Source code for navis.interfaces.r

#    This script is part of navis (
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

A collection of tools to interface with R natverse libraries (e.g. nat,
nblast, elmr, rcatmaid). See
import math
import numbers
import os
import sys

from datetime import datetime
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
from typing import Union, Optional, List
from typing_extensions import Literal
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import rpy2
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr

from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri, numpy2ri

from .. import core, plotting, config, utils

# Inconventiently, rpy2's version vector differs in the way it's constructed
# between 2.X ``((2, 9, 4), '')`` and 3.X (3, 3, 2)
rpy2_major_version = int(rpy2.__version__.split('.')[0])
if rpy2_major_version >= 3:
    from rpy2.robjects.conversion import localconverter

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

def try_importr(x):
    """Try importing R library. Log error on exception."""
        return importr(x)
    except BaseException:
        logger.warning(f'Failed to import R library "{x}"! Some functions might'
                       ' not work as expected. Please install from within R.')
        # Return dummy class
        return FailedImport(x)

def try_loadr(x):
    """Try finding robject. Will postpone exception until use time."""
        return robjects.r(x)
    except BaseException:
        # Return dummy class
        return FailedObject(x)

class FailedImport:
    """Dummy class for failed imports from R. Throws meaningful exceptions."""

    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def raise_error(self):
        raise Exception(f'R library "{}" could not be imported. '
                        'Please make sure it is properly installed.')

    def __call__(self):

    def __getattr__(self, name):

class FailedObject(FailedImport):
    def raise_error(self):
        raise Exception(f'R object "{}" was not found.')

cl = try_loadr('class')
names = try_loadr('names')
attributes = try_loadr('attributes')

# Load the entire natverse
nat = try_importr("nat")
r_nblast = try_importr('nat.nblast')
nat_templatebrains = try_importr('nat.templatebrains')
flycircuit = try_importr('flycircuit')
rcatmaid = try_importr('catmaid')

# These are mainly relevant for exposing transforms
nat_flybrains = try_importr('nat.flybrains')
elmr = try_importr('elmr')
nat_jrcbrains = try_importr('nat.jrcbrains')

__all__ = sorted(['neuron2r', 'neuron2py', 'init_rcatmaid',
                  'data2py', 'NBLASTresults', 'nblast', 'nblast_allbyall',
                  'get_neuropil', 'xform_brain', 'mirror_brain'])

# Do not use this! It will convert stuff in unexpected ways. E.g.
# dps = robjects.r(f'read.neuronlistfh("{datadir}/dpscanon.rds")')
# will turn out as just an array

# numpy2ri.activate()
# pandas2ri.activate()

[docs] def init_rcatmaid(**kwargs): """Initialize the R Catmaid package. R package by Greg Jefferis: Parameters ---------- remote_instance : CATMAID instance From pymaid.CatmaidInstance(). This is used to extract credentials. Overrides other credentials provided! server : str, optional Use this to set server URL if no remote_instance is provided http_user : str, optional Use this to set http user if no remote_instance is provided http_password : str, optional Use this to set http password if no remote_instance is provided api_token : str, optional Use this to set user token if no remote_instance is provided Returns ------- catmaid : R library R object representing the rcatmaid library Examples -------- >>> from navis.interfaces import r >>> rcatmaid = r.init_rcatmaid(server='https://your.catmaid.server', ... authname='http_user', ... authpassword='http_pw', ... authtoken='Your token') >>> # You can now use rcatmaid functions. For example: >>> neuron = rcatmaid.read_neurons_catmaid(16) >>> neuron R object with classes: ('neuronlist', 'list') mapped to: [ListSexpVector] 16: <class 'rpy2.rinterface.ListSexpVector'> <rpy2.rinterface.ListSexpVector object at 0x123d46708> [RTYPES.VECSXP] """ remote_instance = kwargs.get('remote_instance', None) server = kwargs.get('server', None) authname = kwargs.get('http_user', None) authpassword = kwargs.get('http_password', None) authtoken = kwargs.get('api_token', None) if remote_instance is None: if 'remote_instance' in sys.modules: remote_instance = sys.modules['remote_instance'] elif 'remote_instance' in globals(): remote_instance = globals()['remote_instance'] if remote_instance: server = remote_instance.server authname = remote_instance.http_user authpassword = remote_instance.http_password authtoken = remote_instance.api_token elif not remote_instance and None in (server, authname, authpassword, authtoken): raise ValueError('Unable to initialize connection: missing credentials') # Use remote_instance's credentials rcatmaid.server = server rcatmaid.authname = authname rcatmaid.authpassword = authpassword rcatmaid.token = authtoken # Create the connection con = rcatmaid.catmaid_connection(server=rcatmaid.server, authname=rcatmaid.authname, authpassword=rcatmaid.authpassword, token=rcatmaid.token) # Login rcatmaid.catmaid_login(con)'Rcatmaid successfully initiated.') return rcatmaid
[docs] def data2py(data, **kwargs): """Convert data from rcatmaid (e.g. ``catmaidneuron`` from ``read.neuron.catmaid``) and converts into Python Data. Notes ----- (1) Most R data comes as list (even if only 1 entry). This is preserved. (2) R lists with headers are converted to dictionaries (3) R DataFrames are converted to Pandas DataFrames (4) R nblast results are converted to Pandas DataFrames but only the top 100 hits for which we have reverse scores! Parameters ---------- data Any kind of R data. Can be nested (e.g. list of lists)! Returns ------- Converted data or 'Not converted' if conversion failed. """ if 'neuronlistfh' in cl(data): logger.error('On-demand neuronlist found. Conversion cancelled to ' 'prevent loading large datasets in memory. Please use ' 'r.neuron2py() and its "subset" parameter.') return None elif 'neuronlist' in cl(data): return neuron2py(data) elif 'neuron' in cl(data): return neuron2py(data) elif 'dotprops' in cl(data): return neuron2py(data) elif cl(data)[0] == 'integer': if not names(data): return [int(n) for n in data] else: return {n: int(data[i]) for i, n in enumerate(names(data))} elif cl(data)[0] == 'character': if not names(data): return [str(n) for n in data] else: return {n: str(data[i]) for i, n in enumerate(names(data))} elif cl(data)[0] == 'numeric': if not names(data): return [float(n) for n in data] else: return {n: float(data[i]) for i, n in enumerate(names(data))} elif cl(data)[0] == 'data.frame': if rpy2.__version_vector__[0] < 3: return pandas2ri.ri2py(data) else: with localconverter(robjects.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter): return robjects.conversion.rpy2py(data) elif cl(data)[0] == 'matrix': mat = np.array(data) df = pd.DataFrame(data=mat) if data.names: if data.names[1] != robjects.r('NULL'): df.columns = data.names[1] if data.names[0] != robjects.r('NULL'): df.index = data.names[0] return df elif 'list' in cl(data): # If this is just a list, return a list if not names(data): return [data2py(n) for n in data] # If this list has headers, return as dictionary else: return {n: data2py(data[i]) for i, n in enumerate(names(data))} elif cl(data)[0] == 'NULL': return None elif 'nblastfafb' in cl(data): fw_scores = {n: data[0][i] for i, n in enumerate(names(data[0]))} rev_scores = {n: data[1][i] for i, n in enumerate(names(data[1]))} mu_scores = {n: (fw_scores[n] + rev_scores[n]) / 2 for n in rev_scores} df = pd.DataFrame([[n, fw_scores[n], rev_scores[n], mu_scores[n]] for n in rev_scores], columns=['gene_name', 'forward_score', 'reverse_score', 'mu_score'] )'Returning only nblast results. Neuron object is stored ' 'in your original_data[2].') return df else: logger.debug(f'Unable to convert R data of type "{cl(data)}"') return 'Not converted'
[docs] def neuron2py(x) -> 'core.NeuronObject': """Convert R neuron objects (dotprops, neurons, etc) to navis Neuron/Lists. Parameters ---------- x : R dotprops | neuron | catmaidneuron | neuronlist Neuron to convert to is navis analog. Returns ------- Neuron/NeuronList """ if 'rpy2' not in str(type(x)): raise TypeError(f'This does not look like R object: "{type(x)}"') # If neuronlist if 'neuronlist' in cl(x): data = [neuron2py(n) for n in x] return core.NeuronList(data) # If dotprops elif 'dotprops' in cl(x): # Convert data to Python data = {n: data2py(d) for n, d in zip(x.names, x)} data['k'] = int(x.slots['k'][0]) # Make and return Dotprops return core.Dotprops(**data) # If neuron elif 'neuron' in cl(x): do_not_use = ['nTrees', 'SegList', 'NumPoints', 'StartPoint', 'EndPoints', 'BranchPoints', 'NumSegs'] # Convert data to Python data = {n: data2py(d) for n, d in zip(x.names, x) if n not in do_not_use and isinstance(n, str)} # Construct neuron from just the nodes n = core.TreeNeuron(data.pop('d')) # R give node width, not radius - let's fix that if 'radius' in n.nodes.columns: has_rad = n.nodes.radius > 0 n.nodes.loc[has_rad, 'radius'] = n.nodes.loc[has_rad, 'radius'] / 2 # If this is a CATMAID neuron, we assume it's in nanometers if 'catmaidneuron' in cl(x): n.units = 'nm' # Reuse Id if 'skid' in data: if utils.is_iterable(data['skid']): = data['skid'][0] else: = data['skid'] # Try attaching other data for k, v in data.items(): try: setattr(n, k, v) except BaseException: pass return n else: raise TypeError(f'Unable to convert object of class "{cl(x)}"')
[docs] def neuron2r(x: 'core.NeuronObject', unit_conversion: Union[bool, int, float] = None, add_metadata: bool = False): """Convert Neuron/List to corresponding R neuron/neuronlist object. Parameters ---------- x : TreeNeuron | Dotprops | NeuronList unit_conversion : bool | int | float, optional If not ``False`` will multiply units by given factor. add_metadata : bool, optional If False, will use minimal data necessary to construct the R neuron. If True, will add additional data associated with TreeNeuron - this could impact R functions. **Currently not functional!** Returns ------- R neuron Either R neuron or neuronlist depending on input. """ if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): """ The way neuronlist are constructed is a bit more complicated: They are essentially named lists {'neuronA': neuronobject, ...} BUT they also contain a dataframe as attribute ( attr('df') = df ) This dataframe looks like this pid skid name skid1 skid2 In rpy2, attributes are assigned using the .slots['df'] function. """ nlist = {str( neuron2r(n, unit_conversion=unit_conversion) for n in config.tqdm(x, desc='Neurons to R', leave=config.pbar_leave, disable=config.pbar_hide)} nlist = robjects.ListVector(nlist) nlist.rownames = [str( for n in x] nlist.rclass = robjects.r('c("neuronlist", "list")') return nlist elif isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): # Convert units if applicable if isinstance(unit_conversion, (float, int)) and \ not isinstance(unit_conversion, bool): x = x * unit_conversion # Prepare list of parents -> root node's parent "None" has to be # replaced with -1 parents = x.nodes.parent_id.values # should technically be robjects.r('-1L') parents[parents == None] = -1 # DO NOT turn this into "parents is None"! swc = robjects.DataFrame({'PointNo': robjects.IntVector(x.nodes.node_id.tolist()), 'Label': robjects.IntVector([0] * x.nodes.shape[0]), 'X': robjects.IntVector(x.nodes.x.tolist()), 'Y': robjects.IntVector(x.nodes.y.tolist()), 'Z': robjects.IntVector(x.nodes.z.tolist()), 'W': robjects.FloatVector([w * 2 for w in x.nodes.radius.tolist()]), 'Parent': robjects.IntVector(parents) }) soma = utils.make_non_iterable(x.soma) soma_id = int(soma) if not isinstance(soma, type(None)) else robjects.r('NULL') meta = {} if x.has_connectors: try: prepost = robjects.IntVector(x.connectors['type'].astype(int).tolist()) except ValueError: prepost = robjects.StrVector(x.connectors['type'].tolist()) except BaseException: raise meta['connectors'] = robjects.DataFrame({'node_id': robjects.IntVector(x.connectors.node_id.tolist()), 'connector_id': robjects.IntVector(x.connectors.connector_id.tolist()), 'prepost': prepost, 'x': robjects.IntVector(x.connectors.x.tolist()), 'y': robjects.IntVector(x.connectors.y.tolist()), 'z': robjects.IntVector(x.connectors.z.tolist()) }) # Generate nat neuron - will reroot to soma (I think) return nat.as_neuron(swc, origin=soma_id, **meta) elif isinstance(x, core.Dotprops): # Convert units if applicable if isinstance(unit_conversion, (float, int)) and \ not isinstance(unit_conversion, bool): x = x * unit_conversion # Generate matrices for points points = robjects.r.matrix(robjects.FloatVector(x.points.T.flatten().tolist()), nrow=x.points.shape[0], ncol=3, dimnames=[robjects.r('NULL'), ['X', 'Y', 'Z']]) vect = robjects.r.matrix(robjects.FloatVector(x.vect.T.flatten().tolist()), nrow=x.vect.shape[0], ncol=3) alpha = robjects.FloatVector(x.alpha.tolist()) rlist = robjects.ListVector({'points': points, 'alpha': alpha, 'vect': vect}) rlist.slots['labels'] = robjects.r('NULL') rlist.slots['k'] = getattr(x, 'k', 0) as_dotprops = robjects.r('as.dotprops') return as_dotprops(rlist) else: raise TypeError(f'Unable to convert data of type "{type(x)}" to R neuron.')
def dotprops2py(dp, subset: Optional[Union[List[str], List[int]]] = None ) -> 'core.Dotprops': """LEGACY FUNCTION: Convert dotprops to pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- dp : dotprops neuronlist | neuronlistfh Dotprops object to convert. subset : list of str | list of indices, optional Neuron names or indices. Returns ------- core.Dotprops Sub of pandas DataFrame. Contains dotprops. Can be passed to `plotting.plot3d(dotprops)` """ # Check if list is on demand if 'neuronlistfh' in cl(dp) and not subset: dp = dp.rx(robjects.IntVector([i + 1 for i in range(len(dp))])) elif subset: indices = [i for i in subset if isinstance( i, int)] + [dp.names.index(n) + 1 for n in subset if isinstance(n, str)] dp = dp.rx(robjects.IntVector(indices)) # This only works if inputs is a neuronlist of dotprops if 'neuronlist' in cl(dp): df = data2py(dp.slots['df']) df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) else: # If single DataFrame, we don't collect any meta information df = pd.DataFrame([]) dp = [dp] points = [] for i in range(len(dp)): this_points = pd.concat([data2py(dp[i][0]), data2py(dp[i][2])], axis=1) this_points['alpha'] = dp[i][1] this_points.columns = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'x_vec', 'y_vec', 'z_vec', 'alpha'] points.append(this_points) df['points'] = points return core.Dotprops(df)
[docs] def nblast_allbyall(x: 'core.NeuronList', # type: ignore # doesn't like n_cores defaults normalized: bool = True, k: int = 5, resample: Optional[int] = None, n_cores: int = os.cpu_count() - 2, use_alpha: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """All-by-all NBLAST using R's ``nat.nblast::nblast_allbyall``. NBLAST is optimized for data in microns. Original nat function can be found `here <>`_. Parameters ---------- x : NeuronList | nat.neurons (Tree)Neurons to blast. While not strictly necessary, data should be in microns. k : int, optional Number of nearest neighbors to use for dotprops generation. Only relevant if input data is not already ``Dotprops``. resample : int | bool, optional Resampling during dotprops generation. A good value is ``1`` which means if data is in microns (which it should!) it will be resampled to 1 tangent vector per micron. Only relevant if input data is not already ``Dotprops``. normalized : bool, optional If True, matrix is normalized using z-score. n_cores : int, optional Number of cores to use for nblasting. Default is ``os.cpu_count() - 2``. use_alpha : bool, optional Emphasizes neurons' straight parts (backbone) over parts that have lots of branches. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing the results. Examples -------- >>> import navis >>> from navis.interfaces import r >>> nl = navis.example_neurons() >>> # Blast against each other (note the division to get to microns) >>> scores = r.nblast_allbyall(nl / 1000) """ if n_cores > 1: doMC = importr('doMC') doMC.registerDoMC(int(n_cores)) if 'rpy2' in str(type(x)): rn = x elif isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): if x.shape[0] < 2: raise ValueError('You have to provide more than a single neuron.') # Check if query or targets are not in microns # Note this test can return `None` if it can't be determined if not _check_microns(x): logger.warning('NBLAST is optimized for data in microns and it looks' ' like these neurons are not in microns.') rn = neuron2r(x) elif isinstance(x, core.BaseNeuron): raise ValueError('You have to provide more than a single neuron.') else: raise ValueError(f'Must provide NeuronList, not "{type(x)}"') # Generate dotprops'Generating dotprops for neurons.') xdp = _make_R_dotprops(rn, resample=resample, k=k, parallel=n_cores > 1) # Calculate scores'Running all-by-all nblast.') pbar = 'text' if n_cores <= 1 else "none" scores = r_nblast.nblast(xdp, xdp, **{'normalised': normalized, '.parallel': n_cores > 1, '.progress': pbar, 'UseAlpha': use_alpha}) # Generate DataFrame from scores res = data2py(scores).T return res
[docs] def nblast(query: Union['core.TreeNeuron', 'core.NeuronList', 'core.Dotprops'], # type: ignore # doesn't like n_cores default target: Optional[str] = None, scores: Union[Literal['forward'], Literal['mean'], Literal['min'], Literal['max']] = 'forward', n_cores: int = os.cpu_count() - 2, normalized: bool = True, use_alpha: bool = False, k: int = 5, resample: Optional[int] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """NBLAST using R's ``nat.nblast::nblast``. Please note that NBLAST is optimized for units in microns. Parameters ---------- query : TreeNeuron | NeuronList | Dotprops | nat.neuron Query neuron(s) to NBLAST against the targets. target : TreeNeuron | NeuronList | Dotprops | nat.neuron | str Neuron(s) to run the query against. If a str, must be either: 1. the name of a file in ``'flycircuit.datadir'`` 2. a path (e.g. ``'.../gmrdps.rds'``) 3. an R file object (e.g. ``robjects.r("load('.../gmrdps.rds')")``) 4. a URL to load the list from (e.g. ``'http://.../gmrdps.rds'``) 5. "flycircuit" scores : 'forward' | 'mean' | 'min' | 'max' Determines the final scores: - 'forward' (default) returns query->target scores - 'mean' returns the mean of query->target and target->query scores - 'min' returns the minium between query->target and target->query scores - 'max' returns the maximum between query->target and target->query scores n_cores : int, optional Number of cores to use for nblasting. Default is ``os.cpu_count() - 2``. use_alpha : bool, optional Emphasizes neurons' straight parts (backbone) over parts that have lots of branches. normalized : bool, optional Whether to return normalized NBLAST scores. k : int, optional Number of nearest neighbors to use for dotprops generation. Only relevant if input data is not already ``Dotprops``. resample : int | bool, optional Resampling during dotprops generation. A good value is ``1`` which means if data is in microns (which it should!) it will be resampled to 1 tangent vector per micron. Only relevant if input data is not already ``Dotprops``. Returns ------- scores : pandas.DataFrame Matrix with NBLAST scores. Rows are query neurons, columns are targets. Examples -------- NBLAST example neurons against flycircuit DB >>> import navis >>> from navis.interfaces import r >>> nl = navis.example_neurons(n=5) >>> nl.units array([8, 8, 8, 8, 8]) <Unit('nanometer')> >>> # Convert to microns >>> nl_um = nl / 1000 >>> # Run the nblast >>> scores = r.nblast(nl_um) """ utils.eval_param(scores, name='scores', allowed_values=('forward', 'mean', 'min', 'max')) if n_cores > 1: doMC = importr('doMC') doMC.registerDoMC(int(n_cores)) #_ = robjects.r(f'registerDoMC({int(n_cores)})') # Check if query or targets are not in microns # Note this test can return `None` if it can't be determined if _check_microns(query) is False: logger.warning('NBLAST is optimized for data in microns and it looks ' 'like your queries are not in microns.') if _check_microns(target) is False: logger.warning('NBLAST is optimized for data in microns and it looks ' 'like your targets are not in microns.') # Turn query into dotprops try: query_dps = _make_R_dotprops(query, resample=resample, k=k, parallel=n_cores > 1) except NotImplementedError: raise NotImplementedError('Unable to produce R dotprops for query of ' f'type {type(query)}') # Turn target into dotprops try: target_dps = _make_R_dotprops(target, resample=resample, k=k, parallel=n_cores > 1) except NotImplementedError: raise NotImplementedError('Unable to produce R dotprops for target of ' f'type {type(target)}') # Make sure dotprops are in neuronlists if 'neuronlist' not in cl(query_dps):'Generating dotprops for query neurons.') target_dps = nat.neuronlist(query_dps) if 'neuronlist' not in cl(target_dps):'Generating dotprops for target neurons.') target_dps = nat.neuronlist(target_dps)'Running nblast.') pbar = 'text' if n_cores <= 1 else "none" sc = r_nblast.nblast(query_dps, target_dps, **{'normalised': normalized, '.parallel': n_cores > 1, '.progress': pbar, 'UseAlpha': use_alpha}) # Generate DataFrame from scores res = data2py(sc) # When nblasting with only 1 query or 1 target neuron the data # returned will be a dictionary {'ID1.ID2': score, ...} if isinstance(res, dict): # Turn dict into DataFrame res = _parse_nblast_dict(res) # Transpose so that query neurons are rows res = res.T # Calculate reverse scores if scores != 'forward':'Running reverse nblast.') scr = r_nblast.nblast(target_dps, query_dps, **{'normalised': normalized, '.parallel': n_cores > 1, '.progress': pbar, 'UseAlpha': use_alpha}) scr = data2py(scr) if isinstance(scr, dict): scr = _parse_nblast_dict(scr) # Make 100% sure that the order is correct scr = scr.loc[res.index, res.columns] if scores == 'mean': res = (res + scr) / 2 elif scores == 'min': res.loc[:, :] = np.dstack((res.values, scr.values)).min(axis=2) elif scores == 'max': res.loc[:, :] = np.dstack((res.values, scr.values)).max(axis=2) return res
def _parse_nblast_dict(x): """Parse dict of NBLAST results.""" # Parsing dict of this format: {'ID1.ID2': score, ...} edges = pd.DataFrame([[*k.split('.'), v] for k, v in x.items()], columns=['query', 'target', 'score']) mat = edges.pivot(index='target', columns='query', values='score'), = None, None return mat def _check_microns(x, warn=True): """Check if neuron data is in microns. Returns either [True, None (=unclear), False] """ if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): check = np.array([_check_microns(n) for n in x]) if np.all(check): return True # Do NOT change the "check == False" to "check is False" here! elif np.any(check == False): return False return None u = getattr(x, 'units', None) if isinstance(u, (config.ureg.Quantity, config.ureg.Unit)): if not u.unitless: return u.to_compact().units == config.ureg.Unit('um') return None def _make_R_dotprops(x, k=5, resample=None, parallel=False): """Try to make dotprops from input data.""" if isinstance(resample, type(None)) or not resample: resample = robjects.r('NA') # If x is string it might be a flycircuit data type if isinstance(x, str) or x is None: try: flycircuit = importr('flycircuit') datadir = robjects.r('getOption("flycircuit.datadir")')[0] except BaseException: logger.error('R Flycircuit not found.') # Fallback are the flycircuit dotprops if x is None: if not os.path.isfile(datadir + '/dpscanon.rds'): raise ValueError('Unable to find default DPS database dpscanon.rds ' 'in flycircuit.datadir. Please provide database ' 'using target parameter.')'DPS database not explicitly provided. Loading local ' 'FlyCircuit DB from dpscanon.rds') x = robjects.r(f'read.neuronlistfh("{datadir}/dpscanon.rds")') # If string, try to load the R object if isinstance(x, str): if x.startswith('http') or '/' in x: x = robjects.r(f'read.neuronlistfh("{x}")') else: x = robjects.r(f'read.neuronlistfh("{datadir}/{x}")') # If navis neuron convert to R neuron/list if isinstance(x, (core.BaseNeuron, core.NeuronList)): x = neuron2r(x) # At this point we are expecting an R object if 'rpy2' not in str(type(x)): raise NotImplementedError(f'Unable to convert target of type {type(x)} into ' 'R dotprops.') # Convert to dotprops if required # Note: this logic should be improved at some point if all(['dotprops' in cl(n) for n in x]): return x else: dotprops = robjects.r('dotprops') if not parallel: dps = dotprops(x, resample=resample, k=k) else: nlapply = robjects.r('nlapply') dps = nlapply(x, dotprops, resample=resample, k=k, **{'.parallel': True, '.progress': 'none'}) return dps
[docs] class NBLASTresults: """Class holding NBLAST results and wrappers that allow easy plotting. Attributes ---------- results : pandas.Dataframe Contains top N results. sc : Robject Contains original RNblast forward scores. scr : Robject Original R Nblast reverse scores (Top N only). query : R object The original query neurons. param : dict Contains parameters used for nblasting. target : R robject The original target neurons. date : datetime object Time of nblasting. Examples -------- >>> import navis >>> # Blast neuron by skeleton ID >>> nbl = navis.nblast( skid, remote_instance = rm ) >>> # Sort results by mu_score >>> nbl.sort( 'mu_score' ) >>> # Show table >>> nbl.results >>> # 3D plot top 5 hits using vispy >>> canvas, view = nbl.plot(hits=5) >>> # Show distribution of results >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> nbl.results.hist( layout=(3,1), sharex=True) >>> """
[docs] def __init__(self, results, sc, scr, query, target, nblast_param): """ Init function.""" self.results = results # this is pandas Dataframe holding top N results = sc # original Nblast forward scores self.scr = scr # original Nblast reverse scores (Top N only) self.query = query # the original query neuron(s) = target # the original target neurons self.param = nblast_param # parameters used for nblasting = # time of nblasting
def sort(self, columns: Union[str, List[str]]): """ Sort results by given column(s).""" self.results.sort_values(columns, inplace=True, ascending=False) self.results.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) def plot3d(self, hits: int = 5, plot_neuron: bool = True, plot_brain: bool = True, **kwargs): """Plot nblast hits using ``navis.plot3d()``. Parameters ---------- hits : int | str | list thereof, optional Nblast hits to plot (default = 5). Can be: 1. int: e.g. ``hits=5`` for top 5 hits 2 .list of ints: e.g. ``hits=[2,5]`` to plot hits 2 and 5 3. string: e.g. ``hits='THMARCM-198F_seg1'`` to plot this neuron 4. list of strings: e.g. ``['THMARCM-198F_seg1', npfMARCM-'F000003_seg002']`` to plot multiple neurons by their gene name plot_neuron : bool If ``True``, the nblast query neuron will be plotted. plot_brain : bool If ``True``, the reference brain will be plotted. **kwargs Parameters passed to :func:`~navis.plot3d`. See ``help(navis.plot3d)`` for details. Returns ------- Depending on the backends used by ``navis.plot3d()``: vispy (default) : canvas, view plotly : plotly figure dictionary You can specify the backend by using e.g. ``backend='plotly'`` in **kwargs. See ``help(navis.plot3d)`` for details. """ nl = self.get_dps(hits) n_py = neuron2py(self.neuron) # Create colormap with the query neuron being black cmap = { (0, 0, 0)} colors = np.linspace(0, 1, len(nl) + 1) colors = np.array([hsv_to_rgb(c, 1, 1) for c in colors]) colors *= 255 cmap.update({e: colors[i] for i, e in enumerate(nl.names)}) # Prepare brain if plot_brain: ref_brain = robjects.r(self.param['reference'][8][0] + '.surf') verts = data2py(ref_brain[0])[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values.tolist() faces = data2py(ref_brain[1][0]).values faces -= 1 # reduce indices by 1 faces = faces.tolist() volumes = {self.param['reference'][8][0]: {'verts': verts, 'faces': faces}} else: volumes = [] kwargs.update({'color': cmap}) if nl: if plot_neuron is True: return plotting.plot3d([n_py, neuron2py(nl), volumes], **kwargs) else: return plotting.plot3d([neuron2py(nl), volumes], **kwargs) def get_dps(self, entries: Union[int, str, List[str], List[int]]): """Retrieve dotproducts from DPS database (neuronlistfh) as neuronslist. Parameters ---------- entries : int | str | list thereof, optional Neurons to extract from DPS database. Can be: 1. int: e.g. ``hits=5`` for top 5 hits 2 .list of ints: e.g. ``hits=[2,5]`` to plot hits 2 and 5 3. string: e.g. ``hits = 'THMARCM-198F_seg1'`` to plot this neuron 4. list of strings: e.g. ``['THMARCM-198F_seg1', npfMARCM-'F000003_seg002']`` to plot multiple neurons by their gene name Returns ------- neuronlist of dotproduct neurons """ if isinstance(entries, int): return self.db.rx(robjects.StrVector(self.results.ix[:entries - 1].gene_name.tolist())) elif isinstance(entries, str): return self.db.rx(entries) elif isinstance(entries, (list, np.ndarray)): if isinstance(entries[0], int): return self.db.rx(robjects.StrVector(self.results.ix[entries].gene_name.tolist())) elif isinstance(entries[0], str): return self.db.rx(robjects.StrVector(entries)) else: logger.error('Unable to interpret entries provided. See ' 'help(NBLASTresults.plot3d) for details.') return None
[docs] def xform_brain(x: Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray'], source: str, target: str, fallback: Optional[Literal['AFFINE']] = None, bulk: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray']: """Transform 3D data between template brains. This is a simple wrapper for ``nat.templatebrains:xform_brain``. Notes ----- For Neurons only: whether there is a change in units during transformation (e.g. nm -> um) is inferred by comparing distances between x/y/z coordinates before and after transform. This guesstimate is then used to convert ``.units`` and node radii (for TreeNeurons). Parameters ---------- x : Neuron/List | numpy.ndarray | pandas.DataFrame Data to transform. Dataframe must contain ``['x', 'y', 'z']`` columns. Numpy array must be shape ``(N, 3)``. source : str Source template brain that the data currently is in. target : str Target template brain that the data should be transformed into. fallback : None | "AFFINE", If "AFFINE", will fall back to affine transformation if CMTK transformation fails. Else coordinates of points for which the transformation failed (e.g. b/c they are out of bounds), will be returned as ``None``. bulk : bool | int If True or number and input is NeuronList, will xform all coordinates in chunks (default=100k) instead of neuron-by-neuron. This can be ~2x faster (due to reduced overhead) is very memory intensive! If ``bulk`` is a number will process chunks of given size. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to ``nat.templatebrains:xform_brain`` Returns ------- same type as ``x`` Copy of input with transformed coordinates. """ if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): if len(x) == 1: x = x[0] else: if bulk: xf = x.copy() # Collect all spatial data xyz = [] for n in xf: if isinstance(n, core.TreeNeuron): xyz.append(n.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) elif isinstance(n, core.Dotprops): xyz.append(n.points) elif isinstance(n, core.MeshNeuron): xyz.append(n.vertices) else: raise TypeError("Don't know how to transform neuron of " f"type '{type(n)}'") if n.has_connectors: xyz.append(n.connectors[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) # Combine into big matrix xyz = np.vstack(xyz) if isinstance(bulk, bool): bulk = 100e3 # Split into chunks of max 100k coordinates n_chunks = math.ceil(xyz.shape[0] / bulk) chunks = np.array_split(xyz, n_chunks, axis=0) # Xform xyz_xf = [] with config.tqdm(desc='Xforming coordinates', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave, total=xyz.shape[0], ) as pbar: for c in chunks: c_xf = xform_brain(c, source=source, target=target, fallback=fallback, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) xyz_xf.append(c_xf) pbar.update(c_xf.shape[0]) xyz_xf = np.vstack(xyz_xf) # Guess change in spatial units sample = min(10e3 / xyz.shape[0], .1) change, magnitude = _guess_change(xyz, xyz_xf, sample=sample) # Some clean-up del xyz, chunks # Map xformed coordinates back offset = 0 for n in xf: if isinstance(n, core.TreeNeuron): n.nodes.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = xyz_xf[offset:offset + n.n_nodes] offset += n.n_nodes # Fix radius based on our best estimate if 'radius' in n.nodes.columns: n.nodes['radius'] *= 10**magnitude elif isinstance(n, core.Dotprops): n.points = xyz_xf[offset:offset + n.points.shape[0]] # Set tangent vectors and alpha to None so they will be regenerated x._vect = x._alpha = None offset += n.points.shape[0] elif isinstance(n, core.MeshNeuron): n.vertices = xyz_xf[offset:offset + n.vertices.shape[0]] offset += n.vertices.shape[0] if n.has_connectors: n.connectors.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = xyz_xf[offset:offset + n.n_connectors] offset += n.n_connectors # Make an educated guess as to whether the units have changed if hasattr(n, 'units') and magnitude != 0: if isinstance(n.units, (config.ureg.Unit, config.ureg.Quantity)): n.units = (n.units / 10**magnitude).to_compact() return xf xf = [] for n in config.tqdm(x, desc='Xforming', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): xf.append(xform_brain(n, source=source, target=target, fallback=fallback, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)) return x.__class__(xf) if not isinstance(x, (core.BaseNeuron, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, core.Volume)): raise TypeError(f'Unable to transform data of type "{type(x)}"') if isinstance(x, core.BaseNeuron): xf = x.copy() # We will collate spatial data to reduce overhead from calling # R's xform_brain if isinstance(xf, core.TreeNeuron): xyz = xf.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values elif isinstance(xf, core.MeshNeuron): xyz = xf.vertices elif isinstance(xf, core.Dotprops): xyz = xf.points else: raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to transform neuron of type '{type(xf)}'") # Add connectors if xf.has_connnectors: xyz = np.vstack([xyz, xf.connectors[['x', 'y', 'z']].values]) # Do the xform of all spatial data xyz_xf = xform_brain(xyz, source=source, target=target, fallback=fallback, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) # Guess change in spatial units change, magnitude = _guess_change(xyz, xyz_xf) # Map xformed coordinates back if isinstance(xf, core.TreeNeuron): xf.nodes.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = xyz_xf[:xf.n_nodes] # Fix radius based on our best estimate if 'radius' in xf.nodes.columns: xf.nodes['radius'] *= 10**magnitude elif isinstance(xf, core.Dotprops): xf.points = xyz_xf[:xf.points.shape[0]] # Set tangent vectors and alpha to None so they will be regenerated xf._vect = xf._alpha = None elif isinstance(xf, core.MeshNeuron): xf.vertices = xyz_xf[:xf.vertices.shape[0]] if xf.has_connectors: xf.connectors.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = xyz_xf[-xf.connectors.shape[0]:] # Make an educated guess as to whether the units have changed if hasattr(xf, 'units') and magnitude != 0: if isinstance(xf.units, (config.ureg.Unit, config.ureg.Quantity)): xf.units = (xf.units / 10**magnitude).to_compact() # Fix soma radius if applicable if hasattr(xf, 'soma_radius') and isinstance(xf.soma_radius, numbers.Number): xf.soma_radius *= 10**magnitude return xf elif isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): if any([c not in x.columns for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]): raise ValueError('DataFrame must have x, y and z columns.') x = x.copy() x.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = xform_brain(x[['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float), source=source, target=target, fallback=fallback, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) return x elif isinstance(x, core.Volume): x = x.copy() x.vertices = xform_brain(x.vertices, source=source, target=target, fallback=fallback, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) return x elif x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Array must be of shape (N, 3).') if not isinstance(source, str): TypeError(f'Expected source of type str, got "{type(source)}"') if not isinstance(target, str): TypeError(f'Expected target of type str, got "{type(target)}"') # We need to convert numpy arrays explicitly if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if rpy2.__version_vector__[0] < 3: x = numpy2ri.py2ro(x) else: x = numpy2ri.py2rpy(x) xf = nat_templatebrains.xform_brain(x, sample=source, reference=target, FallBackToAffine=fallback == 'AFFINE', Verbose=verbose, **kwargs) return np.array(xf)
def _guess_change(xyz_before, xyz_after, sample=.1): """Guess change in units during xforming.""" if isinstance(xyz_before, pd.DataFrame): xyz_before = xyz_before[['x', 'y', 'z']].values if isinstance(xyz_after, pd.DataFrame): xyz_after = xyz_after[['x', 'y', 'z']].values # Select the same random sample of points in both spaces if sample <= 1: sample = int(xyz_before.shape[0] * sample) rnd_ix = np.random.choice(xyz_before.shape[0], sample, replace=False) sample_bef = xyz_before[rnd_ix, :] sample_aft = xyz_after[rnd_ix, :] # Get pairwise distance between those points dist_pre = pdist(sample_bef) dist_post = pdist(sample_aft) # Calculate how the distance between nodes changed and get the average # Note we are ignoring nans - happens e.g. when points did not transform. with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): change = dist_post / dist_pre # Drop infinite values in rare cases where nodes end up on top of another mean_change = np.nanmean(change[change < np.inf]) # Find the order of magnitude magnitude = round(math.log10(mean_change)) return mean_change, magnitude
[docs] def mirror_brain(x: Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray'], template: str, mirror_axis: Union[Literal['X'], Literal['Y'], Literal['Z']] = 'X', transform: Union[Literal['warp'], Literal['affine'], Literal['flip']] = 'warp', via: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Union['core.NeuronObject', 'pd.DataFrame', 'np.ndarray']: """Mirror 3D object along given axixs. This is a simple wrapper for ``nat.templatebrains:mirror_brain``. Parameters ---------- x : Neuron/List | numpy.ndarray | pandas.DataFrame Data to transform. Dataframe must contain ``['x', 'y', 'z']`` columns. Numpy array must be shape ``(N, 3)``. template : str Source template brain space that the data is in. mirror_axis : 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z', optional Axis to mirror. transform : 'warp' | 'affine' | 'flip', optional Which kind of transform to use. via : str | None If a template brain (e.g. "FCWB") is given will first transform coordinates into that space, then mirror and transform back. Use this if there is no mirror registration for the original template. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to ``nat.templatebrains:mirror_brain``. Returns ------- same type as ``x`` Copy of input with transformed coordinates. """ assert transform in ['warp', 'affine', 'flip'] assert mirror_axis in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] # If we go via another brain space if via: # Xform to "via" space xf = xform_brain(x, source=template, target=via) # Mirror xfm = mirror_brain(xf, template=via, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, transform=transform, via=None, **kwargs) # Xform back to original template space xfm_inv = xform_brain(xfm, source=via, target=template) return xfm_inv if isinstance(x, core.NeuronList): if len(x) == 1: x = x[0] else: xf = [] for n in config.tqdm(x, desc='Mirroring', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): xf.append(mirror_brain(n, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, transform=transform, **kwargs)) return core.NeuronList(xf) if not isinstance(x, (core.BaseNeuron, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)): raise TypeError(f'Unable to transform data of type "{type(x)}"') if isinstance(x, core.BaseNeuron): x = x.copy() if isinstance(x, core.TreeNeuron): x.nodes = mirror_brain(x.nodes, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, transform=transform, **kwargs) elif isinstance(x, core.Dotprops): x.points = mirror_brain(x.points, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, transform=transform, **kwargs) # Set tangent vectors and alpha to None so they will be regenerated x._vect = x._alpha = None elif isinstance(x, core.MeshNeuron): x.vertices = mirror_brain(x.vertices, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, transform=transform, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to transform neuron of type '{type(x)}'") if x.has_connectors: x.connectors = mirror_brain(x.connectors, template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, transform=transform, **kwargs) return x elif isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): if any([c not in x.columns for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]): raise ValueError('DataFrame must have x, y and z columns.') x = x.copy() x.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = mirror_brain(x[['x', 'y', 'z']].values.astype(float), template=template, mirror_axis=mirror_axis, transform=transform, **kwargs) return x elif x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Array must be of shape (N, 3).') if not isinstance(template, str): TypeError(f'Expected template of type str, got "{type(template)}"') # We need to convert numpy arrays explicitly if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if rpy2.__version_vector__[0] < 3: x = numpy2ri.py2ro(x) else: x = numpy2ri.py2rpy(x) # It appears we need to fetch the brain template first -> passing the string # causes an error brain = robjects.r(template) xf = nat_templatebrains.mirror_brain(x, brain=brain, mirrorAxis=mirror_axis, transform=transform, **kwargs) return np.array(xf)
def get_brain_template_mesh(x: str) -> core.Volume: """Fetch brain surface model from ``nat.flybrains``, ``flycircuit`` or ``elmr``. Parameters ---------- x : str Name of template brain. For example: 'FCWB', 'FAFB14' or 'JFRC2'. Returns ------- navis.Volume """ if not x.endswith('.surf'): x += '.surf' # Get the brain volume (this is a named list) brain = robjects.r(f'{x}') # Vertices are simply called vertices vertices = data2py(brain[brain.names.index('Vertices')]) # For some reason faces are called "Regions" -> we're using the "first" # region although some meshes might include more than one faces = data2py(brain[brain.names.index('Regions')][0]) # Offset to account for difference in indexing between R (1, 2, 3, ...) # and Python (0, 1, 2, ....) faces -= 1 return core.Volume(vertices=vertices[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values, faces=faces[['V1', 'V2', 'V3']].values, name=x)
[docs] def get_neuropil(x: str, template: str = 'FCWB') -> core.Volume: """Fetch given neuropil from ``nat.flybrains``, ``flycircuit`` or ``elmr``. Parameters ---------- x : str Name of neuropil. template : 'FCWB' | 'FAFB14' | 'JFRC', optional Name of the template brain. Returns ------- navis.Volume """ if not template.endswith(''): template += '' # Get the brain volume (this is a named list) template = robjects.r(f'{template}') reglist = template[template.names.index('RegionList')] # type: ignore # confused by R objects if x not in reglist: raise ValueError('Neuropil not found in this brain. Available ' f'regions: {", ".join(reglist)}') # Get list of faces for desired region regions = template[template.names.index('Regions')] # type: ignore # confused by R objects faces = data2py(regions[regions.names.index(x)]) # type: ignore # confused by R objects # Offset to account for difference in indexing between R (1, 2, 3, ...) # and Python (0, 1, 2, ....) faces -= 1 # Get pre-defined color for this neuropil color = template[template.names.index('RegionColourList')][regions.names.index(x)] # type: ignore # confused by R objects # Get vertices all_vertices = data2py(template[template.names.index('Vertices')]) # type: ignore # confused by R objects # Remove superfluous vertices verts_required = np.unique(faces.values) this_verts = all_vertices.iloc[verts_required] # Reorder and remap - DO NOT use ".index" here! new_map = {int(old)-1: new for old, new in zip(this_verts.index, np.arange(0, this_verts.shape[0]).astype(int))} faces['V1'] = faces['V2'] = faces['V3'] = return core.Volume(vertices=this_verts[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values, faces=faces.values, name=x, color=color)
[docs] def load_rda(fp: str, convert: bool = True): """Load and convert R data file (.rda). This function should be able to deal with the common data types used in the natverse. Parameters ---------- fp : str Filepath to rda file. convert : bool | function If True, will attempt to convert data from R to Python. If ``convert`` is a function, we expect it to accept the raw R data and return the converted. Returns ------- data """ if not isinstance(fp, str): raise TypeError(f'Expected filepath as string, got "{type(fp)}"') if not os.path.isfile(fp): raise ValueError(f'File not found: {fp}') load = robjects.r('load') object_names = load(fp) data = robjects.r(object_names[0]) if convert is True: data = data2py(data) elif callable(convert): data = convert(data) return data