g. for pickling).""" state = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not callable(v)} # We don't need the trimesh object if '_trimesh' in state: _ = state.pop('_trimesh') return state def __setstate__(self, d): """Update state (used e.g. for pickling).""" self.__dict__.update(d) def __truediv__(self, other, copy=True): """Implement division for coordinates (vertices, connectors).""" if isinstance(other, numbers.Number) or utils.is_iterable(other): # If a number, consider this an offset for coordinates n = self.copy() if copy else self _ = np.divide(n.vertices, other, out=n.vertices, casting='unsafe') if n.has_connectors: n.connectors.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] /= other # Convert units # Note: .to_compact() throws a RuntimeWarning and returns unchanged # values when `units` is a iterable with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") n.units = (n.units * other).to_compact() self._clear_temp_attr() return n return NotImplemented def __mul__(self, other, copy=True): """Implement multiplication for coordinates (vertices, connectors).""" if isinstance(other, numbers.Number) or utils.is_iterable(other): # If a number, consider this an offset for coordinates n = self.copy() if copy else self _ = np.multiply(n.vertices, other, out=n.vertices, casting='unsafe') if n.has_connectors: n.connectors.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] *= other # Convert units # Note: .to_compact() throws a RuntimeWarning and returns unchanged # values when `units` is a iterable with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") n.units = (n.units / other).to_compact() self._clear_temp_attr() return n return NotImplemented @property def bbox(self) -> np.ndarray: """Bounding box (includes connectors).""" mn = np.min(self.vertices, axis=0) mx = np.max(self.vertices, axis=0) if self.has_connectors: cn_mn = np.min(self.connectors[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, axis=0) cn_mx = np.max(self.connectors[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, axis=0) mn = np.min(np.vstack((mn, cn_mn)), axis=0) mx = np.max(np.vstack((mx, cn_mx)), axis=0) return np.vstack((mn, mx)).T @property def vertices(self): """Vertices making up the neuron.""" return self._vertices @vertices.setter def vertices(self, verts): if not isinstance(verts, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f'Vertices must be numpy array, got "{type(verts)}"') if verts.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Vertices must be 2-dimensional array') self._vertices = verts self._clear_temp_attr() @property def faces(self): """Faces making up the neuron.""" return self._faces @faces.setter def faces(self, faces): if not isinstance(faces, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f'Faces must be numpy array, got "{type(faces)}"') if faces.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Faces must be 2-dimensional array') self._faces = faces self._clear_temp_attr() @temp_property def igraph(self) -> 'igraph.Graph': """iGraph representation of the vertex connectivity.""" # If igraph does not exist, create and return if not hasattr(self, '_igraph'): # This also sets the attribute self._igraph = graph.neuron2igraph(self, raise_not_installed=False) return self._igraph @temp_property def graph(self) -> nx.DiGraph: """Networkx Graph representation of the vertex connectivity.""" # If graph does not exist, create and return if not hasattr(self, '_graph_nx'): # This also sets the attribute self._graph_nx = graph.neuron2nx(self) return self._graph_nx @property def sampling_resolution(self) -> float: """Average distance between vertices.""" return float(self.trimesh.edges_unique_length.mean()) @property def volume(self) -> float: """Volume of the neuron. Calculated from the surface integral. Garbage if neuron is not watertight. """ return float(self.trimesh.volume) @temp_property def skeleton(self) -> 'TreeNeuron': """Skeleton representation of this neuron. Uses :func:`navis.mesh2skeleton`. """ if not hasattr(self, '_skeleton'): self._skeleton = self.skeletonize() return self._skeleton @skeleton.setter def skeleton(self, s): """Attach skeleton respresentation for this neuron.""" if isinstance(s, sk.Skeleton): s = TreeNeuron(s,, elif not isinstance(s, TreeNeuron): raise TypeError(f'`.skeleton` must be a TreeNeuron, got "{type(s)}"') self._skeleton = s @property def type(self) -> str: """Neuron type.""" return 'navis.MeshNeuron' @temp_property def trimesh(self): """Trimesh representation of the neuron.""" if not getattr(self, '_trimesh', None): self._trimesh = tm.Trimesh(vertices=self._vertices, faces=self._faces, process=False) return self._trimesh def copy(self) -> 'MeshNeuron': """Return a copy of the neuron.""" no_copy = ['_lock'] # Generate new neuron x = self.__class__(None) # Override with this neuron's data x.__dict__.update({k: copy.copy(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in no_copy}) return x
[docs] def snap(self, locs, to='vertices'): """Snap xyz location(s) to closest vertex or synapse. Parameters ---------- locs : (N, 3) array | (3, ) array Either single or multiple XYZ locations. to : "vertices" | "connectors" Whether to snap to vertex or connector. Returns ------- ix : int | list of int Index/indices of the closest vertex/connector. dist : float | list of float Distance(s) to the closest vertex/connector. Examples -------- >>> import navis >>> n = navis.example_neurons(1, kind='mesh') >>> ix, dist = n.snap([0, 0, 0]) >>> ix 4134 """ locs = np.asarray(locs).astype(self.vertices.dtype) is_single = (locs.ndim == 1 and len(locs) == 3) is_multi = (locs.ndim == 2 and locs.shape[1] == 3) if not is_single and not is_multi: raise ValueError('Expected a single (x, y, z) location or a ' '(N, 3) array of multiple locations') if to not in ('vertices', 'vertex', 'connectors', 'connectors'): raise ValueError('`to` must be "vertices" or "connectors", ' f'got {to}') # Generate tree tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(data=self.vertices) # Find the closest node dist, ix = tree.query(locs) return ix, dist
[docs] def skeletonize(self, method='wavefront', heal=True, inv_dist=None, **kwargs) -> 'TreeNeuron': """Skeletonize mesh. See :func:`navis.conversion.mesh2skeleton` for details. Parameters ---------- method : "wavefront" | "teasar" Method to use for skeletonization. heal : bool Whether to heal a fragmented skeleton after skeletonization. inv_dist : int | float Only required for method "teasar": invalidation distance for the traversal. Smaller ``inv_dist`` captures smaller features but is slower and vice versa. A good starting value is around 2-5 microns. **kwargs Additional keyword are passed through to :func:`navis.conversion.mesh2skeleton`. Returns ------- skeleton : navis.TreeNeuron """ return conversion.mesh2skeleton(self, method=method, heal=heal, inv_dist=inv_dist, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate(self, inplace=False): """Use trimesh to try and fix some common mesh issues. See :func:`navis.fix_mesh` for details. """ return meshes.fix_mesh(self, inplace=inplace)