Source code for navis.core.voxel

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

import copy
import numbers
import pint
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from typing import Union, Optional

from .. import utils, config
from .base import BaseNeuron
from .core_utils import temp_property

    import xxhash
except ImportError:
    xxhash = None

__all__ = ['VoxelNeuron']

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

# This is to prevent pint to throw a warning about numpy integration
with warnings.catch_warnings():

[docs] class VoxelNeuron(BaseNeuron): """Neuron represented as voxels. Parameters ---------- x Data to construct neuron from: - a 2D (N, 3) array of voxel positions (x, y, z) - a 2D (N, 4) array of voxel positions + values (x, y, z, value) - a 3D (N, M, J) array representing the voxel grid offset : (3, ) array, optional An (optional) offset in voxels. This is useful to keep the voxel grid small while still maintaining correct positioning e.g. for plotting. cache : bool Whether to cache different representations (i.e. grid and voxels) of the data. Set to False to save some memory. units : str | pint.Units | pint.Quantity Units (scales) for voxels. Defaults to ``1`` (dimensionless). Strings must be parsable by pint: e.g. "nm", "um", "micrometer" or "8 nanometers". **metadata Any additional data to attach to neuron. """ connectors: Optional[pd.DataFrame] #: (N, 3) array of x/y/z voxels locations voxels: np.ndarray #: (N, ) array of values for each voxel values: np.ndarray # (N, M, K) voxel grid grid: np.ndarray # shape of voxel grid shape: tuple soma: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]] #: Attributes used for neuron summary SUMMARY_PROPS = ['type', 'name', 'units', 'shape', 'dtype'] #: Attributes to be used when comparing two neurons. EQ_ATTRIBUTES = ['name', 'shape', 'dtype'] #: Temporary attributes that need clearing when neuron data changes TEMP_ATTR = ['_memory_usage', '_shape', '_voxels', '_grid'] #: Core data table(s) used to calculate hash CORE_DATA = ['_data']
[docs] def __init__(self, x: Union[np.ndarray], offset: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, cache: bool = True, units: Union[pint.Unit, str] = None, **metadata ): """Initialize Voxel Neuron.""" super().__init__() if not isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, type(None))): raise utils.ConstructionError(f'Unable to construct VoxelNeuron from "{type(x)}".') if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[1] in [3, 4]: # Contiguous arrays are required for hashing and we save a lot # of time by doing this once up-front self._data = np.ascontiguousarray(x) elif x.ndim == 3: self._data = np.ascontiguousarray(x) else: raise utils.ConstructionError(f'Unable to construct VoxelNeuron from {x.shape} array.') for k, v in metadata.items(): try: setattr(self, k, v) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError(f"Unable to set neuron's `{k}` attribute.") self.cache = cache self.units = units self.offset = offset
def __getstate__(self): """Get state (used e.g. for pickling).""" state = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not callable(v)} SKIP = [] for s in SKIP: if s in state: _ = state.pop(s) return state def __setstate__(self, d): """Update state (used e.g. for pickling).""" self.__dict__.update(d) def __truediv__(self, other, copy=True): """Implement division for coordinates (units, connectors).""" if isinstance(other, numbers.Number) or utils.is_iterable(other): # If a number, consider this an offset for coordinates n = self.copy() if copy else self # Convert units # Note: .to_compact() throws a RuntimeWarning and returns unchanged # values when `units` is a iterable with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") n.units = (n.units / other).to_compact() n.offset = n.offset / other if n.has_connectors: n.connectors.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] /= other self._clear_temp_attr() return n return NotImplemented def __mul__(self, other, copy=True): """Implement multiplication for coordinates (units, connectors).""" if isinstance(other, numbers.Number) or utils.is_iterable(other): # If a number, consider this an offset for coordinates n = self.copy() if copy else self # Convert units # Note: .to_compact() throws a RuntimeWarning and returns unchanged # values when `units` is a iterable with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") n.units = (n.units * other).to_compact() n.offset = n.offset * other if n.has_connectors: n.connectors.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] *= other self._clear_temp_attr() return n return NotImplemented @property def _base_data_type(self) -> str: """Type of data (grid or voxels) underlying this neuron.""" if self._data.ndim == 3: return 'grid' else: return 'voxels' @property def dtype(self) -> type: """Data type of voxel values.""" return self._data.dtype @property def bbox(self) -> np.ndarray: """Bounding box (includes connectors) in units.""" mn = self.offset if self._base_data_type == 'voxels': mx = np.max(self.voxels, axis=0) * self.units.magnitude + self.offset else: mx = np.array(self.grid.shape) * self.units.magnitude + self.offset if self.has_connectors: cn_mn = np.min(self.connectors[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, axis=0) cn_mx = np.max(self.connectors[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, axis=0) mn = np.min(np.vstack((mn, cn_mn)), axis=0) mx = np.max(np.vstack((mx, cn_mx)), axis=0) return np.vstack((mn, mx)).T @property def volume(self) -> float: """Volume of neuron.""" # Get volume of a single voxel voxel_volume = self.units_xyz[0] * self.units_xyz[2] * self.units_xyz[2] voxel_volume = voxel_volume.to_compact() return self.voxels.shape[0] * voxel_volume @temp_property def voxels(self): """Voxels making up the neuron.""" if self._base_data_type == 'voxels': return self._data[:, :3] if hasattr(self, '_voxels'): return self._voxels voxels = np.dstack(np.where(self._data))[0] if self.cache: self._voxels = voxels return voxels @voxels.setter def voxels(self, voxels): if not isinstance(voxels, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f'Voxels must be numpy array, got "{type(voxels)}"') if voxels.ndim != 2 or voxels.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Voxels must be (N, 3) array') if 'float' in str(voxels.dtype): voxels = voxels.astype(np.int64) self._data = voxels self._clear_temp_attr() @temp_property def grid(self): """Voxel grid representation.""" if self._base_data_type == 'grid': return self._data if hasattr(self, '_grid'): return self._grid grid = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=self.values.dtype) grid[self._data[:, 0], self._data[:, 1], self._data[:, 2]] = self.values if self.cache: self._grid = grid return grid @grid.setter def grid(self, grid): if not isinstance(grid, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f'Grid must be numpy array, got "{type(grid)}"') if grid.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('Grid must be 3D array') self._data = grid self._clear_temp_attr() @temp_property def values(self): """Values for each voxel (can be None).""" if self._base_data_type == 'grid': values = self._data.flatten() return values[values > 0] else: if not isinstance(getattr(self, '_values', None), type(None)): return self._values else: return np.ones(self._data.shape[0]) @values.setter def values(self, values): if self._base_data_type == 'grid': raise ValueError('Unable to set values for VoxelNeurons that were ' 'initialized with a grid') if isinstance(values, type(None)): if hasattr(self, '_values'): delattr(self, '_values') return if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f'Values must be numpy array, got "{type(values)}"') elif values.ndim != 1 or values.shape[0] != self.voxels.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Voxels must be (N, ) array of the same length as voxels') self._values = values self._clear_temp_attr() @property def offset(self) -> np.ndarray: """Offset (in voxels).""" return self._offset @offset.setter def offset(self, offset): if isinstance(offset, type(None)): self._offset = np.array((0, 0, 0)) else: offset = np.asarray(offset) if offset.ndim != 1 or offset.shape[0] != 3: raise ValueError('Offset must be (3, ) array of x/y/z coordinates.') self._offset = offset self._clear_temp_attr() @temp_property def shape(self): """Shape of voxel grid.""" if not hasattr(self, '_shape'): if self._base_data_type == 'voxels': self._shape = tuple(self.voxels.max(axis=0) + 1) else: self._shape = self._data.shape return self._shape @property def type(self) -> str: """Neuron type.""" return 'navis.VoxelNeuron' def copy(self) -> 'VoxelNeuron': """Return a copy of the neuron.""" no_copy = ['_lock'] # Generate new neuron x = self.__class__(None) # Override with this neuron's data x.__dict__.update({k: copy.copy(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in no_copy}) return x
[docs] def strip(self, inplace=False) -> 'VoxelNeuron': """Strip empty voxels (leading/trailing planes of zeros).""" x = self if not inplace: x = x.copy() # Get offset until first filled voxel voxels = x.voxels mn = voxels.min(axis=0) x.offset = np.array(x.offset) + mn * x.units_xyz.magnitude # Drop empty planes if x._base_data_type == 'voxels': x._data = voxels - mn else: mx = voxels.max(axis=0) x._data = x._data[mn[0]: mx[0] + 1, mn[1]: mx[1] + 1, mn[2]: mx[2] + 1] if not inplace: return x
def threshold(self, threshold, inplace=False) -> 'VoxelNeuron': """Drop below-threshold voxels.""" x = self if not inplace: x = x.copy() if x._base_data_type == 'grid': x._data[x._data < threshold] = 0 else: x._data = x._data[x.values >= threshold] x._clear_temp_attr() if not inplace: return x def min(self) -> Union[int, float]: """Minimum value (excludes zeros).""" return self.values.min() def max(self) -> Union[int, float]: """Maximum value (excludes zeros).""" return self.values.max()